#1. Early Stage Riots

by | May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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#1. Early Stage Riots

10 Most Likely Ways You Can Die During an Economic Crisis

Who really has their pulse on the conditions of the market and the economy? Every day we get “flash signs” of things to come. Jobless claims go up, consumer confidence goes down and economists toss the economic crisis ball back and forth.

Shipping volume has fallen, and everything is lining up with the numbers of 2008.

This is the messaging we get on a daily basis. I think most economists and financial bloggers are doing their best to keep us ahead of another crash like in 2008. However, the next economic crisis isn’t going to look anything like 2008

When you take an armed nation that has so overspent itself for the last 50 years and threaten a situation like economic collapse, it doesn’t get any worse. We have clear modern-day examples of what an economic crash can look like. See Venezuela. However, history knows nothing about what the American economic crisis will look like.

The numbers of those dead will look, to historians, like the greatest war ever waged on Earth’s soil. We are a nation divided that seems to be looking for a reason to get at each other’s throats. With the onset of things like resource scarcity and inflation, your life will be at risk.

So how will you die in during an economic crisis?

The early days of the economic crisis will be calm in comparison to what is to come. We will see national riots that encompass every major city across the nation. These riots will be brought on by massive job loss, bank runs, exorbitant cost of goods and the rebellious nature of the American people.

These will be violent, bloody riots that are much different than anything we have seen in this nation. If you get swept up into one of these riots it could be your life. However, this is just the beginning.

While riots may satisfy the desperate and the unprepared during the daytime hours, they will get hungry and even more angry at night. Just as with any disaster we will see robbery after the collapse of the economy. However, robbery and the murder associated with it will be at such a massive scale, as people scrounge for food, cash and valuables, local authorities will be overwhelmed.

You might die at the hands of a robber. Or you might die at the hands of a home owner. Remember, it only takes one robbery while you are at work to steal all your stored food and supplies. Then you will be one of the desperate, as well.

Related: How to Avoid Being Targeted by Looters During a Period of Civil Unrest

Another hot new market will be kidnapping. If you have any money or influence you can bet you are going to be targeted for ransom. Kidnapping for ransom is a popular practice in places like Mexico. It’s a tool of the cartels. The radical Mideast and African Muslims also use it to fund their failing Jihad.

There is no telling just how bad life can get for you if you get kidnapped and your family does not have the money to pay the ransom. It won’t be a fun way to go.

As the nation dives deeper into collapse, we will see important infrastructure fall along with it. Trash collection, water treatment and waste management in general will come to a halt. The pests and disease that will come next will undoubtedly be the biggest killer of all.

Human waste and pests will spread disease like wild fire and there will be no doctors to help.

Large scale agriculture will stop. Farmers are already shutting down operations left and right due to the low profit margins. If government subsidies stopped, it would literally be impossible to afford. That means the world would face widespread starvation or the American heartland might even be occupied by foreign nations that handle food production.

The high-risk population of those hooked up to machines at the hospital will also be in grave danger. While hospitals have backup generators, they run on fuel and when that fuel runs out all those machines will go out.

A hospital blackout, for those in places like the ICU is a certain death sentence. It’s scary but it’s a very real situation that could come from the blackouts associated with an economic crisis.

Those who survive will be nothing but desperate, starving people who have seen and done most anything to stay alive. These people will be very different from the early rioters. They will do whatever it takes to stay alive.

Maybe you were one of the smart people who saw all this coming. You could have escaped to a remote bugout location that was stocked with food, water and resources to start a life of self-sufficiency. You might exist in peace, for a while, till some people start to notice your situation. The thing we all worry about in the remote bugout is that you can be quickly overpowered by a larger group and there is no one out there to help you.

If the government or, worse, the international community tries to regain order, they will create some form of martial law. They will try to instill curfew, order and confiscate guns. If this happens late in the game, it will basically be a war between those imposing order and those unwilling to comply.

Even if you aren’t fighting in this war you could become a civilian casualty.

Related: Surviving Martial Law: What To Do If It Hits Your Town

A large percentage of Americans are on meds that they take daily. Things like blood pressure meds to insulin for controlling blood sugar levels. What about all those people on bi polar, anti-schizophrenics and anti-depressants.

During an economic collapse the movement and production of medications will come to a halt. That means all those who need that kind of help will have to self-medicate however they can or die. Are you one of those Americans on medications? Is there someone you love who is?

The answer is: Now.

Maybe the riots don’t start now. Maybe the markets don’t completely crash, right now. However, you can start preparing right now.

Forget about everything else and focus on preparedness. Take small steps each week or month to get yourself in a better position. Food, water, backup power, security, first aid and evacuation are some great places to start.

Maybe its economic collapse or maybe its something else. The reality is, we cannot live on eternal prosperity. What you prepare for today will decide how you survive the future.

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Yes, we live in an increasingly uncertain and hazardous world. Yes, we should do our best to prepare for hard times to come. BUT, don’t forget to live in the moment, and to develop close, loving relationships. More than focusing on “us versus them” and forming paramilitary alliances, find good-hearted people you like and trust, and cultivate a sense of community. It is possible and desirable to be able to be at peace and content within ourselves, even in the midst of horrhendous conditions. This life is not the end of existence.

