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Review of face shields and information about face shields to help protect against coronavirus (COVID-19). If properly made and worn, face shields provide extra protection for close interactions with individual who may be infected.

How to make COVID-19 masks from materials at home that can be almost as effective as surgical mask and N-95 masks.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tests: Where to get COVID-19 tests, including information about free testing, home testing and more. Information about SARS-CoV-2 virus tests, antibody tests and FDA approved tests.

Find out if heat kills the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 infection. Learn what temperature kills the coronavirus and more. ConsumerLab explains.

UV light is promoted as an effective and convenient alternative to chemical disinfectants, but can it work against the coronavirus? Learn the the pros and cons and see our reviews and comparisons of popular UV devices on the market.

Pepcid (famotidine) was reported to improve outcomes in people with COVID-19 in China. But is there evidence that Pepcid really helps to treat COVID-19? ConsumerLab’s answer explains.

Information about catching the coronavirus from supplements from China, plus info on contamination with heavy metals like lead and more. ConsumerLab’s answer explains.

Tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Tips from ConsumerLab members for maintaining physical health, mental health and social well-being during COVID-19.

Find out if portable air cleaners can remove the virus that causes COVID-19 infection from the air and learn which type air cleaners work best. ConsumerLab explains.

Best pulse oximeter for home use (COVID-19, asthma and COPD). Differences between home use and FDA-approved medical pulse oximeters.

Some, including the doctors at the Eastern Virginia Medical School (Math+ protocol), recommend taking Quercetin plus Zinc together both as a prophylactic measure Against COVID-19, and also to stop virus replication once infected. Many also note that Quercetin is an ionophore of Zinc, which theoretically should help zinc penetrate the outer lipid layer of a virus and stop it from replicating.

Do you have an opinion about this?

There is some preliminary research to support this theory (;; however, more research, including clinical trials, are needed to determine if there is really a benefit.

I am a new subscriber, and am very impressed by the amount of apparently unbiased information and data available, and also happy to see that you answer questions and comments. On the other hand, I was surprised to see you recommending vitamin D blood levels of 20 to 30 ng/mL, not to exceed 39 ng/mL. I recommend you get in touch with The Grassroots Health Nutrient Research Institute. Their primary focus is on Vitamin D, and represent an international panel of 48 of the top Vitamin D researchers in the world. ( Based on a hundreds of studies (available on their website) these scientists recommend maintaining vitamin D serum levels between 40 and 60 ng/mL. These scientists also explain why the RDA is off by a factor of 10, and have petitioned to have it corrected. However, that would require the National Academies and the FDA to acknowledge they made a mistake, making this very unlikely to happen despite the impact on people’s health.

As discussed in our Vitamin D Supplements Review (, the GrassrootsHealth study is not a scientifically valid study. We encourage you to read more about it.


There is some evidence that andrographis may help reduce symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (colds) (, and some researchers have theorized, based on a computer modeling study, that it may inhibit an enzyme produced by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 ( However, there does not appear to be any research investigating the effects of andrographis supplementation in people with COVID-19.

Given the computer modeling study, one would think it would be worth looking into andrographis as a supplement that might reduce viral load or have a prophylactic quality. From what I read in Consumerlab, andrographis alone, or in combination with other substances, is often taken to prevent respiratory inflections in Nordic countries. I wonder if there have been any studies of Covid-19 infection rates in those countries.

What about probiotics?

As noted in the “Probiotics” section our answer above, there is some very preliminary evidence that certain probiotics may have anti-viral effects, but there is no direct evidence to date that they may prevent or treat COVID-19. Similarly, the correspondence in The Lancet that you’ve shared notes “To date, the rationale for using probiotics in COVID-19 is derived from indirect evidence. Blind use of conventional probiotics for COVID-19 is not recommended until we have further understanding of the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 and its effect on gut microbiota. ” We will add information about results from a clinical trial using probiotics (discussed above) if they are published.

Has anyone looked into Serrapeptase or other enzymes in the treatment of Covid? I think it might help with the clotting problem and possibly with inflammation.

