Quinoa Buddha Breakfast Bowl

by | Dec 20, 2018 | All Great Easy Ways To Save Tax And Good Deductions | 0 comments

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Quinoa Buddha Breakfast Bowl

Buddha bowls are typically full of colorful veggies and brown rice, but since they pack so many nutrients, why not have a buddha bowl for breakfast? We’ve transformed the classic buddha bowl from savory to sweet with the addition of berries, hemp, and warming notes of cinnamon and vanilla.

Instead of brown rice, we’ve included quinoa for a protein boost. While this recipe calls for plain cooked quinoa, we gave it a try with quinoa cooked in bone broth for extra nutrients and it was divine. So, this recipe is as versatile as you want it to be.

You can use warm or cold quinoa for this buddha breakfast bowl — it tastes great either way. We recommend preparing the quinoa beforehand so that you can reduce the time it takes to make this breakfast recipe in the morning.

Quinoa Buddha Breakfast Bowl

This quinoa buddha breakfast bowl turns savory to sweet, with the addition of berries, banana, maple syrup, mint, and warming notes of cinnamon and vanilla.

Gut Friendly | Gluten Free

This quinoa buddha breakfast bowl turns savory to sweet, with the addition of berries, banana, maple syrup, mint, and warming notes of cinnamon and vanilla.


Your daily nutrients

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The information presented on this site is for education purposes only. Kettle and Fire does not provide medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

Quinoa Buddha Breakfast Bowl

Research & References of Quinoa Buddha Breakfast Bowl|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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