CBD Oil — Drilling for the Truth, benefits and drawbacks

by | Mar 7, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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CBD Oil — Drilling for the Truth, benefits and drawbacks

Medicine is a science of wonder and mysteries yet to be discovered. Today, physicians rely on a complex and ever-growing list of medications, each designed to alleviate the discomfort of their patients. Unfortunately, not all medications are effective in producing the results expected. When medications fail, alternative, practical solutions must be sought.

Clinical research is a never-ending battle against many diseases. Often taking many years of in-depth studies and testing, clinical research continues to search for answers to health questions that continue to plague our very existence. Product development and implementation of occasional controversial new practices, procedures and discoveries remain commonplace in medicine.

With the discovery of a non-hallucinate marijuana extract, scientists and researchers across the Globe continue their quest for a life-changing medical answer to the discovery of CBD oil.

CBD or cannabidiol is a derivative naturally found in the hemp plant. Cannabidiol oil or CBD is made from the strains of cannabis that contain low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Scientific discoveries into the significance of cannabinoids for human health has been recorded and well-known for many years.

Hemp plants are grown for fiber and seed oil. Industrial hemp plant varieties are a product of low resin agricultural crops grown from pedigreed seeds. CBD is produced in contamination-free facilities in the United States and Canada under strict regulations. Years of additional testing are also conducted before releasing to the general consuming public. CBD is legal in all 50 states.

CBD and all cannabinoids are produced and concentrated in the sticky resin of the cannabis plant. Beneficial terpenes (smell) and flavonoids (taste) are also produced and concentrated in the resin as well. This thick resin compound is found mainly in the flowers of the cannabis plant. Smaller amounts of resin can also be found in the leaves and stems.

The stick, gooey cannabis resin is isolated within the small heads of tiny, mushroom-shaped trichomes (protective housings) found on the often-foul smelling flowers of the female cannabis plant. Extracted by approved and qualified specialists in precise environmental controlled facilities producing the purest form of CBD.

The resin of the cannabis plant contains the highest concentrated amount of therapeutically desirable compounds from which CBD is made. Grown in specialized conditions, with approximately 0ne-hundred tall, skinny plants per square-meter, machine-harvested and manufactured into a multitude of health-related products.

CBD alone will not make you high. CBD and THC are cannabinoids. CBD provides many medical benefits without negative side effects a common problem with other well-known forms of prescribed medications. Safe and effective, CBD is 100-percent free of any synthetic or artificial ingredients produced by qualified and trusted manufacturers. CBD contains less than 0.3% of THC, the common hallucinogenic compound of marijuana.

One of the key differences between CBD and THC is that CBD (cannabidiol) is non-psychoactive or mind altering. Positive and conclusive research into the improvement of thousands of patients’ health conditions is often overshadowed by a negative association with THC and cannabis plants.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system that is an internal part of the human body. Everyone possesses an ECS biological system found everywhere in the body. Endocannabinoids are molecules that bind to and activate cannabinoid receptors. There are two major cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are one of the most abundant receptors in the brain. These receptors interact with THC, resulting in mind-altering highs. CB2 receptors are more prevalent outside of the nervous system, commonly an integral part of the immune system. It is important to remember that molecules like cannabinoids rarely interact with only one receptor.

Cannabidiol plays a fundamental and important role in the body. The ECS (endocannabinoid) system has also been linked with many aspects of the body regulating emotion, feelings and the decision-making process. The ECS system has also been associated with:

Plant-based cannabinoid CBD interacts with numerous receptors in the brain which reject, accept or transmit signals throughout the brain. THC cannabinoid brain receptors, of those smoking on ingesting a higher level of cannabis, block incoming signals from other receptors allowing continual misinterpretation of information with often unexplained delusions or misconception of factual information.

Simply stated, homeostasis is the process of maintaining internal balance in an ever-changing external environment. Homeostasis is the overabundance of mutually supporting processes that keep the body functioning properly. CBD does not fit into any of the cannabinoid receptors of the body. However, it is still able to stimulate activity in the receptors without directly binding to them.

CBD has two very unique effects on the body. Promoting a blend of 2-AG (binding molecule) which stimulates the receptors. In addition, research has shown that CBD prevents the activity of FAAH (Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase), the enzyme responsible for breaking down anandamide, an acid that binds and activates cannabinoid receptors in the brain.

Putting together the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Hemostasis, CBD allows the mind to accept and begin the healing process rapidly, without the ingestion of hallucinate effects of cannabis.

The benefits of daily dosage of CBD continue to bring about dramatic changes in lives across the country. Where prescribed medications were proven to be ineffective in relieving on-going health conditions, CBD continues to fill the void with proven, factual proven benefits. Regardless of the severity of current health conditions, CBD restores energy, allowing a more active and productive daily lifestyle for those afflicted with:

Reduces pain by binding to CB1 receptors with a reduction in swelling. The most common reason people use CBD today is for pain. Controlled trials of over one-thousand patient have demonstrated the decrease in pain from chronic to neuropathic with the use of CBD.

