Become a Master of Change

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How To Develop Your Skill For Great Success And Happiness Including Become CPA? | Additional special tips From Admin

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Last Updated: Aug 1, 2013
Change – it’s constantly happening to us but rarely does anyone look forward to it. These five steps can help you master change.

changesWhen to change? – What to change? – How to change?

For most of us, the thought of change can send us into a panic attack.

For some of us, we might fear change because it disrupts our sense of security and consistency by challenging our perceptions.  As much as we crave stability and security, change is an inevitable part of life and we can either choose to embrace it or resist it.

From the minute we are born, our body remains in constant change and resisting it only makes it harder to get through it.  Resistance to change isn’t because we purposely want to go against the grain; we do it because we’re fearful of the unknown outcome.  We don’t know what’s on the other side and for no rational reason we resist it, thinking that will help us.

The fear of change comes from the fact that change challenges the perceptions and beliefs that our life is built upon.  When change challenges our perceptions, we are forced to step outside our comfort zone, and that’s uncomfortable.  Additionally, when our perceptions are challenged, so is the ground our life is built upon.  We are forced through change, to refine our perceptions and belief systems that we thought were true.  Let’s face it, when the very perceptions and belief system your life is built on is threatened, it can be uncomfortable.  But it can also be very rewarding and exciting.

Change is the inevitable constant refinement of our being.  Whether you want it or not, change is inevitable.  Inaction and resistance cannot completely stop change; it will only lessen your personal growth and add frustration to your life.  You will become stagnant and remain inside the boundaries of a very limited life while everyone and everything grows around you.  You aren’t reading this article to stay the same, and I don’t believe we were put on this earth to be stagnant – you want to grow and improve.  Wouldn’t you like to discover your potential?  What about becoming a better person for you, your family, and the world?

Life is really a series of changes and each change is a challenge.  It’s an opportunity for us to learn – to grow – to expand.  Some changes might be small while others may be large, but they each bring the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and the world around you.

With each new lesson you learn from the previous challenge, you become more adept at applying what you’ve learned to future growth and challenges.  Change actually becomes much easier to handle because when you come out the other side, you gain valuable skills and experiences that you can apply to the rest of your life.  Instead of being fearful, you may even have fun being more open to change because you know your life will be that much better.

With a constant refinement of perceptions and beliefs, change goes from sending us into a panic attack to being just another task we successfully complete.  It goes from being a major incident to a whole new exciting adventure.  With every change you make in your life, you become more adept at building solid ground no matter what the situation; and rationally dealing with your fear instead of allowing your perceptions to falsely magnify it.  Change becomes fun and exciting, and you learn to actually welcome it.

Inaction and Resistance Carries Bigger Consequences

There’s no way out and around it.  Choosing inaction or resistance to change carries bigger consequences than choosing to face the change head-on in the first place.  You are an ever changing person in an ever changing world and resistance just adds fear and frustration to every situation.  Learn to be open to creating new and exciting adventures that change will bring.

Focus on the Desired End Result

Worrying about what might happen will not help you deal with what’s at hand.  Focus on where you want to be when the change is complete.  The mind has an uncanny way of being a goal-achieving machine and will create your reality based on the thoughts you are focused upon.  You want to keep your desired end result in mind at all times, and only think about what you want to happen not what you don’t want to happen.  What got you to where you are today isn’t what will take you where you want to be.  Look at your long-range desired results and embark on a new journey to even greater outcomes.

Rationalize Your Fear

Fear is a natural response, but try to identify what it is you are afraid of.  Fear is usually the result of our mind creating hypothetical dramas that have no base in reality.  If you find yourself fearful of the outcome of an impending change, ask yourself what you’re afraid of.  There is a solution to everything and when you rationalize your fear, you can see that you are going to be just fine.  You can just suck it up, and as Nike says, “Just Do It.” Do what you are afraid of doing and reap the benefits.

You will quickly discover that the experience of change wasn’t worth all that anxiety over the unknown. Each time you rationalize the fear, you will have greater courage to ‘Just Do It’ in the future.

Break it into Manageable Pieces

For major changes, break it down into smaller manageable pieces.  It’s much easier to identify a solution when you can apply a strategy to deal with each step.  When you know what you’re going to do each step of the way, you can get to the end result with confidence and a rational strategy.

Last but not least, celebrate your victories.  Each time you felt the fear and did it anyway, you were victorious and reaped the benefits of showing that you are a champion! Little by little you’ll learn to trust your abilities more and to handle anything that comes your way.  When you rationalize the fear and create successful strategies, you come out a winner on the other side.  Look at change as a fun and exciting adventure.

Reap the many rewards!

You can resist change, but only temporarily.  When you resist the natural flow of the world, which is based on change, your life becomes a series of challenges that are amplified by your resistance.  Resist them and you become a victim – embrace them and you become a true master of change.

“I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened.” – Mark Twain, Celebrated American author

“Life and business are like the changing seasons. You can’t change the seasons, but you can change yourself.” – Jim Rohn


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