We are not aware of any studies investigating serrapeptase for preventing or treating COVID-19. You can find more information about serrapeptase here

There are a few more studies you should add to your info on vitamin D & COVID-19, notably: Raharusun et al, “Patterns of COVID-19 mortality and vitamin D: An Indonesian study” SSRN, 2020, which is much larger than the observational studies you currently cite, n=780, includes fatality as the endpoint, and features a model controlling for age, sex, & comorbidities. And also Davies et al, “Evidence supports a causal model for vitamin D in COVID-19 outcomes” medRxiv, 2020, which builds a causal model that specifically counters the common correlation-is-no-causation criticism.

We have reviewed those studies but they have significant limitations/weaknesses. The study in Indonesia lacks basic information about the researchers’ credentials and affiliations and the second study is largely theoretical.

For several years I have been following Dr. Mercolas advise about which fish to consume. He has repeatedly advised his audience to eat either sardines, anchovies or wild Alaskan Salmon. In his opinion all others are polluted.

For tests of canned tuna and salmon, including tests for toxic heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic, see our Review of Canned Tuna and Salmon:

In regards to Tea Tree oil, I use toothpicks made from “birch wood trees treated with Tea Tree oil”. Should I be concerned?

Please see the Poison Control Center’s advice on oral use of tea tree oil (linked to in the answer above).

Some elders and/or people feeling unwell with colds, flu or corona C19 experience digestive complaints either throat, tummy or intestinal. As I remember nutrition and dietary studies, a few foods are great soothers. Also good sources of trace minerals: white and yam potatoes, white or brown rice, bananas (or 1/2 or even 1/4 of a fruit, not too ripe), wholesome toast and crackers with not too much oil content. Cooking a good sized pot of rice, maybe half white, half brown, with a few beans added, along with some boiled veggies like zucchini or broccoli or yellow squash make a good meal. I add a multivitamin with minerals before the meal while I’m cooking, or some calcium supplement with vitamin D3, even a few raisins for the meal later in the day. Just a plain cup of tea smells great and feels good to me when under the weather or tired. My supplements aren’t more than the daily allowance and I really have better digestion after I take the multi. Sometimes some elderberry juice or apple juice or fresh orange or limeade along with the meal. The meal can also be made into soup, either heavy or light, with the fruit eaten as a snack early or late in the day. Oral supplements really do feel like they improve my digestion.


Silly question…Is it better to take the vitamins recommended or supplement- individually or can one just take “Top Pick Multi-vitamin” daily, that has all of the recommended vitamins in one pill? Sorry if the question is a little confusing. I’m just trying to figure out what’s the best way to go. Buying individually or just buying a multivitamin – would it have the same effect?

Thanks in advance!

A multivitamin can be a good option if you are worried you are not getting adequate amounts of essential nutrients from your diet. Nutrient requirements can vary by age and gender, so it’s important to choose a multivitamin that suits your needs. See our Top Picks for multivitamins for seniors, men, women (including prenatal vitamins), and children

However, if you are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral, such as vitamin D, calcium, or iron, it may be best (and more cost effective) to select a single ingredient supplement that will provide the dose that you need and that can be taken at a different time than other vitamins and minerals. For example, if you are deficient in iron, it’s important to know that some multivitamins do not contain iron, or contain high doses of other minerals, such as calcium, that could reduce the absorption of iron (see

Also see

Your article states that “Tea tree oil is poisonous if swallowed. It should never be taken orally”. However tea tree oil is an ingredient in a number of mouthwashes. Since a person will invariably ingest a bit of any mouthwash, Is this a potential problem?

Hi Stan – It does seem likely that a small amount of tea tree oil could be swallowed if using tea tree oil mouthwash. The National Capital Poison Center advises: “Tea tree oil should NOT be taken by mouth for any reason, even though some traditional uses include tea tree oil as a mouthwash, treatment for bad breath, and treatment of toothache and mouth ulcers.” (

I used it…it didn’t do much; therefore I side with ConsumerLab’s expertise on this one; Tea Tree oil doesn’t seem to be able to render Covid19 … CoronaVirus …finished and useless!