Fantastic. You put to words what I’ve always felt. Let’s have fun and live it up while we are (quietly) doing our preps!

“Democrats ‘went’ crazy”… Aahahahahah! All the ones that get the press ARE crazy! As are most of the MSM that breathlessly hangs on and supports their most daft of comments and policies.

Spot on.. The worst case senario must be presented. I was always taught to prepare.train and to expect to survive…The old addage three strikes does not mean you’re out, there’s always one more thing you can do rings true….All we can do is prepare the best way we can. I pray too.

always be prepard….
I learned that in the Girl Scouts
Never leave God out of the equation
Replace fear with knowledge

If, IF trump is impeached, I’m certain his radical gun crazy followers with start a violent uprising. Like that one nut job who wanted to kill all those democratic lawmakers and social figures.

Stay safe!

You mean like the Bernie supporter who shot up the congressional republicans on the baseball field?

It was a Bernie supporter that shot up the Republicans during softball practice. And its the leftwing types like Antifa and BLM that have been attacking anyone that does not follow their beliefs.

Atticus69 & Midwest,
Well stated and my thoughts exactly. While I may be one of those gun toting Trump supporters now (I actually voted for Ted Cruz) I don’t plan on going out and shooting at anyone; however, those who come here trying to shoot up the place will not be so lucky

Being surrounded with Trump followers with guns makes me feel real safe because they are well-trained, responsible gun owners. They are not brain dead liberals!! President Trump will not be impeached, He will be re-elected as President!!

I love Trump. Please send him to australia to help us thanks!

How quick these dems forget.Remember all the rioting after TRUMP was elected and this person has the audacity to call us radicals and violent. They were pretty violent in there riots. This country is falling apart very rapidly right before our eyes.We are all to blame doesn’t matter political affiliation, one does this the other does nothing ,the other does this ,that says that its.just ludicrous. Put GOD first and keep praying.

Oh, you mean like the crazy who showed up at the Congressional softball practice and actually shot several people? Oh, wait! He was a Democrat targeting Republicans because he blamed Trump for Clinton LOOSING THE ELECTION! (She defeated herself, BTW.)
If “hot” civil war starts in this country it’ll be because of the inflammatory rhetoric on the Democratic side – Omar, AOC and most of the MSM come to mind.
Look at the marching hordes with the picket signs – most of them are Democrats. The few fringe wackos like the KKK and so-called alt-right are NOT representative of the Republican party, but are evil entities despised by the normal majority of us.

VERY good post, Miss Kitty! Conservative = New Redskins, and you know how those bigots in the DNC/KKK=Nazi Party USA hate anything Native American, be it genetic, by birth, or by choice American.

Look at the shootings. Each was done by someone who was angry at, not the liberals, but conservatives. Each came out of liberalism.

And the gang wars that broke our in LA? The news media was actively promoting the wars–blood sells–while pretending to just be telling the news.

It goes on, and the neolibs are more than happy to do anything for a dime, and a little Roman games. Even Hollywood was getting worried about the filth done. Hunger Games, 28 Days Later, and a few more movies should be considered warnings to conservatives. niio

Thank you, Red. I agree with you – the media stirs up 99% of the violence by inundating people (especially kids) with violent imagery and gruesome storylines in movies, books, TV, and especially video games. It’s no coincidence that most of the school shootings and other attacks have happened since the video games have gotten better graphics and more bloody plots. If you “kill” virtual ” people” by the dozens every day it is going to be a lot easier to kill real ones because the lines between real life and the video games have gotten blurred for these kids, who have mental health issues and have problems differentiating between the two anyway.
I wonder if it has been planned that way to deliberately increase the number of shootings so that the government would have a good excuse to get stiffer gun laws in place.

now miss kitty,i’d like to explain as a minllenial who does play quite violent and bloody games and watched rambo when he was about like 9, yes it is true that there are occasions where people who have played violent video games have committed horrid acts. but it isnt everyone, i believe children who’s parents let them play call of duty at five years old are the ones who are most likely to attack. while children (like me) who didnt play violent games until they were at least 14 are less likely since they’re less impressionable.

Young Prepper, you’re likely right in that young children are more impressionable than older kids. My thought was more that the younger the kids are and the more they play, the easier it is for them to become inured to the concept of killing.
As a video game player yourself, do you know personally of any friends or acquaintances who have an issue with the separation of fantasy and reality, such as we have been discussing? Not to say that you hang out with sociopaths, but every group has a “weirdo” that hangs on the fringes and everyone believes to be unstable. Just wondering what your observations are.

Assassin generation ltc Grossman will be a eye opening book written on violent video games and mass shooting

raven,it seems you misunderstood me,i never said that violent games flat out dont cause such atrocities,i said that it’s not a guarentee that if someone plays a violent game that they’re going to commit mass murder. i do realize these games DO cause some issues,but not on the scale that many assume.

i have seen people like that but as per my previous statement its more people who play games where you kill people. as opposed to aliens (reference:halo series) or mutants (reference:fallout franchise),and theres a whole psychological reason behind that, but i frankly dont understand that complicated sort of thing. bu yes i do agree with you there are some who seem unstable but arent,and people who seem stable but arent. and yeah video games can make killers out of saints but its not as prevelant as a lot of people say.

