7 Essential SEO Tips For Personal Finance Blogs
March 28, 2018 Comments
There are currently more than 392 million blogs on Tumblr alone. And this number continues to increase every day. If you’re hoping to gain a following on your personal finance blog, you’ll need to integrate smart SEO throughout your site.
Read on to learn the best SEO tips for personal finance blogs:
When you optimize your blog posts for keywords, you shouldn’t stuff as many keywords into your content as possible.
This actually hurts your rankings since search engines are able to see when you’re doing this. Instead, you should focus on answering visitor intent. That means using keywords but in a way that doesn’t feel forced or unnatural.
It’s a good idea to focus on long-tail keywords. That’s because they’re often question-based, which means visitors will be searching for that term. And visitors are seeking information so they’re more likely to read the whole post.
Once you’ve found the right keywords, you’ll need to incorporate them into your posts. That means including them in your:
Meta description
Body & headers
Title tag
Sure, our attention spans continue to shrink. But it turns out that longer blog posts are best for both SEO and readers.
Personal finance blogs should ideally delve deep into a topic, answering questions and providing readers with actionable information. You could be providing information to visitors who are trying to get out of debt, save for their first house, or get prepared for retirement. Aim for long, in-depth blog posts.
It turns out that the longer your blog posts, the greater their chance that they’ll rank highly in the search results.
Content with more than 1,000 words tends to have significantly more shares and links. It also tends to rank higher.
Write readable, scannable blog posts that keep readers hooked by tightening up your paragraphs and sentences. This will ensure that they hang around which will lower your bounce rate (how many people click back to the search results) which is also great for SEO.
Use subheadings and bulleted lists to grab attention. This will mean your posts are easier to read (particularly on tablets and smartphones) and less intimidating.
Linking to other blog posts and pages within your personal finance website will help Google crawl your site. It also helps visitors discover more of your content.
This means that your site will become one of their go-to personal finance blogs for credible, trustworthy information.
Internal links also help keep visitors on your site for longer, which reduces your bounce rate and increases the chance that they’ll sign up for your newsletter.
When you’re linking to pages within your site, make sure your anchor text is natural. Avoid using generic or spammy text like “click here.” Use keywords that show what visitors can expect to see when they click on the link like ‘travel credit cards’, ‘personal loans‘ or ‘Roth IRA.’
Don’t overdo these links, but choose the ones that supplement the point you’re making in each particular post.
Personal finance blogs need to be optimized for mobile. That’s because mobile web browsing has overtaken desktop browsing. People are more likely to land on a blog post while using their smartphone.
Google has adjusted for this and now displays mobile-friendly results at the top of the search results. That means you need to make sure you have a responsive design.
This will ensure you have one URL (instead of one for mobile and one for desktop). That improves SEO since inbound links will only be sent to the one URL.
You’ll also keep your bounce rate low since visitors will be able to easily navigate around your site.
Unlike when you link to a page or blog post on your website, backlinks are when another website is linking to your site from their site.
It’s important to remember that not all links are created equal. Every few months, check out who’s linking to you and who’s linking to your competitors. One great link from a website that has excellent rankings is better than hundreds of links from sites that don’t rank well.
Google can recognize when you’re buying backlinks. This is known as Blackhat SEO, and it used to be popular back before Google changed its algorithm to weed out this dodgy behavior. Whatever you do, never buy backlinks. This can cause your ranking to plummet overnight.
The best way you can get quality backlinks is by writing great content that other bloggers naturally want to share with their readers. For example, other personal finance blogs could link to you if you’ve demonstrated the latest information about buying an investment property or paying off your student loans.
Wondering if you’re doing things right? Google will let you know.
You simply need to check Google Webmaster Tools. For personal finance blogs, this could be something like duplicate descriptions, which makes it difficult for Google to index your content. Or you may need to upload a new sitemap.
Whatever it is, Google Webmaster Tools will tell you exactly what you need to do to fix any problems preventing you from having top-notch SEO.
Sure, Google relies on algorithms to help it figure out where your website should rank. But humans also manually review websites for quality.
These reviewers judge your site based on the search engine’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. This is now available to the public, and well worth a read.
You’ll find E-A-T mentioned several times, which is Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness. Personal finance blogs that demonstrate that their website is credible, and/or the contributors are experts will increase the authority of those blogs.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways that you can improve the SEO for your personal finance blog. This is a hugely popular niche, and people are continually searching for the latest information to help them take control of their finances.
Want to learn more about search engine marketing for your blog? Check out some of our helpful articles today.
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