I have a small bottle of tea tree oil that I occasionally put a drop of the oil on a Kleenex and leave it in the bathroom for a few minutes before disposing of the Kleenex. When I first got the bottle open it was so strong that I later realized that taking a pet bird into the room where the bottle was open caused nausea and vomiting in the pet. It was organic, but some of these oils are more concentrated than they would be from a cup of tea for instance that had a napkin soaked in it and used for cleansing. The oil we have in stores today is quite strong in my opinion, and I have refrained from using it on my person. There are some excellent cleansers for surfaces that are used in avian science. One we like is a Cleansing Gele made by OxyFresh. Safe for small animal cage cleaning, hands and sinks, it can be left on the surface cleansed for 4 minutes proved to make surfaces safe from viruses. If washed off well it cleanses bowls and water dishes, etc., making them safe from contamination. It can be left on the hands or body for a minute safely.

Thank you for sharing this. We’ve added safety information about essential oils use and pet birds in the answer above.

I am wondering about Oregano in the fight against COVID-19?

Hi Karen – We’ve added information about oregano oil in the Essential Oils section of the answer above.

…also didn’t work! sorry; it did not work for me against Covif19; CoronaVirus

What is non emulsified oregano oil? My husband uses NOW oregano softgels daily, and I use Natural Factors drops when I start getting a sore throat or feeling under the weather, and it helps quite a bit, often stopping whatever was starting.

Hi Diane – Emulsified oil is one that has been broken down into smaller droplets, which can, potentially, improve it’s absorption. Non-emulsified oil has not undergone this process.

Hi Faren12594, Do you have long term impact from Covid? Did you try Serrapeptase Enzyme? or probiotics?

Are there any studies regarding Olive Leaf and corona viruses?

Hi Laura – We’ve added information about olive leaf extract in the answer above.

Wondering if you have any info on olive leaf extract as an antiviral and possibly helpful with the Corona Virus? Thanks for working hard to filter through available information to find what can most accurately be called “true”.

Hi Helen – We’ve added information about olive leaf extract in the answer above.

Aren’t bananas an excellent sources of Potassium?

Hi Curt – Yes, bananas are also a good source of potassium and many other foods, like kidney beans, are even richer in potassium. See the ConsumerTips section of the Potassium Supplements Review for more about getting potassium from foods:

Quoting from the article you linked when you said that melatonin has NOT been shown to decrease with increasing age in healthy individuals:
“With some exceptions [304,305], the age-associated decline of melatonin has been repeatedly reported [306–311] and usually overlaps with age-related impairment of the immune system.”
“Based on the experimental data that have been accumulated and considering its lack of toxicity [321], high lipophilicity and great capacity to prevent cell damage [167], melatonin is one of the most attractive agents that has been investigated in relation to age-associated deterioration of the immune system and should be considered as a potential agent to improve quality of life in a rapidly aging population.”

The article doesn’t directly address the question of whether or not melatonin levels diminish with age in healthy individuals, if fact, it seems to indirectly disagree with your statement. You might think that “age-related impairment of the immune system” is not “healthy” or “normal” aging, but to support that argument you would need literature that demonstrates a “healthy” aging population whose immune systems are virtually as strong in advanced age as they were in youth. I haven’t seen such a study.

Perhaps this is just a semantic issue: the definition of “normal” or “healthy” aging. Most, if not all of us, are at increased risk for most diseases as we age. I would suggest that this represents “normal” aging and perhaps even “healthy” aging by current standards. If there are individuals who somehow buck this trend and maintain youthful immune systems and youthful melatonin levels into their 80s and 90s, that’s valuable and exciting data, but I would NOT use such outliers as the healthy norm when discussing melatonin with the aging public.

If you read the referenced articles you will see that there is a study that provides exactly the evidence you are asking about — showing that healthy seniors had essentially the same melatonin levels as healthy young men. See the study reported at at

I don’t understand your bias against Vitamin C. There ARE reports of Vitamin C significantly improving patients in China. And now they are treating patients in New York Hospitals. Why aren’t you reporting this?