The seeds of insanity are usually already there, but playing a game focused on getting points for killing the most “people” probably doesn’t help.
It seems generally that there are a lot more mentally ill people than there were forty years ago. One has to wonder why that is.

well of course the idea of killing people doesnt help,and from what i’ve gathered in my i’ll admit short life as far as shootings of public places,schools in particular,is due to the fact that society coddles most people and thus most children dont know how to take disappointment,which could also translate into the raise of suiicide rates in recent years, if you look back to the 1900’s the suicide rates were lower,and most of those were caused by at home problems,but as of now people get smacked in the face by reality and cant take it so they take the only option they see,the noose. and as for school shootings if we could defend ourselves as children things like columbine wouldnt happen as much. because if you look at the motives of those two boys,they wanted revenge, revenge on the “jocks” and such,if schools and our government would throw this “violence isnt even an option” nature-defying policy out the window, we wouldnt have as many of these issues,i know such things from experience,i was bullied and couldnt do anything about it,and the staff of the school did nothing about it. it only stopped when i left that school,granted i never considered homicide,but not everyone is as strong minded as i am. violence is simply nature, and i only condone it in defense of oneself or one’s family,or in the case of it being a last resort.

Miss Kitty & young prepper

I wonder if it has been planned that way to deliberately increase the number of shootings so that the government would have a good excuse to get stiffer gun laws in place.

I’ve been actively involved and following this ?gun control debate’ for most of 50 years now, and I don’t think that the anti gun (err, gun safety) politicians are that smart or plan in that long term.
One very well researched and presented treatise on the subject can be found in LTC Dave Grossman’s book Assassination Generation: Video Games, Aggression, and the Psychology of Killing” that lays out the subject quite well. It is however not just the video games; but, the environment in which they are played. My youngest child is a millennial who started shooting rifles in the back yard under my tutelage at age 5; but, she was never abandoned to allow the TV or video games to babysit, while her parents went off and “did their own thing.”
While I think these violent games are a factor, we seem to live in a world where ”I” seems to always be more important than ”them” often witnessed by simply looking for courteous behavior from other drivers on the highway.
When culture teaches that everything is OK and there is no real ”Right” or ”wrong”, it becomes easy to see how young children with no guidance or worse yet, self important parents, would be lured into violent acts. It seems to me that a simple “Turn the other cheek” attitude is dead. My daughter (the millennial) is wicked smart, was taking classes ahead of her grade and was both class valedictorian and a national merit scholar. Simply due to these things, she was picked on incessantly by school mates, who found it easier to complain and ostracize than to work hard and compete.
Once at a school function I heard a parent tell his boy that he shouldn’t even compete in an academic contest where my daughter was entered. Instead of coaching him to try and win, he essentially told that boy he was stupid. Had my daughter been raised by different parents and had a different attitude, the constant bullying with the school administration seemingly unable to do anything about it could have turned someone like her into that next school shooter.
Bullies are no longer ever punished, just counseled, at which point they blow off the adults and continue what they’ve been doing, so I think a lot of the touchy feely way of handling this is also a factor.

Watch where the dems held a lot of power, only to see it slipping. Either the KKK or the Nazis come out “To support the conservative.” Back when, the conservative would protest this but lost anyway. Now, it no longer works (Judge Roy Moore, was, I think, the last time it was effective). a lot of Native Americans are quick to point out the correlation. When that stopped working, the guns came out and some loser was sacrificed by the libs. We watch, constantly, because we know who the enemy is.

And, mind the lunatics. The more crimes they commit, the harsher the laws become. Yet, they’re rarely punished very much, only put on meds. Arson is getting popular, again. niio

Read “Stop teaching our kids to kill” by former West Point psychologist LtC Grossman. Video games were originally developed by the Pentagon to desensitize troops to kill other people because studies showed that even in combat conditions, only about 25% would point a gun at another person and pull the trigger.

thats quite interesting,but i hold to my prior points.

Trump is anti gun

So their is no gun supporters for him.

He sure made the NRA happy the other day I saw!

The NRA is a joke and I look forward to its collaspe

Raven: The NRA has a lot wrong with it. For one thing, it is too incestuous and in my opinion, there is some financial shenanigans going on. That said, however, there is no other organization fighting to preserve our Second Amendment rights on the scale of the NRA. Politicians don’t sit down on Monday mornings and say among themselves, “Let’s do something to make Second Amendment rights for citizens freer and better enforced.”

They don’t get together at beer busts put on by the pharmaceutical industry and discuss ways to eliminate laws presently on the books that infringe on our Second Amendment rights.

Most gun owners somehow expect that these things just fall out of the air. They do not. When was the last time anyone reading this post worked on the election campaign of a gun rights espousing politician? Or even made a monetary contribution to one bigger than $100?

The fact that you even legally own a gun is due to the efforts of the NRA. I can assure you that had the NRA not been on the scene the gun and ammunition you have for that gun would probably be long gone or be totally illegal subjecting you to a long term in prison.

Oh and don’t talk about resisting with “From my cold dead hands” BS. The swat team arriving at 0300, kicking down your door will certainly achieve that while your neighbors cower behind their doors wondering what you did to bring them down on you. The few that know the precipitating cause will resolve to throw their guns into the landfill, nearby lake or river at the first opportunity. Nothing quite gets your attention like seeing your wife proned out on the floor in her nightgown and your kiddies screaming in their room while hooded, armored-up, black-clad ninja wannabes pull drawers out and dump them on the floor and jerk items out of closets to the floor, punch holes in the walls and just generally trash your cozy little home like some maddened gang of berserkers.

