Disbelief Hides Prison Walls!

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Disbelief Hides Prison Walls!





In case you’d rather listen, the audio is a little over 8 minutes long.





I sincerely hope what you are about to hear is not true.

A team of scientists working on a secret project of global interest has uncovered what they believe to be a report dispatched from earth to a higher authority beyond our small galaxy.

Our sources have indicated that the report you are about to read is in response to a recent bit of information, regarding the cover up of space flight through the radiation-dense “Van Allen Belt” a short distance from the planet. The following is said to be the translation of the report the scientists managed to intercept nearly six years ago, but have just recently discovered how to decipher the information it contained.

The first part of the report was missed before interception began therefore it begins in mid-thought.



“…however in an effort to ‘gradually’ awaken the inhabitants of earth to the reality of their situation. It was essential to fabricate certain ideologies and myths. First to pull them from their slumber of blindly following command and ritual; to one of a non-present entity yet is all seeing.

Once this was established the illusion of freedom became the next hurdle. Many instruments were used; as in, forms of technology broadening the minds of the inhabitants with a sense of superior qualities, the instruments of war, and science combined, helped accomplish this task, as well as keeping the new-comers to a minimum through duty, therefore moral, destruction, at an age that they are the most impressionable as well as bold with true willingness.

Inhabitants follow willingly to our many experiments; as I am sure you are aware. Yet they express a desire and drive to govern themselves. As un-palatable as this sounds, just now, it may be an important step in the rehabilitation process, or their self-destruction.

The council has been informed that certain classified information about planet earth has become known among the inhabitants, but is not yet accepted by most.

The inhabitants are expressing an early potential for the true thinking and are aware that they have a limited experience on the planet that doesn’t fit the way they are made; quite simply many know they have the capacity for considerably longer life than is allotted them. They further know that much of their brain is locked and that their capacity for understanding is likely enormous. A few of them have been able to unlock some portions of their brain, but at this point, exploit such abilities at the edge of disbelief to the amazement of some and the rebuke of many of their fellow inmates.

It is this observer’s opinion that the inhabitants of earth may be becoming aware of the truth. It is further this observer’s opinion that it may yet, be to early, as many inmates continue their destructive habits even with the rudimentary abilities and limited progress they are permitted.

The more recent discovery by a few on this planet of what they call the “Van Allen Belt” has instilled a sense of urgency in two of my fellow observers as well as myself, insofar as we think it is wise to divert attention away from the perimeter gate they call the “Van Allen Belt” to other issues concerning their immediate circumstances and the state of personal welfare upon the planets surface.

It is our concern that should they realize the true nature of the planet earth as a disguised penal colony for this quadrant, they may also discover how to fully unlock their prison and continue with even more vigor the destructive process they had originally embarked upon before their incarceration into our people’s primitive form.

I beg the council’s indulgence to call a meeting of observers, so a more energetic plan may be formulated to slow the process, before further awakenings can take place ahead of schedule.”

*    *    *    *    *


The observer sending this report is unknown, but we suspect he may appear as one of us. In a position of moderate standing that has a unique and intimate perspective of how a large number of us live our lives right down to the items we take to the curb.






Towels folded on the towel bar


I didn’t get this lesson in the usual way granddaughters are given lessons from their grandmothers. Mine was a hard realization that changed my perspective on what people do with the lessons they learn. It sharpened my skill of observation when I revisit the people I’ve taught. It trained me to see more clearly the genius in them, to use what they are given, to make what they have work for them. A trait my grandmother didn’t have but passed on to me none-the-less.


In case you’d rather listen, the audio is a little under 8 minutes long.




My Grandmother, God rest her soul. She taught me how to fold towels so they hang nice on the towel bar.

Her method is to lay them out flat then fold the sides to the center to make a nice crisp tri-fold,  that wouldn’t have any edges showing except at the ends where the pretty detail could be displayed, then fold lengthwise half way to put on the towel bar. Then for putting them into the linen closet she instructed me to fold them in half then in half again keeping the trifold intact for quick delivery to the bathroom towel bar after cleaning and collecting the old dirty ones for the laundry.


I studiously adopted her method and have been folding my towels as she instructed my whole young life. Proud of how beautiful they hang on my towel bar. So even though over the years the edges fray just a little and a thread or two peeks out, no one notices because my grandmother showed me how to make them look crisp and new.