We have no bias against vitamin C. The study in China began March 14 and results have not yet been reported. So we don’t know if it helps or not yet. Hopefully it will and we will be very happy to report that. It is true that high-dose vitamin C is being given in New York and probably elsewhere, but that doesn’t mean it works. Many approaches are are being tried.

What about Echinacia Purpurea herb? Does it help immune system? Is it a problem with statin drugs like Atorvastatin?

Hi Brian – We’ve added information about echinacea to the answer above ( You can find information about potential drug interactions with echinacea in the “Concerns and Cautions” section of the Echinacea Supplements Review (

The curcuminoids in turmeric seems to have anti-infective and anti-viral activity against several type of viruses from NCBI PMC article. There was also mention of how curcumin inhibits Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Could the be curcuminoids be effective against Covid-19 with a highly concentrated supplement that adds black pepper or bioperine to enhance bioavailability?

Hi Rajiv – We’ve added information about turmeric/curcumin in the answer above. Although turmeric/curcumin have anti-inflammatory effects and have been shown to have anti-viral activity in laboratory studies, there is are no studies in people showing they prevent or reduce symptoms of viral infections.

My doctor and nursing staff are all taking two brazil nuts a day or 200mcg of Selenium, stating recent studies that show having a sufficient selenium level can inhibit the viruses reproduction. They are also taking Vit. D, C,A and zinc.

Hi Brent – Yes, it is important to have adequate selenium, but, as we note, most people in the U.S. are not deficient in it. Deficiency is more common in other countries, such as China. 200 mcg is overkill, although not necessarily unsafe. The daily requirement is about 1/4 of that, and most people already get it. More about selenium supplements and the foods that provide selenium is found in our Selenium Supplements Review at


AHCC (made from fungal mycelia) appears to have immunostimulatory properties, but we are not aware of any studies showing that it helps prevent or treat coronavirus.

Speculative but scientific published article:
Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 2020 Mar 12 doi: 10.23736/S1121-421X.20.02697-5
Possible therapeutic role of a highly standardized mixture of active compounds derived from cultured Lentinula edodes mycelia (AHCC) in patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus

Yes, this is just a speculative paper (not based on a testing) from people in industry.

Thank you. re: zinc and elderly people — poor absorption, poor intake and interference by prescription medications is a huge and chronic problem, not just a problem for Covid19. No one seems interested in researching this. Rather the standard belief is that elderly people just have poor immune function because they’re old, not because of poor absorption, poor intake and interference by the multiple medications elderly people commonly take.

Excellent points

just an observation about zinc and elderly. my almost 90 year old mother has alzheimer’s and bed sores. once we got her to wound care we were advised to put her on vitamins, including ionic zinc. i was rather dismayed that in10 years neither of her primary care docs (one at kaiser and one at stanford both specialize in geriatrics) suggested we put her on any vitamin supplements, and that it took until what amounts to end of life care to get that advice. she now takes a liquid multi vitamin with additional zinc and c. her bed sores are much improved – and i’m sure the supplements helped (along with really good wound care that could have started months earlier had we been properly advised, sigh)

Good comment. I seems very logical

Zinc (dose and form not stated) has been used by some M.D.’s in combination with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (Zithromax), but its clinical value (or lack thereof) has not been adequately studied. ConsumerLab’s Zinc discussion mentions that zinc can interact with antibiotics; however it does not interact with macrolide antibiotics, of which azithromycin is one. Aside: It seems that azithromycin is added when there is evidence/suspicion of bacterial infection, e.g., pneumonia; it is not effective against viruses – only bacteria. Other antibiotics can also be used to treat concomitant bacterial infection, e.g., if someone is truly allergic to macrolides – rare, but possible. (I have a PharmD degree.)

It might be helpful to know a bit more about azithromycin (Zithromax) and pneumonia — and that one size does not fit all.

Last year I was prescribed Z-PAC (a 3-day treatment) twice, one prescription followed by another. It had no effect of my medical situation. Shortly after finishing the 2nd prescription I was sent for a chest x-ray and was diagnosed with pneumonia.

The analysis of the sputum identified the bacteria — and the antibiotics which have been shown to be effective with those bacteria. Z-PAC was NOT effective with the bacteria I had.