So, yes, like any large organization, there is a lot wrong with the NRA. Let me ask you this: When was the last time you actually belonged and went to a yearly meeting, voiced your opinion at the yearly general meeting? Answered a request for funds with a check for more than $10? When did you actually scan the bios of the candidates for the board of directors and vote for the candidates you thought would clean up the NRA? If you voted for directors at all, did you vote for any other than the nominating committee’s recommendations?

In the District of Corruption there is no other game in town swinging the influence for preservation of our gun rights other than the NRA. I wish that were not so, but as far as gun owners are concerned, they are the only game in town and without them we wouldn’t have the right to own a slingshot. The Second Amendment would have been buried during the first Clinton regime.

I don’t owe the NRA anything. They have a long history of supporting anti gun laws and even writing them in. The latest bump stock ban and red flag laws are a Infringement on our rights. They do not fight for me or true Patriots. True Patriots demand a 2a like its intent. Shall not infringe. Meaning nothing shall keep you from owning any firearm or cannon. GOA is actually defending your rights among others.

The NRA is just a fudd gun owners group suckering idiots out of their money.

I let my membership in the NRA lapse after they didnt do squat to stop the bump stock ban, that really pissed me off.
Even though bump stocks to me are useless ammo wasters, its the principle of it.
I am now a proud member of the GOA.

Raven tactical,
I’ve been fighting this fight since the 1968 gun control act, and often the NRA has to compromise, giving up on a bump stock to get bigger concessions, like votes from Dems on the fence. When Senator Dianne Feinstein
Says something like if she had 51 votes in the Senate that ‘Mr. and Ms. America woudl turn in all of your guns, they would do it,”
She means it, with upChuck Schumer cheering her on.

So you can justify a cowardly act on gun control .

You feel we need to comphermise…

LCC….what is Gun Owners of America(GOA) then? Chopped Liver? They are the much better than the NRA in my opinion. Even Joe Biden endorsed them in my opinion…He said “if you think the NRA is Bad, The GOA is terrible!”

Raven tactical,

So you can justify a cowardly act on gun control .

I don’t even know what you mean here. What cowardly act?

You feel we need to comphermise

No I think we need to compromise, since for the time being that’s the best course of action. If you can come up with a legal way to convert Schumer and Bloomberg to support our side, then compromise is not required; but, until then, It’s been a fight since at least 1968 with no real end in sight.


what is Gun Owners of America(GOA) then? Chopped Liver? They are the much better than the NRA in my opinion. Even Joe Biden endorsed them in my opinion…He said “if you think the NRA is Bad, The GOA is terrible!”

You mean the Joe Biden that ran for President three times, in 1984, 1988 and 2008, losing each time. Or perhaps his discussion of the stimulus package where he said: “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”

Or about Obama before he was chosen as VP: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
He was right, in that it was a horror story.
Quoting Joe Biden on anything is really digging to the bottom of the barrel.

As for GOA, it’s a nice group; but, I don’t see them as anything more than a pimple on the butt of the pro gun movement.

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners and has about 2,000,000 members.

NRA OTOH was formed in 1871. It has more than 5 million members, and has thousands of instructors and training counselors in the field, actively training citizens in the safe use of firearms.

The NRA’s biggest clout is in its membership numbers, since as an old bumper sticker I used to have stated: ”I am the NRA and I vote”. I also influence friends, family, and colleagues, and that scares the politicians more than any cash infusion.

Spoken like a damn cowardly fudd. Why dont you just turn in your guns and trade the remains of your freedom for safety

Raven tactical

The NRA is a joke and I look forward to its collaspe

I agree as long as it does not ”collapse” LOL
As an NRA instructor, training counselor, and Endowment Life Member I can admit that the organization has some issues; but, 2A would have been dead long ago without them. The issues BTW are no different than any other large organization.

The NRA has nothing to with our nations gun rights. Just more fudd talking points.

GOA doesnt seem to have a issue on compromising

Raven tactical,

GOA doesnt seem to have a issue on compromising

Perhaps that true; but, then they also don’t get anything accomplished.

Selective memory on display and at its best. Joe Scarborough, is that you?

NF, you sound like a democrat, and a very liberal one at that.
Don’t hate Trump because he’s a “bad President”, hate him because he’s Republican and he wants to make America great again.

dude i’m a trump supporter and yeah i pack heat virtually everywhere i go, but have i ever shot anyone? nope. will i? depends if they’re attacking me or my family. am i crazy? not in terms of insanity but in terms of the fun crazy yes i am. not all trump supporters are bad,not all democrats are good. there’s good and bad in every group,minority,majority it doesnt matter, there’s some good,some bad, so kindly stop generalizing us republicans, as you say we do to you.

young prepper,

dude i’m a trump supporter and yeah i pack heat virtually everywhere i go, but have i ever shot anyone? nope. will i? depends if they’re attacking me or my family

Your attitude on shooting someone in self defense is basically the law in most jurisdictions in that you can only use lethal force to prevent imminent serious bodily injury or death. The anti-gun crowd either doesn’t or most likely don’t want to try to understand that, while many of them such as Bloomberg can afford hired guns to shadow them wherever they go.
I also carry most of the time, including sitting in my office as I type this.
Like prepping or any insurance policy, no one in their right mind actually wants to cash in. While paying auto insurance all of your life I suspect that on your death bed you won’t be upset because you wasted that money by never having an accident. Carrying a firearm is much like that. I simply don’t want to be a sheep when the wolves come to the door, and at least as a sheepdog, I have a chance to defend me & mine.

not all trump supporters are bad,not all democrats are good. there’s good and bad in every group,minority,majority it doesnt matter, there’s some good,some bad, so kindly stop generalizing us republicans, as you say we do to you.

