For being vocal supporters of socialism, the Obamas sure love accumulating money and living like One Percenters

by | Aug 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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For being vocal supporters of socialism, the Obamas sure love accumulating money and living like One Percenters

Barack and Michelle Obama have announced that they recently purchased a massive, 29-acre, beach-front estate in Martha’s Vineyard for a cool $15 million, proving once again that the same libtards who never shut up about “global warming” and “climate change” don’t actually practice, or believe, what they preach.

Were the Obamas truly concerned about ocean levels rising, as Barack once claimed, then they would have purchased a lavish second (or third?) home somewhere in the mountains. But that’s certainly not what they did, revealing that they don’t actually believe the climate hoax they continue to peddle.

One Twitter user put it perfectly in response to the news by writing:

“If you truly believe that climate change is going to be as devastating as the pundits are saying (ex: the island of Manhattan will soon be underwater), why would you gamble $15M to buy an island estate directly on the water?”

Keep in mind that Obama spent a good chunk of his presidency fear-mongering about the polar ice caps melting. He even recently attended a funeral for a glacier that’s supposedly receding because of global warming, offering a type of eulogy for the loss of the giant chunk of ice and snow.

But when he’s not grandstanding about the climate change myth, Obama is apparently off purchasing expensive and very large mansions right next to the very same water sources that he says are going to one day submerge his own properties.

“The Obamas say that Democrats are lying about the effects of climate change and claiming that sea levels will rise, and to prove it they buy an enormous estate right on the water,” joked another Twitter commenter about the hilarity of this latest news.

For more news about Obama, be sure to check out

What’s also hilariously ironic about this latest purchase by the Obamas is that it demonstrates their doctrine of “socialism for thee, but not for me.” The wealth of the general citizenry needs to be redistributed to support “equality,” they claim. But when it comes to their own personal lifestyles, nothing less than the One Percent will suffice.

“I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money,” one Twitter commenter wrote to the Obamas emphasizing this point.

“The Obama’s totally reject socialism and buy another mega mansion – a $15 million dollar Martha’s Vineyard estate that they’ll only use a few weeks a year, in an attempt to set a new record for income inequality,” jabbed another, pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the situation.

As for the impact that the Obamas’ new estate will have on the environment, think excessive utility bills similar to those racked up by Al Gore at his mansion, which are upwards of $1,800 per month.

“For reference, former vice president Al Gore’s 10,000-square-foot estate near Nashville, Tennessee, eats up more than 21 times the energy than of an average U.S. household over the past year,” writes Joseph Curl for The Gateway Pundit.

Back in 2017, The Washington Times published the findings of a report by the National Center for Public Policy Research which found that Gore’s upscale Belle Meade mansion used a shocking 230,889 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity in a single year – an amount that’s anything but beneficial for the environment.

“But at least the Obamas have a nice place to spend a few weeks in the summer, and that’s all that matters,” Curl concludes.

For more news about liberal hypocrisy and gross excess on display, be sure to check out

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For being vocal supporters of socialism, the Obamas sure love accumulating money and living like One Percenters

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