Breast cancer diagnosis

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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18 posts since

5 Apr 2021


I was at the breast clinic last tuesday after finding a lump 2 weeks before, i had a mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy and a marker put in me. It was confirmed there and then after looking at all the imaging that I have cancer, I was gobsmacked! I was convinced it was a cyst or something. I have to wait until monday to get the results of the biopsy and a treatment plan but I was told it will definitely involve surgery to remove the lump and then a course of radiotherapy. 

I’m 44.

I was just wondering how usual it is to be told its definitely cancer without biopsy results?

And how did people find radiotherapy and what to expect from it?

Thank you xx


Had a chat with consultant today and I’m booked in for surgery Tuesday 20th!  She didn’t give me much more info other than they are going to take a couple of lymph nodes out too, and also that 1 receptor is hormone positive so I’ll probably need chemo too. Not entirely sure what that means?!

They cant tell me what stage or grade until it has been examined after surgery.

Its 3cm so I’ll need a bit of reconstructive surgery as they’ll have to take quite a bit of tissue out, feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the info, but I have a face to face appt Thursday so I’m hoping by then it will make more sense.

Any advice or similar experiences would be much appreciated xx

2 posts since

29 Mar 2021

Hi YorkieGirl76

I am unsure how they can tell that it’s cancer without biopsy results but will let you know my experience from 5 years ago.  Recalled from routine mammogram in January, 2 biopsies taken, the second was a vacuum assisted biopsy and I watched the bits going down the tube which they said I wouldn’t want to watch but I like to know what is happening, they thought that a bit strange. I also had a couple of ultrasounds. Lots of waiting around for results which is normal I understand and is probably the worst and the most worrying part of my experience.  Widespread DCIS in right breast was found so I then decided on lumpectomy rather than mastectomy.  Lumpectomy done then saw consultant after a few weeks, no clear margins so a second lumpectomy performed which again didn’t give clear margins.  After this I was asked what I wanted to do and I asked if it was possible to have a third lumpectomy and was told that was also the thoughts at the Multidisciplinary team meeting as I have large breasts so a third lumpectomy performed which thankfully gave clear margins. I saw an oncologist who recommended radiotherapy of which I had 15 sessions which I found to be ok apart from a bit of soreness but I started moisturising my breast 3 weeks before the radiotherapy started and was given packets of honey at the cancer unit to apply to my breast .  I also felt a bit tired during radiotherapy but that may just have been early starts each day to get to my radiotherapy appointment which was Mon-Fri for the 3 weeks and a 17 mile drive for an 08.30 ish appointment.  I then had annual mammograms at hospital for 5 years and I am now back on the 3 yearly routine list for these.  I have been told that if it recurs then it will definitely be a mastectomy.  I know this is a very worrying time for you but I found my good friends really supportive as was my husband, even talking to the other people in the radiotherapy waiting room was nice as you hear their experiences of cancer and realise you are not alone with this awful disease. Hope all goes well for you.  Be kind to yourself and prep meals and freeze them in advance of radiotherapy so that you don’t tire yourself.

18 posts since

5 Apr 2021

Thanks for your reply.

I did find it strange they told me without waiting for biopsy results, but I guess they see cancer every day and know what it looks like from ultrasounds and mammograms, I was also on my own which was hard too!!

I’m glad you are through the worst and treatment is over.

Hopefully monday will bring more information and thanks for the tips, very helpful!


17 posts since

24 Mar 2021


I am very similar to you. I got examination, mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy and marker left in 2 weeks ago all in one day. I was told at the end of the day it was cancer. I found that strange as I never had my biopsy results as I had just had it. I went last week again for another appointment to be told my biopsy was inconclusive and they Don tknow if I am her pos or her neg but def cancer. Its a tough time waiting. Wish you all the luck in the world. 

18 posts since

5 Apr 2021


Thanks for replying.

The waiting is the hardest, what happens now for you, will it be further tests? Did they mention surgery or radio/chemotherapy to you at your first appointment?

Sorry for all the questions!