I think that there is a simple basic understanding on this subject that I see often.
Conservatives think Liberals are stupid, in that they feel or believe instead of think, when the solutions are obvious, like the fact the the welfare state and current immigration policy are broken. Often they propose things that make them “feel good”, even when they are proven to be ineffective.
Liberals who only seem capable of belief sand feelings, think that all Conservatives are ”Evil” and somehow know that if we would give them our money, they could do much good with it, although cities run for decades like Detroit are testaments to their policy failures and seem to be ignored.

First off I believe it was a large group of Democrats that went crazy after Trump won the election..&..it was a Democrat that started shooting Republicans playing baseball..and it was that silent majority that has kept quiet for so many years that elected Trump…they were fed up with the status quo


First off I believe it was a large group of Democrats that went crazy after Trump won the election . . .

With the exception that I ”think” instead of ”believe” or ”feel” I agree.
Too often the liberals and progressives only believe or feel since for those emotions you can simply ignore the facts, especially those that contradict those beliefs. When you try to think, you have to check the facts and could find out that you were wrong, and to many on the left that bruises their ego too much to be allowed.
It comes down to intellectual honesty, admitting when you are wrong, and accepting the facts, like the fact that Hillary lost fair and square, ir the second amendment means what it says.
On the later, I thought that the Heller & Macdonald decisions of SCOtUS would end that; but, it seems we’re still in a fight there also.

“Democrats ‘went’ crazy”… Aahahahahah! All the ones that get the press ARE crazy! As are most of the MSM that breathlessly hangs on and supports their most daft of comments and policies.

The first step that I foresee is that the dollar will be devalued. That is the historic correction that happens when a country continues to spend more than it takes in. What may happen simultaneously or prior to devaluation is that bank accounts will be frozen and depositors will only be allowed to withdraw a certain amount per time period, i.e., $200 per day or $500 per week or some such. Hard to tell how credit cards will be affected. You may be limited to charging only a certain amount per day and certainly the amount of cash taken from an ATM will be limited.

Minimum wages may be raised to the point where a significant portion of low end workers no longer qualify for any government assistance. Of course, concomitant with that is that those jobs will disappear entirely but the politicians won’t be able to see that result. They will blame profit seekers on Wall Street and the “wealthy” meaning the middle class who continue to work. Of course, the real wealthy will have moved out of U.S. dollars long before the dollar crashes.

There is a book written by an Argentine who talks about his country after the first devaluation and how life degenerated for the middle class. Police protection is non-existent in the middle class and lower class neighborhoods. Police protection in wealthy neighborhoods and tourist areas is excellent as the police have withdrawn their services from the middle and lower class neighborhoods in order to protect the wealthy and the country’s source of foreign exchange, the tourist.

According to the author, as pointed out in this article, kidnapping has become quite common. Gun control laws are ignored but still enforced against middle and lower income folks. Government services are spotty and corruption and bribes to get anything from government is far more common than before the devaluation.

I would provide the title of the book, but unfortunately, I have lent it out and the exact title and the name of the author are buried deep in my memory banks and apparently not accessible. Maybe they have been written over.

Aside from CME, and we had another one impact earth north of 65° N latitude last week with minimal effect on electronics, devaluation of the dollars is the single biggest problem I see facing the country. Our politicians can’t keep kicking the can of national debt down the road hoping for a miracle. Spain tried that. Greece tried that. France is on the road to some significant adjustment.

The outlook in this article is very grim, I think if there is a devaluation, certainly there will be some of what the author describes. Whether it reaches the depths that he envisions is anyone’s guess.

The book is called The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse by Fernando Aguirre, $25 at http://www.lulu.com/shop/fernando-ferfal-aguirre/the-modern-survival-manual-surviving-the-economic-collapse/paperback/product-13513661.html; and this is a must read for details actual events of the economic crisis of 2001-2002 in Argentina; and many of these events has also occurred in Venezuela, Greece,
Spain and other countries as well including the USA during the Great Depression.

Dennis: Thank you for supplying the missing information in my post. I wonder how Argentina is faring now that they have had to devalue their money again last year.

