Different Types of Communication for Effective Project Management
There are many different types of communication that you will need to be familiar with if you want to
successfully manage your project.
Project communication has many different facets that the project manager needs to be able to handle. Here are some
examples of the wide range of communication skills needed…
To get a better feel for the communication skills a project manager needs, let’s take a deeper look at some of the
different aspects of communication in a project environment.
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Communications Skills for Project Managers
There are many perspectives to project communication. We’ll take a look at four types of communication
aspects project managers need to be aware of…
From a project perspective, communication can be looked at as either internal or
Internal communication is the communication that takes place between project team members. Generally,
this type of communication is “raw.” It may involve a lot of back-and-forth discussion as plans or issues are worked
External communication is communication between project team members and the other project
stakeholders. Examples include communication with internal and external customers, other projects, and the media.
Generally, this type of communication is cleaned up or otherwise prepared before being presented or sent to the
receiving party.
Communication from an organizational perspective can be categorized as vertical,
horizontal, or diagonal. This perspective takes into account the way organizations
are structured.
Vertical communication is the upward and downward communication flow that happens
between different hierarchical levels of the organization. An example of upward communication is when a project team
member provides the project manager with a status update of his assigned tasks. An example of downward communication
is when the project manager shares the project goals with the project team.
Horizontal communication refers to communication between people at the same organizational level.
An example of horizontal communication is when project team members discuss project topics with each other.
Diagonal communication takes place between different functional divisions of the organization.
Diagonal communication has become more important as matrix and project-based organizations become more common. To be
effective in these types of organizations, a project manager has to be familiar with the different functions and
managers within the organization and then plan his communications accordingly.
Another way to look at project communication is on whether it is formal or informal.
Some examples of formal communication include reports, presentations, and media releases. This type
of communication is usually planned and takes some time and effort to prepare.
Informal communication includes emails and ad-hoc discussions. Informal communication has increased
as many projects start to use social networking.
Many people don’t put much thought into their informal communications. However, effective project managers realize
this type of communication is just as important as formal communication. Whether formal or informal, you need to make
sure you communicate with a purpose and that you put some thought into how you communicate in order to get the results
you want.
Project managers also need to give consideration to the communication channel they will deliver
their message over.
This perspective deals with how your message will be communicated. Will it be…
There are many types of communication medium you can use. These are just a few examples of the ways you can
communicate your message.
Some of the factors to take into account when deciding what channel to use are…
Effective communication skills are the foundation of a project manager’s success. Understanding the
different types of communication is important for making sure your project communication is successful.
The Importance of Communication Skills in Project Management
Understanding the importance of communication in business is critical for project success. Get a practical definition of communication and learn about the different types of communication you can use.
A Practical Definition of Communication: A Model for Project Managers
Using a practical model and definition of communication will give you a framework to ensure effective business communication on your projects. Start improving your personal communication skills now.
Effective Communication in the Workplace – Get Business Results!
Effective communication in the workplace is required for successful project management. Here are four guidelines to help you provide effective business communication to your project stakeholders.
Types of Communication Medium: Business Communication Media for Project Managers
Strategically choosing the types of communication medium you use will help you communicate successfully. Learn the factors to consider when determining which business communication media to use.
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Research & References of Different Types of Communication for Effective Project Management|A&C Accounting And Tax Services