I was folding the towels, just as she showed me, on a day she happened to be visiting. As she watched me work she started looking a little agitated, and then finally she asked, who taught me to fold towels like that. I proudly exclaimed that she did. She got all red faced and pursed her lips; “I never showed you that, it’s not how I fold towels.” I stood there with such a blank look on my face, and then she went on. “I never taught you to wrap the towel around the front of you like an apron letting the edges just flop over.” That should have made me laugh, but it didn’t, I was devastated, it hurt my feelings so much that she couldn’t see the basic lesson was still there and the outcome of a neat crisp towel on the towel bar had been accomplished.


Pink and sage green bath towel wrapped around my body as a surface for folding.

Second Fold




Although I tried to argue with her, she couldn’t see how I could be right. Because in actuality she didn’t teach me to wrap the towel around my body, she taught me to use a flat surface. I had to adapt her method to the situation I found myself in most frequently when I was doing the laundry. Either the surfaces were too small, or already taken up by folded laundry, or other things. So rather than trying to move everything to fold 3 or 4 towels I just used the only surface available at the time… me.


If she hadn’t seen me folding towels that day she never would have known that I adapted her method of folding towels, and she would have continued to smile when she saw the pretty towels hanging in my clean bathroom.


Now I think to myself how sad it is that people are so set in their ways or methods of doing things that the adaptations one has to make, to accomplish the same goal, is met with such disappointment or hostility that it taints what should have been a beautiful memory, in this case, of a lesson taught by a grandmother to her granddaughter, for the rest of their lives.


I do laugh now, but by the same token, it has taught me another lesson. It taught me that as I go through life teaching people how to do things, I keep in mind that they may need to make adjustments or adaptations to get the same results. So I can be content that the core lesson is still intact, and I can be prouder still, that they can think for themselves, and that they thought enough of what I taught them to keep it and just change it enough, to make it work for them and their situation.


Thank you Grandma, I love you.


Okay you may be wondering what’s the difference between change and adapt, well the dictionary description says it concisely.

As verbs the difference between change and adapt

…is that change is to become something different while adapt is to make suitable; to make to correspond; to fit or suit; to proportion.











What if… Adam was pulled from Eve through her throat, making Adam the inside out of Eve? Dividing the one into two, but opposite beings. Then perhaps, God, did a little manipulative sculpting, putting the internal reproductive organs on the outside of the body in two parts, the ovaries, and fallopian tubes toward the back for seed production, and the canal with the cervix on the end to the front for seed delivery, which left the uterus sort of squished and suspended at the base of the pelvic floor between the pubic bones about half way outside the body. God’s not wasteful so it became the prostate, and then filled in the canal with the endometrium that in the woman was used for child bearing.


The breasts had to go somewhere so Adam was stretched wider at the chest and shoulders to make room inside for the extra bulk, and the muscles that once held them up now holds them in. The nipples remain as a reminder of his origin, and their connection to the sustainability of life, and as such he is endowed with all their sensitivities, but since he is now Eve’s opposite, he is spared the burden of producing milk.


Now Adam was a mess and raw from the experience, so God took pity and proceeded to fix him up smooth out all the bumpy sensitive bits, wrapping him in tough skin layers and amped up the testosterone so he’d be warmer which also negated the cyclic schedule that is still the nature of Eve. With ovaries, and fallopian tubes all on the outside now, and the uterus nearly so, there was some wasted space in the pelvic area, so God in her infinite wisdom decided to stretch up and narrow down the pelvic and hip bones; he wouldn’t be birthing babies anyway, so why not make Eve a little more comfortable when he does his husbandly duties. Oh and God left the tiny lump at Adams throat as proof of where she held him as she worked.


Though this is fantasy, anyone who has had Anatomy and Physiology, and can forget about all the different dogmas surrounding creation for a second or two, can see how this might be. It is true that all fetuses start their growth as female. They do not start masculinization until 10 weeks, which is complete at about 12 to 14 weeks.

As we have discovered over the years the seed of Adam struggles to enter inside the seed of Eve, essentially going back into his origin, which, when things are just right produces another being.





Raised in bed holding foot and leg that is in cramp or spasm

Drawing muscle and curling my toe’s upward in a type of spasm.
I sometimes get a leg cramp that goes up and down the outside front of my lower leg and into my foot that attempts to twist and curl my foot up kind of sideways, sort of leading with the second to last and little toes. The muscles and tendon get so tight that I think they are going to rip.


While sometimes I can release it by standing and walking on it for a few minutes it usually comes back when I try to go back to sleep, or worse, I get to sleep and it comes back and wakes me up, again.


