CBD Benefits, Crack Drown and Everything You Need to Know

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CBD Benefits, Crack Drown and Everything You Need to Know

There has been a rise in the use of CBD in the last couple of years. CBD has shown tremendous success when used as an alternative treatment for common ailments. The boom has come with its own challenges. New York City, in particular, has been at the center of the CBD boom but it might come to an end as there have been crackdowns by health officials. New York City’s Department of Health paid a visit to one of the biggest CBD-infused pastry shops that sell bakery products.

According to the Eater, the officials from the health department confiscated edibles worth around $1000 from Cat Fat Kitchen. The problem is not isolated to New York alone. According to Maines health officials, CBD edibles have been banned as it is not a federally approved food additive. The component itself is still legal to sell and includes oil, lotion, and vape.

The use of CBD is currently in a grey area when it comes to legality in most states. The Drug Enforcement Agency still insists that CBD is illegal since it is derived from Cannabis. This is a contrasting opinion with that of the Food and Drug Administration Authority which has approved the use of CBD prescription drug that is legally sold in North America. FDA is clear on the use of CBD oil. It states that CBD can’t be used as a dietary supplement. It also can’t be sold in foods deemed to be crossing state lines.

The fact that the law is very clear on what shouldn’t be sold doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. New York, for example, is full of restaurants where you can get CBD-laden smoothies, coffee, and sometimes even dog treats. There are no formal regulations in place which is likely to result in chaos. It is surprising that most of the CBD products are not sold in secret. Some places even advertise the products that they’re offering.

In both Maine and New York, CBD can be sold legally as long as it is not in an edible form. Most cities and states across the country are very interested in regulating CBD when it comes to the edible form. Fat Cat Kitchen is not going to be the last crackdown as there are many establishments that openly sell CBD edibles.

CBD has become a popular topic especially in states where Marijuana use is legalized. CBD oil has been credited as a treatment for many medical ailments. Despite the lack of proper regulations in place, CBD has the potential to be a reliable alternative treatment for many diseases.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is extracted from buds and flowers of the hemp or marijuana plant. It does not contain any form of intoxication which is synonymous with Marijuana. CBD oils use is currently legal in 30 States. There are 17 additional states that have CBD specific laws on the books.

CBD has been touted as a multipurpose molecule. It has the potential for being an alternative treatment for people who don’t like the harsh side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. CBD synchs with how the human body function on a biological level. It can provide relief from depression, inflammation, anxiety, and chronic pain. There has been extensive research some sponsored by the U.S. government which shows the potential use of CBD as a treatment option for a wide range of maladies.

CBD interacts with the body differently compared to THC. One way the CBD interacts with the human body is through mimicking endogenous cannabinoids compounds which are naturally occurring. The discovery of the endocannabinoid system has helped doctors understand diseases better. As a result, the implication is a better understanding of how THC and CBD interact with the body.

The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in regulating the most important physiological processes that are crucial and affect our everyday experience. It can alter the mood, intestinal fortitude, blood pressure, bone density, immune activity, pain experience, glucose metabolism and so much more.

When the endocannabinoid system is not functioning well, a person is more susceptible to diseases. Regulating the endocannabinoid system can prevent a lot of diseases experienced by the human body. CBD helps in regulating the endocannabinoid system by slowing and in some cases stopping the disease progression.

There has been a lot of excitement on pharmaceutical CBD and the potential it presents. It was not until 25th July 2018 when the FDA recognized CBD as real medicine when they approved the use of Epidiolex. The drug is almost pure in the formulation and is used to treat Dravet syndrome and seizure disorders. Cannabis and CBD oil are still on the FDA’s list of schedule 1 which contains illegal narcotics. Epidiolex could be seen as expensive and people would rather look for alternatives elsewhere.

The use of CBD oil is another grey area when it comes to jurisdiction in law. The dilemma currently being witnessed in Texas goes to show the altercation between legal authorities and sellers. CBD oil sellers continue to trade despite having been warned by the chief Tarrant County prosecutor.

