We’re the “No Panic” Community

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We’re the “No Panic” Community

The news has been full of talk about the coronavirus these days; so have prepping websites.

It seems that this pandemic has really captured the imaginations of people around the world. Between the speed that the disease is spreading and the way the mortality rate is climbing, I really don’t blame anyone for their concern. But that’s not to say that I’m going to join any sort of panic, such as what it looks like the mainstream news wants to create.

That panic is manifesting itself in people
buying masks by the hundreds. I’ve looked around my community, just from
curiosity, and can’t find masks anywhere. I’m not just talking about medical
masks, you can’t buy dust masks or respirators either. Even toilet paper is
becoming hard to find, as people stock up on it. Toilet paper?

By and large, fear or panic comes from not
knowing what to do. That’s the opposite of who you and I are. We’re the ones
who are prepared for disaster, so know what to do when it comes. We don’t have
any reason to panic, because we have trained ourselves.

Recently I was at my workshop when there were a major gas leak and explosion a few blocks away. My wife, who works for the city, heard (and could see) the explosion from her office in City Hall and called me, nearly in a panic because it was so close to my workshop. There was an order from the city’s Emergency Operations Center for people to shelter in place, so she advised me to lock myself in my car.

Well, I got in my car to avoid the gas, but I didn’t shelter in place. Calmly assessing the situation, I decided that it made more sense to clear the area than it did to stay where I was. Looking on Google Maps, I quickly determined the quickest way to clear the area and took off. By the time she called me back, a few minutes later, I was outside the police perimeter at a safe distance from the gas leak.

What was the difference between my wife’s reaction and mine? I’m trained in survival and she’s not. We haven’t been married all that long, so I haven’t had a chance to bring her up to speed yet. We’re working on it. I don’t blame her for her reaction, because she didn’t have the training to mitigate the fear.

My first wife never really learned how to
overcome that fear. That was always a problem for her when it came to prepping.
She prepared out of fear, which was problematic. It meant that she only
prepared when she was afraid of something, rather than as a way of life.
Because she was afraid, she could only work on preparations for a short while,
before the fear overcame her and she had to quit. Things that were in her area
of responsibility didn’t get done and what did get done was haphazard.

At least part of the reason for that was
that she looked at prepping only as having the stuff we needed to have, in
order to survive. She never bothered to learn any survival skills. She couldn’t
even start a fire. Rather, she was depending on me for everything, instead of
learning it herself.

Applying this to the coronavirus or to any other potential situation, we should fall back on our training, rather than becoming afraid of whatever the media is hyping this week or next. There is a solution to just about everything if we take the time to learn our survival skills and to think things through.

Have you ever noticed… not all crises are created equal? I realize that’s a bit facetious, but I see too many people trying to treat them all the same. No matter what the crisis, they do the same things to get ready for it. That’s bad enough when it’s all those unprepared people out there; but when it’s happening amongst us, I get concerned.

I live in a hurricane zone, so I’m used to seeing people prepare for a hurricane. There are certain things you can count on the local Wal-Mart running out of; flashlights, bottled water, tarps, and some food items, like Strawberry Pop-Tarts. I’m not sure why Pop-Tarts sell out before a hurricane, but apparently it’s a thing. Our friends at Wal-Mart have figured that out and stock up on them before every hurricane.

But why would anyone need flashlights,
tarps and bottled water to survive a pandemic? I don’t know of any disease,
save a computer virus, that’s likely to shut down the electrical power. Yet
people are buying as if they are expecting the power to go out.

That’s bad enough amongst the unprepared, but I’m seeing a form of it within the prepping and survival community as well. It’s a bit different, but it’s there. With us, it takes the form of acting like we’re preparing for a long-term disaster, rather than a short-term one.

Granted, prepping has evolved into
preparing for long-term disasters. Part of that is the awareness of some of the
major risks we face. Another part is that in preparing for long-term disasters,
we are also prepared for short term ones as well. The same preps will work.
We’ll just be coming out of “survival mode” sooner; that’s all.

Even so, there’s really no reason for
stocking up on MREs or toilet paper in preparation for a pandemic. Should a
general quarantine be called for (which I doubt), then the most it will last is
30 days. Coronavirus has a 2 to 14 day incubation period, with the worst
possible outlier being 27 days. So a total quarantine of 30 days makes it
impossible for any new cases to appear. Once the 30 days are over, life goes
back to normal.

Chances of the power going out or our water
supplies being disrupted because of the disease are minimal. About the only way
that could happen is if every employee of our local power company or water
utility were to come down with the disease simultaneously and be hospitalized. Even
then, I imagine others would come in and keep those services running.

Keep in mind that the mortality rate of
coronavirus isn’t like Ebola. While it is considerably worse than the flu,
according to the numbers of fatalities versus those who have recovered, the
worst case is 6% and that’s in China. Currently, the WHO (World Health
Organization) is stating a mortality rate of 3.4%. So at its worst, the
coronavirus can’t come close to being a TEOTWAWKI event.

With a maximum potential quarantine of 30
days and minimal chance of disruption of utilities, the coronavirus is a
short-term survival situation, in my book, not a long-term one. That’s the way
I’m treating it. What does that mean? A number of things.