I have heard of Magnesium for this problem as a nutritional remedy, but it didn’t work for me, in fact it seemed to make the problem worse. So in my thinking it must be something else.



For me it is an overwork situation too, I’m sure. I am on my feet for long periods, mopping, sweeping, and washing tables, so when I’ve had several days off and then go back to work, the first day or two seems to be the days I have the problem. It’s especially troublesome if I’ve spent a lot of my time off, sitting at the computer writing, or just sitting in general. I think I may be restricting the circulation to my lower legs and feet. And since I’ve gotten older it’s not as easy to protect the nerves in my tailbone area while I sit, or maybe I just sit longer. I’m sure there’s more than one cause at play here.


At any rate I didn’t want to use Motrin, or Alieve, or Tylenol, or even Aspirin. I don’t think any of those things are good for my system, even if they would work. I think it would be like hiding the underlying cause for a little while, instead of actually doing anything about it, and possibly causing more trouble in the long run, because those NSAIDS inhibit regenerative processes by alleviating one of its triggers, inflammation.


I further think that inflammation is a call for nutrients, and it’s our job to figure out what they are, and one way to do that is to pay attention to what we crave even if we think it’s bad for us to crave it like meats, or chocolate, or bacon, or milk. Or maybe it’s something we’ve never tried before like kale, or turnip or something exotic that we just happen to see, or think about. Avocado just came to mind, yum. It’s high in good fats, magnesium and potassium.


All foods have a nutrient profile with one or two nutrients being really high in that food. Meats are high in protein and B vitamins, and if cooked with the bone in, minerals and calcium are high with the added benefit of having the fat to absorb those minerals better. Bones are the best most complete source of calcium, phosphorus, collagen and other nutrients for so many life processes. Green leafy vegetable on the other hand are high in Magnesium. So paying attention to the types of food you crave makes a lot of sense. By the way craving Ice Cream and Donuts may signal a fat craving if you aren’t getting enough in your diet.


I finally discovered that it was calcium that was missing. I don’t have an allergy to milk but it does cause some issues with breathing for me. So I made a calcium drink from egg shells, which contain the most digestible form of calcium for humans, Calcium Carbonate. I retained the white membrane inside the shells because it is the same tissue that is used for making connective tissue like hair, tendons, and cartilage. I used apple cider vinegar to dissolve the powdered egg shell, see the recipe below. It takes about an hour or two to dissolve the powder and it really doesn’t all dissolve but enough does for digestion, you can add water and let the larger particles settle a bit if the graininess bothers you, but you’ll reduce the calcium some. Just drink it down or add it to your smoothie. The acid in your stomach will finish dissolving the egg shell. It really works for the leg cramps that are not alleviated by Magnesium alone. Not to mention they are free because you normally just throw egg shells away as waste.

Egg shells drying, vinegar fizzing with egg shell powder.Egg Shell Powder Starting to Fizz


I save my shells by washing out the extra egg white clinging to the inside of the shell, and letting it dry on a paper towel or paper plate, then I store them in a large plastic bag until I have enough to crush into smaller pieces.


I drop the saved shells into boiling water for about five minutes then take them out with a slotted spoon and let them sit like over-turned bowels until thoroughly dry. I forgot to mention this in my little podcast thing.


I put the boiled, dried shells into a glass jar and crush them down into smaller pieces and save them ‘til I have enough to run through the coffee grinder. You can use them at this point but it might take a couple hours to dissolve the egg shell in vinegar.


I further crush them with a mortar and pestle to make a finer powder so they dissolve quickly; about an hour or so.


I save the powdered shells in a small jelly jar to use when I need them.


I will sometimes just moisten my finger and get some of the powdered egg shell and put it in my mouth a few times in the middle of the night if I’m awakened by a leg cramp. It’s amazing how quick it works. Like it’s absorbed by the membranes in your mouth before it gets to your stomach. I think your body knows that the nutrients it needs are coming so it stops having its little temper tantrum. Soon, you can comfortably go back to sleep. If they are really bad and you want to be sure they stay gone, make this drink.


1/8 th teaspoon of powderd egg shell

1 to 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar

1 small juice glass

Later, enough water to finish filling the glass


Combine the egg shell calcium with the vinegar, it should start foaming in a minute or so, if you put it near your ear you can hear the active foaming.


After the foaming stops, add enough water to fill the rest of the glass.


You can add little honey or a little fruit juice to make it more palatable.


