Family Vacations: Green Mountains

by | Jun 11, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Family Vacations: Green Mountains

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The Green Mountains of Vermont are full of surprises. The historic mountain range is a great place for caving, hiking, skiing and gawking — because that’s what most visitors do: Whether staring at the snow-capped mountain peaks or Vermont’s kaleidoscopic autumn foliage, they gawk, because they must.

The 250-mile-long Green Mountains become the Berkshires to the south in Massachusetts; to the west is Lake Champlain; and to the east are the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The 385,000-acre Green Mountain National Forest is the public’s entry to the mountains. The national forest was formed in 1932 after floods and fires, exacerbated by excessive logging, threatened the region.

Nowadays, people say the Green Mountains boast six seasons — winter, spring, summer, fall, mud (early spring), and Black Fly (late May to late July). Avoid those last two! Autumn is the Green’s peak season: The fiery-hued foliage is unforgettable.

Vermont’s Green Mountains are a great family vacation destination, but they are also one of the nation’s best cliff diving spots. Check out the cliff diving article, video and images at Discovery’s Fearless Planet to learn more.

Address: 231 North Main St. Rutland, VT

Phone: 802/747-6700

Hours of Operation: Dawn – Dusk

Thanks to Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys, the mountain range’s name rings in history. Allen was the guerrilla leader who first fought against the Province of New York and later resisted the British, helping lead Vermont to its brief, 14-year independence starting in 1777. Told by his doctor, “General, I feel the angels are waiting for you,” Allen is said to have replied, “Waiting, are they? Well…let them wait.” If that isn’t Vermont spirit, what is?

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