You’re quite welcome, Chuck!! Thank you for your post because everyone NEEDS TO KNOW what the 99% of the world’s population will be facing in the very near future.
The Argentine peso in Fernando’s book stated that the Argentine peso went from equal parity (1:1) with the US Dollar to 4 pesos to 1 dollar.in 2001-2002. Last year, the Argentine peso went as low as 40 to 1 dollar. Current spot exchange is 44.34 to 1 USD. I do not wonder because I know the Argentine people are suffering much worse now than they did in the 2001 Crisis.
In your post, you state how banks will only let you get very small portions of your deposits during an economic crisis and you are correct. In Fernando’s book, the Argentine banks called this distribution policy the “coralito” (Spanish for coral) and the banks will coral your money. The only bank you can trust completely is the bank you dig in the ground.
More than anything, what worries me the most is America’s lack of unity and how everyone is going to “bug out” to the countryside and live as a rugged individualist which is certain failure of surviving. The very wise late Michael Ruppert correctly said ” You will survive as a member of a community. You will die as a rugged individualist.” United we stand. Divided we fall.
EVERYONE needs to read Fernando’s book. Knowledge is truly power to survive and to thrive. I have learned much from Fernando’s book and this website.

The BEST thing would be a lethal global pandemic of some sort.Lose 50% or 90% of the populations-esp the illegal turd [deliberate mis-spelling]worlders.The remaining population will be better off.The Black Death in Europe did that.
I have no optimism that I won’t be an early casualty i.e diabetes/hear/glaucoma.I accept that fate.

Look for utilities to bottom out because the dems will not like them raising prices to follow the inflation rate. The news media is owned by the liberals. do not expect anything but It’s Coming Up Roses from them, till they find someone to butcher.

On diabetes, in Mexico, diabetic who cannot afford the meds use a lot of lemons. There’s something in lemons that get the pancreas to work right. I knew a nurse, retired, who was diabetic. An hour before eating a meal, she would put a teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of water and sip it. She never went on the needle or pills. I’m borderline, and whjen the ‘thirst’ hits, I do the same and it leaves. My best bet is, always, stay off gluten. When my mother came to live with us, she was cut off anything with gluten in it. She complained, threatened, and got very angry, but in about ten days, her sugar stabilized and LDL cholesterol went down to a good-low range.

bi polar, schizophrenia, and depression are alleviated by physical labor. Studies in Germany and Tel Aviv have shown that.

Rarely do I chew tobacco, but I committed a bad one lately. The dog got sick and I cleaned up after him–I may never eat chocolate pudding again 🙂 I washed like a doctor would, but still made a mistake, somewhere. I caught it. Nothing worked. do not know what it was. Like stomach flu, but no nausea. Nothing worked. then I caved and ate a pinch of tobacco. A few hours later, I was fine. We have a lot of calendula and wivian tobacco in the ‘hidden’ garden. Both are top notch and often work better and faster than antibiotics, which have become resistant to many strains of bacteria.

As for riots? Not in my town. We’re only 35 miles from the sanctuary city of Tucson, but it’s mostly country roads to get here. Thefts, yes, they happen anywhere. But, most people here are proud of this small town.

Thank you for the article. Like always, I take it to heart. niio

The words BE PREPARED…are the most important words in the English language. Having a cache of food in more than one place is important…having guns and ammo is second…and a good relationship with your neighbors is second to none. No one will be able to defend their family and home alone. Think about it trying to stay awake 24 hours a day and watching all four sides of a home. You are going to need help. You need to have things put away in different locations if possible…looters will hit the cellar and ransack the house and out the door. Think like a bad guy also known as scum…and try and think ahead.

If you cant protect your family then food is pointless

There is a military coup going on in Venezuela right now. Things are bad

In the event of total economic collapse and civil breakdown such as the writer envisions, I suspect that one of the leading causes of death will be suicide, along with murder/suicide as people driven to madness take the lives of their families and themselves. I’m talking about bankers jumping from the 15th floor, stock brokers who lose it all and with it their entire reason for existence, wealthy people who watch in horror as their digital wealth evaporates like vapor in the wind and decide they’d rather be dead than to start a new life as one of the “little people”. America has become a nation dominated by the weak, by the disabled, by the mentally impaired, and by the hustlers and sociopaths who know how to manipulate the weak to do their bidding. In the end, your chances of dying or being killed from any of the reasons listed by the author are dependent on where one lives. People in rural communities stand a much better chance than those clustered into medium-to-large cities, where pure mayhem will break out. How close are we to it all going down? Unknown, but it sure feels like the time is getting closer.

We’ve been through depressions before, but it seems that the nation is more divided than ever before, at least since the Civil War. The main difference is that communication is so much faster now and there are more people now, too. Flash mobs, riots, coordinated bombings and other attacks are a relatively new wrinkle to the shtf situation in this country. The better transportation between geographic areas can hasten the development of violence as well. Things will erupt much faster than back around the Civil War draft riots or the Depression Era union suppression by armed goons ( aka the National Guard). I’m not knocking the NG, but back then they were routinely used to intimidate unions and civil rights advocates.
Point is, things will escalate a lot faster than ever before, giving us less time to react.

The military will kill you and your family. Burn your house down and kill your dogs.