Very best of luck to you too xx

17 posts since

24 Mar 2021


It’s actually good to speak with someone who is in a similar situation. I have had 2 appointments now. The 2nd one never told me much only that My biopsy is being examined further & I have been given 2 treatment plans. If I am her2 positive I will need chemo before they would even consider surgery. If I am her2 negative they have pencilled me in for a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy in a few weeks time. Until I know the results though I am In limbo. The waiting game is just a nightmare and I sometimes think Google doesn’t help either. It’s also hard not being allowed any on ein when you are getting told the info as it’s hard to take in or it was for me. I left the hospital in total shock. I didn’t even realise there was so many variations of breast cancer and the diff treatment for each one


18 posts since

5 Apr 2021

Google is definitely not our friend! It’s so hard not to look though!

Gosh, at least they have got plans in place for either results, fingers crossed for the radiotherapy route. 

I too had no idea of the different types out there.

I was on my own too and didn’t think they’d be able to tell me anything on my first appojntment,  so was like you just in utter shock, they have said they will tell me by phone my biopsy results and have said 4PM monday I will get the call and to have a pen and paper to hand if I want to take notes, my partner is going to be with me, which will be a help!

Hopefully it will be the lumpectomy and radiotherapy route.

Have you kept your family informed? I hope you’ve got some support.

Please let me know how you get on.

Good luck xx

17 posts since

24 Mar 2021

Hi I will be thinking about you on Monday. Fingers crossed your results are clear and u get a clear idea of what path u r going on.

I’m lucky my partners been great. He’s been a god send through all this an its only the beginning.

Let me know how u get on come Monday and try not to worry. Easier said than done I know but try put it to the back of your mind. 

Good luck x



18 posts since

5 Apr 2021

Thanks again x

Yes we’re both at the beginning of our journeys, I hope you get your results through quickly and start your treatment soon.

Take care x

7 posts since

22 Feb 2021

Hi YorkieGirl 76

When I had the biopsies done, the radiologist was able to tell me that she expected a cancer result. I think this was because she could tell from the ultrasound she did before the biopsy. She did it an awful lot, so I thought she must have found something suspicious. She was right, unfortunately.


16 posts since

19 May 2017


Bless you I bet you were shocked, I also find it hard to understand that they can tell without biopsy results, but they do see it everyday.  I was told on the day it was very likely cancer before my results.


I had the lump removed and radiotherapy, I found it fine, was tried but otherwise ok.


Hope Monday goes ok, chin up xxx


18 posts since

5 Apr 2021

Thank you, 

Yes it was a shocker! But the word “treatable” is getting me through each day.

How long did you have radiotherapy for?

Glad you are at the other end of your journey now xx

16 posts since

19 May 2017


Yes treatable got me through, I had it for four weeks Monday to Friday it isn’t too bad, you just have to stay very still.

Before you have it you get a nice little tattoo lol, that is the area they treat, focus as you are on the positive x

18 posts since

5 Apr 2021


That’s reassuring, thanks again


212 posts since

22 May 2020


Hi ,your experience was the same as mine.l to had 5 core biobsys taken ,3 from my right breast and 2 from under my right arm .felt like I’d been shot ,and a metal marker clip.was put in. I was told there and then it was Cancer, just like you was ,without any results as biobsys only just been taken and not sent off to the laboratory for testing.  

I agree with you that they must know, they know the signs and must have a good idea if it’s cancer or not. 

I had lumpectomy, and all my lymph nodes were removed as it had spread to my lymph nodes, and three contained cancer cells.

I has four EC chemotherapy sessions and four Taxol chemotherapy sessions first one was paxitaxol, I then changed the next three to Abraxane as I had alergic reaction to the paxitaxol drug.  I finished chemotherapy on December 14th 2020, and just finished 15 sessions of Radiotherapy  on the 30th March.

I’m sorry you  find yourself in this position, its hard ,but you will be well looked after  and you will get through this,I was petrified of it all ,but ive got through it,just as we all do who find ourselves with cancer . Just stay positive throughout it all ,it realy does help, and never compare yourself to anyone else,your body is unique, and all yoir treatments will be tailored to you,and just because someone gets a side effect,it doesn’t mean you will. Just take it day by day .Good luck with evetything and always here if you need a friend .x

Breast cancer diagnosis

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