Ca125 test rise in month but clear ultrasounds

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Competence Expansion is usually the number 1 vital and significant element of attaining real success in many professions as one observed in each of our community and even in Across the world. So fortuitous to examine with you in the following related to just what exactly prosperous Competence Expansion is; just how or what tactics we do the job to reach ambitions and in due course one will do the job with what individual really loves to do just about every single working day regarding a extensive everyday living. Is it so fantastic if you are ready to produce efficiently and obtain financial success in precisely what you dreamed, targeted for, self-disciplined and did wonders hard every single daytime and undoubtedly you turn into a CPA, Attorney, an master of a considerable manufacturer or even a healthcare professional who will be able to tremendously play a role good guide and values to some others, who many, any world and neighborhood unquestionably shown admiration for and respected. I can's imagine I can help others to be prime expert level who will play a role considerable remedies and comfort values to society and communities at this time. How completely happy are you if you become one like so with your very own name on the headline? I have landed at SUCCESS and get over virtually all the complicated locations which is passing the CPA tests to be CPA. Besides, we will also cover what are the problems, or other sorts of complications that may just be on a person's approach and precisely how I have in person experienced them and will certainly reveal you the way to address them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

Ca125 test rise in month but clear ultrasounds

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1 posts since

12 Jul 2017

i had my first test a month ago after bloating pain feeling full and weight gain. The result was 41 I then had ultrasounds which were normal and went back to doctor who retested ca125 yesterday and results today are 61. He said it will be referral to gynaecologist now but what to expect. Why is test going up what’s tests will come next? I’m only 37 and am really worried

347 posts since

3 Aug 2015

Hello Nasmuch, and a very warm welcome to Cancer Chat!

I wanted to stop by to suggest that you give our information nurses a call so that you can chat through your results and ask any questions you have: 0808 800 4040. They’re here till 5pm today, then back again from 9am on Monday. 

Hopefully, someone who has had similar tests will be along soon to share their experiences here but, in the meantime, do feel free to give the nurse team a call. They’ll be happy to talk. 

With best wishes,


Cancer Chat Moderator

35 posts since

23 Jul 2017

Hi I was just wondering how you got on as have a similar situation and very worried 



27 posts since

5 Aug 2017


CA125 is not the most accurate test as it can be raised by inflammation too.  The rang is 0-31 so your first test wa slightly raised but you ultrasound was normal which is good.

I was 42 when diagnosed and I had clear cell which does not evaluate the ca125 but my large tumour was picked up on ultrasound.

let us know how you get on or join our excellent group on Facebook called ovarian cancer uk.  


1 posts since

16 Nov 2017

Just checking in with how you are as I am finding myself in a very similar situation. My CA125 result was raised and I have been for my scans today which were clear, the radiologist has recommended a gynae referral. Not sure what to expect or what they are looking for. I get severe pain and at some stage can feel a tennis ball sized swelling low down on the right hand side when I’m laid down in bed or sitting on a chair so I can feel my lower abdomen. I had a partial hysterectomy 7 years ago. Feeling really worried.

1 posts since

29 Nov 2018

Hi nasmuch,

i’ve Only just looked at this post and was wondering if you ca125 had gone into the normal range yet.

i myself am 38 and have had a raised ca125 sine September last year, having several blood tests ranging from 81-55 . I’ve 3 sounds which show nothing and now they want look at my other organs and I’m feeling pretty tense as you can imagine.

i guess I was just wondering if you had been given any medical reassurances i hadn’t heard yet.


27 posts since

5 Aug 2017

Hi Casey10


A ca125 can be raised for other things like inflammation in the pelvic area, if you have had ultrasound then you should be ok from what I seen in other ladies with ovarian cancer.  

Are they planning to do a CTScan as if you have it with constrast it will pick up most things.

stay positive 



3 posts since

30 May 2019

Hi I’m rather late to this post and realise you probably have an answer by now to your concerns.

i was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in June 2018, my CA125 was 772! I was convinced that it was in multiple organs. 

My symptoms were classic, I just didn’t know that at the time, tired, needing to pee a lot, bloated, loss of appetite and pressure  in my lower abdomen, I had put that down to getting old at 59

Turns out my tumour although the size of a cantaloupe melon (yes I had to track one down to see how big that is) wasn’t attached to anything else, so all successfully removed. I have blood tests every 3 months and so far fingers crossed the highest it’s been since is 13

2 posts since

10 Jun 2019

Hi there,

May I ask how things went as I find myself in a similar situation. Raised CA 125 of 85 but clear ultrasound. Have just found out I have a 9 week wait till I see the gynea. So feeling nervous about the wait. Thanks for your help 

3 posts since

30 May 2019


I’m not sure but think a raised CA125 can also be due to an inflammation. Hopefully that’s what this turns out to be.

my tumour was picked up on an ultrasound and after another gynae appointment 4 weeks later I had a ct scan which confirmed ovarian cancer. 