Can you tell me which vitamins your mother takes (which brand)? Thanks

It would be very interesting to see an analysis of the vitamin D blood levels of those who have survived a bout of covid-19 infection as compared to those who have succumbed.

Hi there, I agree! Since it seems that midday sun is good for Vitamin D absorption this time of year, I have combined my multivitamin with my daily socially distanced shop and walk. I take about 1000 units (IU) of D3 divided into 2 doses, part 1) in a multivitamin I like at noon, and 2) another 500 IU with 250 mg of calcium, some Boron, vitamin K and magnesium either at brunch or at dinner in a “bone building” formula. A few times a week I go shopping at a market or farmer’s market and I also walk for about 35 min a day for exercise in the sun. It really invigorates me, and I feel like the UVB cleanses my hair and even the grocery bags and mask I wear now before or after shopping. I’m 70 but my D3 levels and bones and all, probably immune function too, are all working well, or well enough. I feel like I sleep great and even though we have stay at home restrictions, the daylight I get during diurnal hours help keep me oriented to a good bedtime and regular deep sleep after dark.–glycine-impairs-coronavirus-replication-jaa-1000151.pdf

Hi Glen – The compound used in this study is essentially aspirin, combined with small amounts of lysine and glycine. Please see the COVID-19 section of the Lysine Supplements Review for more about this:

THANK YOU for mentioning the danger of MMS. It greatly pains me to see this being promoted some places because it would likely do much more harm than good. It is essentially like taking chemo, which has never been indicated for use with infectious disease as far as I know. The HIV field considered chemo at some point, but abandoned it due to high toxicity to healthy cells. MMS would only cause oxidative stress, which is the precise means by which pathogenic viruses cause harm. Viruses like SARS, MERS and ebola trigger the host’s immune system to mount a hyper- inflammatory OVERreaction called a cytokine storm, at the expense of healthy tissue. The host’s own cytokine storm causes tissue and organ damage. To quell some of the inflammation, anti-oxidants are in order, not oxidants. Therefore it is great that you mentioned cysteine (e.g. NAC), which is an important (“rate-limiting”) precursor to the master antioxidant Glutathione, which is believed to figure prominently in immune function: Garlic and other foods with sulfur content (onions, eggs, brassica vegetables) also build glutathione. Vitamin C and zinc, along with E, selenium and B vitamins, are glutathione co-factors so their place on your list are also well-deserved. Thanks for your article.

In the news about Covid-19, I thought I read that a chief cause of fatal complications of this virus in the immune system “going into overdrive,” setting off a cytokine storm, etc. Is there a danger that supplements that boost the immune system could exacerbate this problem, especially for people with autoimmune conditions?

While much more research is certainly needed to answer your question, the basic approaches that our answer favors (such as maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D) are intended to make sure that one’s immune system is functioning properly and is not weakened due to deficiency.

What is an adequate amount of Vitamin D for a 74 yo female?

Hi Margaret – You can quickly look up the vitamin D requirements here —

Thank you for posting this very timely article! I sincerely appreciate you researching this for your subscribers. Best wishes to all, and stay safe!

East Virginia Medical School is suggesting this for prophylaxis use:

While there is very limited data (and none specific for COVID-19), the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease. While there is no high level evidence that this cocktail is effective; it is cheap, safe and widely available.

• Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID
• Zinc 75-100 mg/day (acetate, gluconate or picolinate). Zinc lozenges are preferred. After 1-2
months, reduce the dose to 30-50 mg/day.
• Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 1-2 mg at night
• Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day (optimal dose unknown).

As the group in East Virginia that published that proposal notes, there is no evidence that this approach works. But, as we discuss in our CL Answer above, some elements of this could be helpful, such as vitamin D if you are deficient and boosting vitamin C (although 500 mg just once a day, rather than twice, is plenty and several times the RDA). The zinc recommendation would only apply to zinc lozenges, as there is no reason to supplement with that much zinc — and if one plans on taking zinc it for many weeks, copper supplementation should also be taken as zinc suppresses copper absorption, which could weaken the immune system. If you choose to take quercetin, be aware that it can interact with lipid-lowering “statin” drugs, as we have noted.

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