Eat a piece of buttered (real butter, not margarine) toast with it to help your body absorb the minerals, or you can take a teaspoon of good fresh olive oil, or eat a piece of avocado. Some kind of good fat will help you absorb the mineral into your system.


I found the following YouTube video while I was verifying some of my data. The guy talks kind of fast but he has good show notes for clarification. Through this video and other websites I have discovered that I may have been experiencing Tetany, a condition characterized by low calcium or at least the calcium ions, even if my blood tests didn’t show a low calcium level in my blood. As I read through other articles on Tetany I discovered that I do likely get bouts of Tetany, even the tingling and wheezing I experience in other parts of my body are some of its symptoms.


I have a work situation that exposes me to high heat and humidity, and strenuous prolonged activity that overtaxes my muscles and causes profuse sweating. It is a good possibility that Tetany is the result. I will be checking with my doctor to confirm.

Tetany | Causes | Signs | Treatment, Jul 24, 2018



My comment on that subject:

“In addition to the vomiting a person might be in a work situation where profuse sweating does occur, as in working in a kitchen, or dish cleaning room where a lot of steam is produced through various machines and boilers. Prolonged sweating in hot and/or humid conditions will also deplete needed minerals through the skin, and cause muscle cramps and breathing issues. So, I have just learned that it is called Tetany. I have been treating my muscle cramps with egg shell calcium that I make myself dissolved in a small amount of apple cider vinegar, then I add water sometimes a bit of honey for a palatable drink that I have with a slice of buttered toast for better absorption. Fats improve the absorption of minerals.” (Added in this text) …and I am sure that the honey, or rather, the glucose portion of honey, has an effect too.


Okay, I had to look up the difference between Tetany and Tetanus (the infection), So I found out that tetany is one of the symptoms of tetanus, the infection causes a lack of inhibition to the neurons that supply muscles, “tetanic contractions” are a broad range of muscle contractions; physiologic tetanus. It seems to happen all over the body not just in localized areas like I have been writing about in this article.


Nutrient Broth, Bone Broth




This next link is a long scientific article on the effects of NSADS but it is very thorough, it contains lots of images and charts that help make the information more understandable. The abstract at the top of the page is, in itself, very informative.

“The Acceleration of Articular Cartilage Degeneration in Osteoarthritis by Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs”, By Ross A. Hauser, MD, Journal of Prolotherapy. 2010;(2)1:305-322

A Publication of Regenerative Medicine Techniques



1024px-Saint_Brigid's_crossSaint Bridgid’s Cross for Saint Bridgid’s Day, the Start of Imbolic season, or in America, Groundhog Day

It is still an exciting time when we dream of spring and all the new growth, of both plant and animal, and most of all the growing daylight of longer days!

Cabin fever remains the prominent malady. We long to bask in the warm rays of the sun and ready the fields and gardens for summer planting. We welcome the return of hens to laying their eggs, calves growing to be born for market or harvest, and the fresh wild greens just about to pop out of the earth and grace our table with nutritious delights.

To celebrate the world coming back to life and as protection from fire, hunger and evil.

One of the Celtic symbols was the St Bridgid’s Cross. A solar cross depicting the four seasons using Rushes, a hollow evergreen perennial plant resembling grass. Follow this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRi89vnzF5w,  for a good tutorial video, and brief summary of its history. For the, text, history of Imbolic, follow this link, https://www.claddaghdesign.com/special-days/all-about-imbolc/

Horsetail Rush, or Puzzle Grass for Saint Bridgid’s Cross

The only Rushes I am able to obtain, at my present knowledge of the area, Central Missouri, is what the locals call “Puzzle Grass”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equisetum_hyemale. Puzzle grass refers to the whole genus of PuzzeGrassEquisetum, but for my purpose here the E. hyemale, or rough horsetail is the one I am using. It has the hollow stem of the rushes and is referred to as Horsetail Rush, http://www.waterfordgardens.com/Reeds-and-Rushes-Hardy-Bog-Plants-sc-239.html, this works for the Bridgid’s cross that I want to make to celebrate the coming of spring. What we currently refer to as Groundhog Day here in the United States.

I was going to make a new post, and perhaps I will later. I made my Bridged’s Cross out of the Puzzle Grass, and it turned out to be easier than I thoughB Cross-Rushes-02at it would.

B Cross-Rushes-01a

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Disbelief Hides Prison Walls!

Research & References of Disbelief Hides Prison Walls!|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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Disbelief Hides Prison Walls!

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