Engages with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) throughout the body helping to reduce inflammation continually. Possible uses for decreasing inflammation over a wider range of diseases remains impressive with therapeutic potential

CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety attacks in many clinical studies. The stress-reducing effect is related to activity in both the limbic and paralimbic areas of the brain which deals with emotions.

Low doses of CBD and THC encourage the creation of new nerve cells, even in aging brains. CBD also benefits the brain in the prevention of nerve-related diseases such as neuropathy and Alzheimer’s disease.

A combination of probiotics in conjunction with CBD usage work well together in a complementary way to control prolonged stomach issues such as IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome). CBD increases the number of beneficial properties while inhibiting undesirable strains of bacteria often related to continual stomach (gut) issues.

Continual research is being conducted with a greater focus on the best ration of CBD to THC and the most effective level in cancer prevention and treatment. Although no conclusive results have come forward, clinical research indicated that animals treated with CBD were significantly less inclined to develop colon cancer when treated with small dosages of CBD.

CBD has been shown to block an enzyme that destroys bone-building compounds in the body. CBD helps spur the process of new bone-cell formation with an increased healing speed of broken bones with a reduction of refracturing the same bone. Bones became 35–50-percent stronger than other similar bones.

THC keeps the mind active, allowing for limited sleep. CBD provides relaxation and calms the mental and physical body. CBD taken at bedtime produces a restful sleep without interruptions. CBD may also hold promises for those who suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness, often referred to as “3 PM yawns”.

CBD is specifically recommended for control of a specific type of epileptic seizures. Clinical research has indicated that CBD when taken with other medications, reduces the frequency and severity of seizures. With additional testing, CBD may prove to be beneficial and tolerable for all epilepsy seizures.

CBD has been found to control the immune system instead of overpowering it. Cannabidiol also slows down cell production and conquers immune system memory. CBD could cut down on the frequency of future autoimmune attacks with a reduction in cell damage.

DISCLAIMER: CBD oil is not a cure for serious health conditions nor should such representation be advised or assumed. Always consult with a qualified physician before taking CBD.

Unfortunately, to this day there exist few regulations controlling the manufacturing process. There are many different CBD brands available today, however, buyers should be made aware of the dangers of poor manufacturing practices. Using toxic solvents such as propane, hexane, pentane, and butane in the extraction process is a cheap and dangerous way to produce quality CBD. Always check the source.

Organic hemp is grown in either controlled environments or on specialized farms under strict supervision. Noted to be of the highest quality, organic hemp is also manufactured in many different ways, other than a liquid form. From powders to cream to chewable soft gummies, even butter, organic CBD continues to be highly sought.

Used in cooking, adding granola or favorite blends of spices, the daily intake of CBD has become easier providing the same benefits as liquid CBD.

CO2 extraction is the preferred method of CBD extraction, Using carbon-dioxide under high pressure with low temperatures to extract as much as possible, the final product produced remains contamination free. Once the CO2 pressure is released, this non-toxic gas evaporates leaving no harsh chemicals or any trace of extraction.

Concerned about profits, many manufacturers use harsh chemicals in the extraction process that often leaves chemical residues that is unfit for human consumption.

High-quality CBD will always provide a third-party testing facility. These independent testing facilities scrutinize every aspect of the manufacturing process. These labs check for purity of the final product with a high level of CBD and low, required level of THC. Reputable brands of CBD oil will always provide access to independent testing on the packaging or on independent websites.

Qualifying for a legal hemp product requires THC levels to be lower than 0.3 percent. Look for CBD oil with certification of lower levels of THC, preferably zero. Many reputable manufacturers offer a wide range of CBD products with no THC. These products should be the preferred choice when selecting a hemp-based product.

Always look for the qualifying specifications to ensure that you are buying a quality CBD product:

With an unlimited amount of CBD products available on the market today, Hempworx meets and exceeds all the preliminary guidelines set forth in the manufacturing of a quality product. With a larger variety of available products covering an even larger range of specific medical conditions, Hempworx continues to be a leader in the quality CBD products.

Other valuable information on CBD products can be found at http://drellisorcbd.com/

The time has come to open narrow minds cluttered with the stigma and association with mind-altering marijuana. CBD oil and related products have been proven to offer millions of the afflicted with a solution to many years of serious medical conditions. One abandoned by ineffective prescribed medications with numerous side effects, CBD offers alternatives to an alleviation of pain and daily discomfort.

Recognized on the syndicated TV program “Shark Tank”, over $2.9 million dollars was invested by five billionaires who immediately recognized the potential of CBD. The time has come for the medical community to accept the realization of CBD products and the potential benefits offered to their patients.

The time has come to bring forth the truth about the health benefits of CBD. Sticking your head in the sand is not going to work much longer. The future of medicine and prescription drugs is about to change with dramatic resolutions. Look to CBD Oil and start drilling for the truth.

CBD Oil — Drilling for the Truth, benefits and drawbacks

Research & References of CBD Oil — Drilling for the Truth, benefits and drawbacks|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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