According to the Tarrant District Attorney’s office, the use of CBD oil is only allowed to be used by those who suffer from intractable epilepsy. Those who are selling or buying CBD oil are breaking the law according to District Attorney Sharen Wilson. The sellers have vowed to continue engaging in the trade and are not afraid of being arrested.

CBD oil is made by extracting from the cannabis plant the diluting it with a carrier like hemp seed oil or coconut oil. It has been gaining momentum in the wellness and health world with some studies showing that it can provide relief from chronic pain. Below are some of the benefits you could get from using CBD oil

CBD oil can provide almost immediate pain relief from major ailments. The parent plant has been used to provide relief since time immemorial. Recent studies have shown that components like CBD in Marijuana are the ones responsible for providing relief. CBD reduces pain interacting with the endocannabinoid receptor activity and with the neurotransmitters as well.

The endocannabinoid system is responsible for the mood of a person. Depression and anxiety are some of the common mental disorders that affect millions of Americans every year. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, depression is the biggest contributor to disability in the world. Treating anxiety and depression might not work and they could also have adverse side effects. CBD oil has been effectively used to treat children with insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD oil is also not as addictive as other pharmaceutical treatment options.

CBD oil can be used to alleviate cancer-related symptoms and also help in coping with the side effects that come with treatment like vomiting, nausea, and constant pain. There are drugs that are recommended for distressing the symptoms but they are not always effective. That is why some people would opt for alternative options like CBD oil. CBD oil helps in reducing the vomiting and nausea that comes as a result of chemotherapy.

Acne can become a menace to treat and affects close to 9% of the population. Some of the common causes of acne include underlying inflammation problems, excessive production of sebum, genetics, bacteria, and oily secretions which may lead to skin blockage.

Studies have shown that CBD oil can be used as an acne treatment due to its anti-inflammatory properties. There was a test tube study that was done which found out CBD helped in preventing the sebaceous glands from producing excessive sebum by exerting anti-inflammatory actions. Even though the results look promising, a lot more studies need to be done.

There are some studies that have shown that CBD oil could benefit heart health. High blood pressure comes with a number of hazardous health conditions like metabolic syndrome, stroke, and heart attack. CBD act as a natural treatment for high blood pressure since it directly impacts the endocannabinoid system in the body. Studies have shown that CBD oil has a much better effect when it comes to reducing blood pressure compared to placebo. The stress and anxiety-reducing properties can also help in reducing high blood pressure in the body.

CBD can be used as a therapeutic alternative when it comes to substance abuse treatment. The non- psychoactive element is sometimes overlooked when choosing CBD as an alternative treatment. There are studies that show CBD can modify circuits in the brain that contribute to substance abuse. CBD oil has the ability to reduce morphine and heroin dependence. It can also be used to prevent relapses which is common among drug addicts. It has little side effects and the fact that it is not addictive makes a good therapy option for substance abuse treatment.

Many people see CBD as a miracle alternative, which is not the case. As much as a lot of people could benefit from using CBD, legal access still remains a challenge. There is also the concern that CBD alone might not be as effective as a treatment alternative. Hemp has been fully legalized and there are some people who are of the opinion the same applies to CBD. There is a thin line between what’s legal and what’s not when it comes to state jurisdiction.

The majority of the states have legalized CBD products but not cannabis or THC in general. Marijuana is illegal on the federal level but legal in some states. This means that businesses that deal with cannabis cannot transport related products across state lines. Companies that deal with CBD products usually supply them in the form of lotions, pills, or oils. The DEA has been cracking down on companies and issuing “cease and desist” letters from making claims that CBD is a dietary supplement. The reason why the DEA has refused to acknowledge CBD as a dietary supplement is because the parent plant has been authorized for investigation.

Even with the scientifically proven benefits of CBD, the rules and regulation are not very clear for both sellers and buyers. The recent crackdown on CBD edibles goes to show how why it is important to put lasting legal frameworks in place. A lot more research also needs to be done on the benefits of CBD oil. It has the potential to treat a myriad of ailments.

CBD Benefits, Crack Drown and Everything You Need to Know

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