Raven: And refused to obey Coke Nose Clinton’s Nazi orders a few times. The military is made up of men and women, not monsters. Right now Venezuela is in revolt because the military grew sick of the Nazis ruining things. I have a fair idea of the military. Most of the boys were in it, one cousin made officer, an in-law was AI. I research and act friendly, open with folks, and they react that way. Everybody has their own thing. As the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey, than you can with vinegar. I’m being investigated again. Dems are like that. I was involved in AIM (American Indian Movement) before they went liberal. Dems never forget an enemy, and people tell me what to watch for, who to speak to. Some of those are not the kind you would ever want to get involved with. Those people know what’s coming down. FBI, CIA, USAMRID, and plenty more. Those are survivalists and make the best of us look like a Sunday school picnic. Peace to you. No one here is an enemy but we all want the best future for you possible. niio

I agree that we are more divided than ever before, but in a different way than was true during the Civil War. Then, it was North against South, two competing ideals. Today we multi-fragmented in bits and pieces, with each fragment being served its own news, its own facts, its own reality. They try to convince us that many different cultures can be combined into one big happy “tossed salad”. And that might be true during times of plenty, but not during times of scarcity which is where we are now and more so by the day. Well, that’s my POV. We’re hardly one nation indivisible any more, IMO. I also believe things will erupt quickly. I don’t see a lot of driving around being done by anybody but the military when it happens though because in the event of widespread civil unrest and rioting, one of the first things they’ll do is park some tanks in the road to block traffic, and cut of gasoline sales. They’ll probably disconnect the internet and turn of the satellite communications that cell towers depend on too. Flick of the switch and we’ll all be in the dark, except for that single radio station spouting official news and information. I’m sure they’ve got it all planned out, though I doubt that those plans will work out as intended. They never do…

War Between the States: Conservative, religious North (then, the Bible Belt) verses the liberal agnostic South. AKA, Repubs verses the Democrats, just as today. The Dems had people rioting all over the North, lied about Indian uprisings (Carson tried to force the Navajo to fight the North, which had taken over N. Mexico Territory and Arizona Territory). The DNC is based on Europe, divide and conquer. niio

Suicide is for the weak

One thing I didn’t mention, and I see it happening without any civil unrest, is that cash will be declared illegal to use. I see the trend coming even without government intervention. Today I was shopping at Trader Joe’s and the clerk automatically selected credit card for my purchase of a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs. He had to reverse out the transaction and convert it to CASH!!! OMG!!! How quaint. He said that most of his transactions are credit/debit card and so he just automatically hit the CC button on the cash register. I notice that the new self-serve check out stands for Safeway and Winco ask you what kind of card you are paying with and CASH is one of the alternatives at the bottom of the list. When the last of us old fogies are the only ones left using cash, the merchants themselves will force us to use CC. Lowe’s out here has credit card only self serve check out points as does WallyWorld. It won’t be long before there will only be one clerk handling cash and then there will be no clerks. Welcome to the brave new world where the government can track even the purchase of a gallon of milk. How easy it will be to control everyone when that happens. With that cheery thought, I will bid all good night.

Soros has been buying gold since he got the houseboy, Obama, installed in the WH. Ditto the ugly duo, Coke Nose Clinton and his cold women, Hildabeast. niio

I stopped using cash when I see anybody under 40 at the register. These younger ones get all freaked out and confused when they see cash and they almost always try to give me the wrong change back.

Shar B,

I stopped using cash when I see anybody under 40 at the register. These younger ones get all freaked out and confused when they see cash and they almost always try to give me the wrong change back.

We don’t have that problem out here in the sticks; but, if that were the case, I would use cash and the wrong change as a teachable moment.

In Venezuela people who have them have been going around the government controlled economic system with crypto currency. It has been a life saver for those who have had it to use.The difference between hungry or not.Medicine and treatment or not.Just something to consider.

I’ve been thinking about getting my family prepared for a while now. I’ve been surfing the web shopping around for the best deals because my budget is tight. I know I may not be able to get everything I want right now but just a few items to start will be great. Could you tell me what you think about this website? https://warriorgear55.com/

Best stop thinking and start moving. You’re already running real late. Look at ANY Prepper item on Amazon and see they are popular and with many reviews. It is coming and SOON and a lot of people know it and are preparing. It would be wise to sell all the unnecessary crap in your life and use those funds to prep. Your family may hate it until the SHTF. Then you will be a genius in their eyes. Hey, if it doesn’t go sideways for awhile than you can buy some of your foo foo living back.

Jay K Hughes,

I’ve been thinking about getting my family prepared for a while now. I’ve been surfing the web shopping around for the best deals because my budget is tight. I know I may not be able to get everything I want right now but just a few items to start will be great,

That website looks like mostly tactical and defensive gear. Best you start with the basics, like food, water, and a way to stay warm in cold weather and lit in the dark.
Candles & lanterns can help with both; but, LED lanterns and flashlights are inexpensive and long lasting. Freeze dried foods work if you have a way to get water; but, the quickest way is to start <strong<”can copying”. When you use a can of beans that needs to be replaced, buy 2 or even more if on sale.

Looks good, fine, but reminds me of an old cowhand saying I heard when chasing Bossy thru the mesquite (speaking of those pretty belt buckles some men wear, AKA tombstone over a dead dick): If you got to brag on what you are, you’re probably not. And, You can find all this shopping on-line for a lot less.