To start with, I have no intention of getting into my survival stockpile, other than the possibility of hazardous materials suits, gloves, and masks, if it turns out that I need them. I have enough food in my pantry to last 30 days, so I don’t need to use my stockpile. About all I’m going to do is make sure my freezer is full of meat.

There are two reasons I’m thinking of using
the hazardous materials suits, gloves and masks in my stockpile, rather than
buying any. The first is that they were bought for such a situation; so it is
appropriate to use them at this time. The second is that people are going
crazy, buying these items, which has driven prices up considerably. I don’t
want to pay those prices. It’s better to use what I have and replace it later.

I know that sounds a bit strange; but
remember, the chances of losing power in the midst of a pandemic are no
different than they are any other time of year. So there is little risk of my
losing that meat. All I’m really doing anyway is just bringing it back up to
full. The freezer works more efficiently when full, so I normally keep it that
way anyway.

As for water, I expect to continue using tap water. I filter all my water anyway, running drinking through my own filter system anyway. Our water here has a high mineral content, so I find that filtering it helps the taste. We’ve also had a couple of “boil water advisories” in the last year, where government authorities recommend that consumers boil their tap water before drinking it because normal testing found the tap water to be contaminated with pathogens. With that potential risk, I’ve decided that all our drinking water will pass through my system.

Other than the meat in the freezer, the one
thing I did to stock up was to buy some more hand sanitizer. While I have hand
sanitizer in my stockpile, I recognize that I will be going through more of it
in the upcoming months, than normal. My wife and I will both be using it every
time our hands have contact with anything or anyone outside our homes, as a
precaution. While we do that a lot anyway, just to avoid catching the flu,
we’re going to up our game a bit.

Keeping your hands clean is actually the best thing you can do to help prevent yourself from catching the coronavirus or any other contagious disease. More people catch these from touching contaminated surfaces (including other people’s hands) and then touching their food or their face than any other way. It’s a whole lot more effective than wearing a mask.

Do you see what I’m doing here? I’m taking care of what I need to, based upon a realistic evaluation of the situation, not as a reaction to what is going on or what the news is saying. There’s no reason to panic, so I’m not bothering to do so. I’m just taking care of business like I need to.

Should things turn out differently than I’m
saying, I still have my long-term stockpile to fall back on. I don’t expect to
need it, but it’s there if I do. But as it is, other than that hazardous
materials gear, I can make it through whatever I need to, without having to
depend on it.

This way, I also manage to keep my stockpile intact, in case the current situation is followed by another, more serious, event. At some point in time, I’ll probably have to use that stockpile, but the longer I can keep it intact, the better off it is for me and for my family. We won’t find ourselves in the situation of having already used up the things we need to have, in order to survive.

Bill White is the author of Conquering the Coming Collapse, and a former Army officer, manufacturing engineer and business manager. More recently, he left the business world to work as a cross-cultural missionary on the Mexico border.
Bill has been a survivalist since the 1970s, when the nation was in the latter days of the Cold War. He had determined to head into the Colorado Rockies, should Washington ever decide to push the button. While those days have passed, the knowledge Bill gained during that time hasn’t. He now works to educate others on the risks that exist in our society and how to prepare to meet them.
You can send Bill a message at editor [at] survivopedia.com.

Great article Bill. Level-headed and appropriate advice given for the situation. I have a 1 year toddler so we grabbed a few more things for him. My father is 70 and had a few needs different than ours.

This, like you said, isn’t the SHTF scenario we (as a community) have prepared for. If this morphs into something longer-term; we are ready for that as well.

Looking at the global picture, we are faced with possible military threats from the UN, China and Russia, as well as possibly a false flag EMP to be blamed on North Korea and now the virus. All of these threats are heightened if the nation is in a weakened state. It’s hard to ignore these threats and just consider the virus vs. American citizens alone.

Good practical article. The problem with too many people is that they never buy more than two items of anything for their pantry and then immediately panic when something like this comes along. I still do not understand the issue with toilet paper but maybe people should consider one large package of tissue and a box of Immodium. Hopefully, common sense will get us through this problem but it may serve as a wake up call to people as to how quickly something can spiral out of control.

GOOD Article, Bill ! Just short, sweet, and to the point. If I may, just some comments which I believe are Very Important. 1.) Soft, white spring wheat (generally for baking flour) provides from 12 to 15 percent protein content, when Organically grown. The GMO version will give you Maybe 4-5 % – Plus a Huge dose of glyphosate (Roundup) ! 2.) Any Grain ground well Before you use it loses a Lot of nutrients – they are Completely Gone ! 3.) Nearly All commercially packaged rice grown in the USA is now GMO. Wave “Bye-bye” to the vital nutrients you needed. 4.) Limit your selection of legumes (dry beans, field peas) to these (In Order of nutrient value) – Garbonzos (“chick peas”), lentils, brown dry beans, European field peas, plus other heirloom dry beans and peas. NO GMOs !, NO Green beans (Zero nutrition), NO store-bought peas (sprayed with toxins),, and NO processed beans of any kind. 5.) Carrots have minimal nutrition – try Parsnips and Rutabagas – Delicious ! 6.) REMEMBER – ANY Processed/ packaged foods are terribly Adulterated and “Toxified”.

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