I wasn’t in pain, just an aching in my lower abdomen, I’m sure others have different experiences. 

Altogether the wait from diagnosis to surgery was about 9 weeks . It was completely removed and blood tests are back in the normal range.

hope this is what you wanted to know, whatever it is stay positive, it makes all the difference. 



20 posts since

6 Jun 2019

Hi all,

Good to hear some postive news, my Mum was digonsied with Ovarian Cancer 3 weeks ago, all a big shock for the family, we are told its 5cm big and they want to do a Hysterectomy to remove the cancer, as you can imagine we are all thinking the worse so to hear some of your stories has made me feel a little better today, the strange thing is with my Mum her Bloods have have come back normal 3 times, we are waiting for a date for the op so hopefully that will be soon.


Please look after yourselfs ladies and thanks for sharing you stories x

1 posts since

13 Jun 2019

I was getting heavy periods, due to my age I should have been going through menapause but it was being delayed. I had CA125 tests and it came in between 55-85 I had a CT scan, an Endoscopy, Ultra sound and also a biopsy all clear. It was suggested at one point due to the irregular readings a hysterectomy may help stem the bleeding. Luckily i had a good consultant and she got some input from other colleagues, they suggested they kept an eye on my blood tests every three months. Another CA125 test was done and it came back normal. No idea why, i had commenced taking folic acid tablets, iron tablets and multi vitamins and ate more healthily losing a stone in weight, four weeks before I got my last tests. Could this have been the reason my CA125 went back to normal.

2 posts since

10 Jun 2019

Hi, I thought I’d update my post in case people search this thread in the future and need some reassurring.

So I’m aged 37 and had noted changes in my period flow with more pain so I  went to my gp and got sent for a blood test and ultrasound. 

my CA125 was 85 and ultrasound showed no masses but some mild thickening. So I got sent for a hysteroscopy (took 9 weeks to wait for an “urgent appointment”!). Whilst it wasnt pleasant the hysteroscopy really wasnt that bad. Id kinda say that for me, it was a bit worse than a smear but I have had two kids. The results showed something that “didn’t look like cancer” but gynaecologist wasn’t sure what it was but obviously wanted to rule out cancer so took biopsies and repeated the blood CA125. Got my results today on chasing the secretary at 3 weeks following the appointment  and was told ALL CLEAR! Not cancer and CA125 now 11. Got to wait another few months to hear what it is but for now it’s a big relief! 


Hope this is helpful for someone. Take care. 

49 posts since

24 Jun 2019

I can really relate to this post. I’m been suffering flair ups every few months with indigestion/ constipation which turned into diarreah at end of flair up. These flair ups would last a day but the last flair up was 4 days, was bed bound, had the usual sickness constipation then diarreah and tiredness and a tight pain in middle tummy which then went around to my right. Since the flair ups I had a pain on right side of navel gojnv up to right rib and it’s still here. Dr did my CA125 it was 45, I went through a hard couple of weeks waiting for the ultrasound and low and behold they came back completely clear. Got the test done again and it went to 41 so they’ve stopped investigating the ovary and my gynocoligist is pleased and doesn’t need to see me. I’m still wondering my my ca125 would be raised. I’m getting investigated for my chest/ bowel now so I’m going for colonoscopy and endoscopy in 2 weeks. Hopefully I’ll get some answers – I’m still getting bad pains on my right side eso around navel and goes round my side to my back and under my rib and up to armpit. It’s sharp and intermittent or there’s periods where it’s worse but I get type of dull pains there too. I’m just wondering could the CA125 be linked to inflammation in bowel as I read somewhere that it’s not only gynocoligical region of body. They also suspected gallstones but ultrasound was clear for that too.

1 posts since

20 Dec 2019

Dec 20th 2019

I can relate to your symptoms. I’ve  had pain in my right side for 3 years with intermittent symptoms. I was diagnosed with Ibs then possibly bowel problems. I hard a colonoscopy 3 years ago. It was clear but with some diviticulitis. As I was still having issues: a lump on the right side  with pain radiating up to my right rib and round my back  I had avpelvic ultra sound a ct scan and a vaginal ultra sound. Nothing found and my C125 was 35. Since the I’ve had all the procedures done again. Still nothing but the C125 was now 40. 

This week my doctor thought my diviticulitusvhad flared up as the pains had reappeared in the same places. I wanted another C125 blood test done. It is now 45. The doctor is now sending me to see a genealogists and get yet another scan done. 

Like you I’m now concerned and can’t understand why previous scans haven’t found anything if the C125 test is raised and suggests ovarian cancer.

Have an appointment on 6th Jan. 

Ca125 test rise in month but clear ultrasounds

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