Chuckster gave you good advice. Do what you can with what you have. Remember Y2K? I didn’t fall for it, but I can read the signs of the times. My thought is, do what you can or rest in peace. You do not have to sell everything off to start your own compound (that makes you a target), but if you know what Amish still do and how the ancestors survived against all odds, practice that. the only thing that I’d go on the limb for, right now, is a chest freezer. Later, add gadgets and foo foo. Take stock in what you do have. Right at home is the best place, right in your own family. niio

This is the messaging we get on a daily basis. I think most economists and financial bloggers are doing their best to keep us ahead of another crash like in 2008. However, the next economic crisis isn’t going to look anything like 2008

You are correct, since the 2008 crisis was started back in 1977 under the peanut farmer as the Community Development Act of 1977 where banks were forced at rhetorical gunpoint to loan money into local communities, regardless of the ability of the local people to pay back the loans. Thus began the NINJA (No Job, No Income, or Assets) loans and other ways to expedite pouring money down a rat hole, all backed by government rules an guarantees.

Your pessimistic outlook does however seem to ignore the actual numbers, of 230,000 new jobs with the unemployment rate now @ 3.6%

As for the problems:
#1. Early Stage Riots
#2. Robbery

Neither of these in my rural neighborhood; but, I would definitely avoid any and all cities.

You might die at the hands of a robber. Or you might die at the hands of a home owner. Remember, it only takes one robbery while you are at work to steal all your stored food and supplies. Then you will be one of the desperate, as well.

Since we are retired we don’t go to work and avoid the cities as much as possible. There have been weeks when we barely leave the property.

3. Ransom
Also highly unlikely, unless the ransom is for a truckload of food or grain or a few loads of buckshot or handgun rounds to center mass.

#4. Disease

As the nation dives deeper into collapse, we will see important infrastructure fall along with it. Trash collection, water treatment and waste management in general will come to a halt. The pests and disease that will come next will undoubtedly be the biggest killer of all.

Another reason to live rural with our own well & septic, we do have trash hauling; but, that’s only to save the work of burning or burying it ourselves as some locally here do.

Human waste and pests will spread disease like wild fire and there will be no doctors to help.

See above about waste & our neighbors are an NP & a fire chief paramedic, plus our niece, also a neighbor is an RN. The key is to have sufficient medications and a well stocked FAK.

#5. Starvation

Large scale agriculture will stop. Farmers are already shutting down operations left and right due to the low profit margins. If government subsidies stopped, it would literally be impossible to afford.

Actually a lot of local farmers would love to see the subsidies stop, since all they do is prop up the bad farmer businessman, who produces goods that flood the market and bring prices down. Eliminate them and those left could see a golden age; but, the city folks would have to pay a bit more.

That means the world would face widespread starvation or the American heartland might even be occupied by foreign nations that handle food production.

Occupying troops unless they are all conscripted farmers would only deepen the problem, since that’s what collective farming did in the old USSR because farming is not just planting and harvesting; but, a business that requires skill & patience.
The heartland would also not simply hand over equipment and land

#6. Hospital Blackout

A hospital blackout, for those in places like the ICU is a certain death sentence. It’s scary but it’s a very real situation that could come from the blackouts associated with an economic crisis.

This could happen; but, unless the government takes over the power generation and distribution like it did in Venezuela, enough people could be kep in place to keep things running.

#7. Desperate Hordes

Those who survive will be nothing but desperate, starving people who have seen and done most anything to stay alive. These people will be very different from the early rioters. They will do whatever it takes to stay alive.

Probably true; but, they have to get clear out here and survive the trip and the ensuing battle, since it will not simply be handed over to them.

#8. On The Bugout

Maybe you were one of the smart people who saw all this coming. You could have escaped to a remote bugout location that was stocked with food, water and resources to start a life of self-sufficiency. You might exist in peace, for a while, till some people start to notice your situation. The thing we all worry about in the remote bugout is that you can be quickly overpowered by a larger group and there is no one out there to help you.

We live on our bug out location and have planned to shelter in place since we moved here 35 years ago. We have selected others who will bug out to here, where they will provide extra labor & security. I’ve seen most of these potential scenarios coming for decades, since I am a voracious reader & student of history.

#9. Martial Law

If the government or, worse, the international community tries to regain order, they will create some form of martial law. They will try to instill curfew, order and confiscate guns. If this happens late in the game, it will basically be a war between those imposing order and those unwilling to comply.

Martial law almost always affects the cities, and like I mentioned earlier, we’ve spent weeks here where we never left the property. Pity the poor city folk.

#10. Lack of Medications

A large percentage of Americans are on meds that they take daily. Things like blood pressure meds to insulin for controlling blood sugar levels. What about all those people on bi polar, anti-schizophrenics and anti-depressants.

I take regular medications; but, have a large stockpile of most of them and the important ones like aspirin can easily be stockpiled, and are. Those with life threatening maladies like insulin dependent diabetics are just screwed, as they would have been before introduction of the medication in 1922.

When Does It All Begin?

The best time to start this is / was yesterday, or in my case more than 40 years ago. While there are still things beyond our control, like and asteroid strike or an airliner crashing onto the house, we’re in as good of shape as one can be without huiting the lottery.

Forget about everything else and focus on preparedness. Take small steps each week or month to get yourself in a better position. Food, water, backup power, security, first aid and evacuation are some great places to start.

This has all been in place for decades, except for evacuation, which would only happen in the case of a fire.
The only way to really approach this without worrying is to make it your lifestyle.
When I see something useful to this lifestyle, I usually intuitively notice it without thinking, as does the wife.
With the proper perspective, anyone can do this; but, it may mean that some in the rest of the world think you are a bit crazy.
I can live with that.

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