Do You Have Winter Allergies?

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Do You Have Winter Allergies?

If you’re allergic to pollen, you may get a break when the weather gets cold. But if you have indoor allergies such as mold and dust mites, you may notice your allergy symptoms more during winter, when you spend more time inside.

When it gets cold and your furnace kicks on, it sends dust, mold spores, and insect parts into the air. They can get into your nose and launch a reaction.

Some common indoor allergy triggers are:

Allergy symptoms caused by dust, pollen, or mold include:

How can you tell whether your symptoms are from a cold, the flu, or allergies? A cold usually doesn’t last for more than 10 days. Allergies can linger for weeks or even months. Also, colds and flu sometimes have a fever and aches and pains, which don’t usually happen with allergies.

If your symptoms last more than a week, see your doctor. He may refer you to an allergist, who will ask you about your health history and symptoms.

The allergist may do a skin test where he scratches your skin with a tiny bit of an allergen or injects it just under your skin. If the area turns red and itchy, you’re allergic. There’s also a blood test to diagnose some allergies.

Treatments for winter allergies include:

You can’t prevent an allergy. But if you know you’re allergic, you can take steps to avoid a reaction. Use these tips:

If someone in your household is allergic to pet dander and you really want a pet, the best choices are animals without fur, such as fish. If you already have a cat or dog, don’t let it sleep in your bedroom, and give it a bath at least once a week.

Also, during the winter holidays:

If you have a pet allergy and you’ll be visiting people who have cats or dogs, take your allergy medication with you and keep up with your immunotherapy before you go. Bring your own pillow with you, too.


American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: “Tips to Remember: Indoor Allergens,” “‘Tis the Season for Allergic Reactions,” “Decorate Your Holiday Around Your Allergies and Asthma,” “Tips to Remember: Exercise: Induced Asthma,” “Allergic Rhinitis,” “Tips to Remember: Allergic Skin Conditions.”


Make these tweaks to your diet, home, and lifestyle.

Breathe easier with these products.

Live in harmony with your cat or dog.

Which ones affect you?


© 2005 – 2018 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.

WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

See additional information.

Do You Have Winter Allergies?

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