When clients learn I am an Enrolled Agent with the Internal Revenue Service a variety of responses follow. Some panic, thinking I am an auditor or some sort of secret tax-agent. Others mistakenly believe I am an employee of the IRS. More often than not, however, I get the response “Enrolled Agent, what is that?” Enrolled Agents are certainly rare. There are only 46,000 Enrolled Agents in the United States and only a handful that practice in West Virginia. What is an Enrolled Agent and why did I choose to become one? These questions are best answered with a little historical detail.
After graduating college with Bachelor degrees in accounting and economics, I spent some time mapping the paths my career might take. I had several years of experience preparing tax returns and a passion for the mechanics of business. How could I combine accounting, tax preparation, and business strategy? Part of the answer was to sharpen my business skills by pursuing a Masters Degree in Business Administration. The complete answer arrived shortly after starting the MBA program. I was sharing my career quandary with a classmate and he said, “Why not become an Enrolled Agent.” My response: “An Enrolled Agent, what is that?” He went on to explain that an Enrolled Agent is a tax professional licensed and regulated by the United States Department of Treasury.
I had my answer. Becoming an Enrolled Agent took nine months of intense study and passing a two-day, four-part exam dealing exclusively with federal taxation: individuals, businesses, corporations, estates, trusts, and IRS procedures.
Enrolled Agents (EA) are independent tax professionals, licensed and regulated by the United States Treasury Department. Enrolled Agents are not employees or representatives of the IRS. The term “Enrolled” means to be licensed to practice by the federal government. The term “Agent” means authorized to appear in place of the taxpayer before the IRS (only Enrolled Agents, attorneys, and CPAs may represent taxpayers before the IRS). Enrolled Agents work for their clients and are qualified to prepare all tax returns presented to the IRS. They are also licensed to represent their clients before all administrative levels of Internal Revenue Service including audits, collections, and appeals.
After proving their expertise in the field of taxation, EAs’ must continue to sharpen their skills and keep up with the ever-changing tax code by receiving at least 72 hours of continuing education every three years. EAs who, like me, are members of the National Association of Enrolled Agents must receive at least 90 hours of continuing education to maintain their membership.
Unlike other tax professionals, only Enrolled Agents are required to demonstrate their competence in matters of taxation directly before the US Treasury Department. Only Enrolled Agents receive their right to practice directly from the federal government (other representatives are licensed by the states). Another difference between EAs and other tax professionals is that all Enrolled Agents specialize in taxation. Other professionals may or may not choose to specialize in taxes.
Although Enrolled Agents are not as plentiful as other types of tax professionals, keep them in mind if you need assistance preparing your business or personal tax returns, or find yourself in hot water with the IRS.
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