found a lump

by | Aug 10, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Skill Development might be the number 1 imperative and key factor of having true being successful in all of the procedures as most people spotted in the contemporary culture and also in Globally. Which means fortuitous to look at together with everyone in the next in regard to whatever successful Competence Enhancement is; the correct way or what tactics we do the job to accomplish desires and subsequently one might function with what anyone is in love with to achieve each daytime to get a extensive lifestyle. Is it so superb if you are capable to acquire resourcefully and find good results in what you dreamed, steered for, regimented and previously worked very hard every daytime and obviously you become a CPA, Attorney, an owner of a great manufacturer or even a doctor who can really bring about amazing help and principles to other folks, who many, any modern culture and society absolutely esteemed and respected. I can's believe that I can assist others to be top notch specialized level who seem to will play a role considerable solutions and pain relief values to society and communities now. How happy are you if you end up one such as so with your personal name on the headline? I get got there at SUCCESS and defeat all of the tough areas which is passing the CPA examinations to be CPA. On top of that, we will also deal with what are the problems, or different difficulties that may just be on your current process and precisely how I have professionally experienced them and will probably indicate you easy methods to rise above them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

found a lump

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12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

hi i had cancer in 2010 i had mastectomy chemo radio and 5 years on tamoxifen..(hormone related)..periods stopped and had early menopause ..5 years later….in 2015 given all clear …went to mammograms every 3 years ….had one in 2017 was clear ..and my last one just in January 2020 this year ..all clear …however I found a hard lump near the nipple on other boob..last night 6 months after my last clear mammogram….just called gp he will do telephone chat tomorrow…Sunday 2nd …and I assume refer me to the breast clinic..etc …or may ask me to visit the surgery first 


very worried and confused here scared too to think I had a clear mammogram only 24 weeks ago i have suddenly out the blue found a lump puckering or rashes change of breast shape or anything in arm pit  etc…however for months I had aches in it and the odd shooting pain but the mammogram was clear I assumed that’s common breast pain? as I’ve read that breast pain can be common …


just some advice and thoughts would be appreciated thank you

371 posts since

18 Nov 2019

Hi there,

I have had similar treatment to you, masectomy, chemo, radiotherapy and now on Anastrazole hormone tablets. My treatment only finished 7 weeks ago and now I have swelling under other armpit lymph node and tiny pea shaped lump. Back to GP on Monday and terrified of cancer returning, so I do understand your concern. Let’s hope we both have nothing to worry about! Fingers crossed and everything else, not very medical but all I can offer…

Kind thoughts


12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

hi thank you for your reply ..I’m.trying to get the hang of this forum yes we are very similar in treatment ..though yours is very early indeed to find a lump so I’m sure it’s fine ..I will be thinking about you tomorrow xxx

371 posts since

18 Nov 2019

I hope its fine and yours is too. I find this forum is good for a rant or a chat and for finding people in similar situations, somehow it helps to know you are not alone. Let me know how you get on.



12 posts since

1 Aug 2020 called me to discuss ..then suggested I go the the surgery for an examination..the usual questions and such …said he will refer me to the breast clinic as an urgent case seeing as I have a history of breast cancer  …so all I can do is sit and wait for that appointment now .. xx

371 posts since

18 Nov 2019

I think I’ll be doing the same tomorrow, phoning GP and being referred. I’m still under the breast nurses at the Hospital so will give them a ring too. Hope your appointment comes through quickly, so you know what you are dealing with.


12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

thanks and fingers crossed for you ..what a nightmare ❤

5054 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Gem,

I am so sorry to hear that you have found a second lump in your breast. I had a similar experience as you. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 11 years ago, then just a year later I found another lump in the same breast and, this was also cancerous.

Initially, like you, I had a clear mammogram just weeks before this diagnosis. I had been having regular mammograms prior to this  and, had been recalled only once about 6 years before this. At that time I had another mammogram and, was told that there was nothing abnormal detected. I am  glad to hear that your GP has referred you to the breast clinic. I’m sure that you know that this means that you should be seen within 2 weeks.

I well remember how worried I was when waiting to be seen again at the breast clinic and, then waiting for the results of my tests. Fortunately, in my case this was another primary of the same type of cancer.

Do you know what type of cancer you had initially and what grade it was? I sincerely hope that your appointment comes through soon and that nothing too untoward is found. In the meantime, try to keep yourself busy in order to distract you from the wait and the uncertainty.

Thinking of you and hoping that it is good news. Please remember that we are always here for you.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

hi jolamine thank you for your comment ..I had my first cancer in right breast. it was hormone receptive ? I had a mastectomy …I had to take tamoxifen for 5 years after treatment ended which blocks oestrogen .. ..I had menopause immediately i was 47 periods stopped etc……this lump I have is in my other breast…just knocked my self there by accident and  felt the lump ….and like you I had regular mammograms for the first 5 years …then went to 3 yearly ones 

. one in 2017/18 I think..then next one January this year …all clear nothing found …so am now expecting to be seen by the breast clinic within 2 weeks my gp said …head is all over the place I’m afraid really ..hope you are well xc

371 posts since

18 Nov 2019

I had a mammogram one year before my diagnosis. Nothing was detected yet a year later I had a 2.9mm lump appear. Grade 2 IDC. Cancer in 2 lymph nodes. My surgeon wrote to the mammogram unit but they confirmed nothing unusual was detected. Scary isn’t it? If they had found it I may not have needed a masectomy. 
Im worried about this swelling under my other armpit. It’s very soft and moveable but if I press hard it hurts and I’m convinced there is a small hard lump there. I’m only 7 weeks after all my treatment so the thought of more is daunting. Wondering if the radiotherapy on the other side can cause lymph node swelling? 
shall do my best to get seen ASAP.



12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

morning silver ..and ladies …I’m shocked and saddened to hear so many stories of mammograms missing lumps and I’m obviously sorry to hear it ..I am now waiting for a referral letter calling me to visit the clinic for another test so I am hardly eating or sleeping and just going through the days feeling anxious ..silver the squishy lump you feel could be a cyst as they can move about I’ve been googling loads as you do..xx

936 posts since

5 Feb 2018

Hello and thanks for posting

I am sorry to hear you had treatment for breast cancer 10 years ago and now have found a lump that is understandably worrying you.

You have done the right thing by calling your GP and i’m sure they’ll be referring you to the breast unit just to be on the safe side. As you say there can be many reasons for breast changes and breast pain to occur and these are very common for many women. Most of the time these aren’t caused by anything as serious as cancer but you never can be too sure and as the saying goes it is better to be safe than sorry.

It is reasurring that the last mammogram you had back in January was clear so hopefully everything is fine and nothing sinister is going on, but this does need to be looked into to be absolutely sure. There is always the possibility of a cancer coming back which is why it is important to attend for regular screening as well as being aware of any changes or new symptoms so they can be quickly looked into as the sooner they are detected the better the outcome will be.

Hopefully you have spoken to your GP by now and know what needs to happen next. Try not to over think things too much for now and keep yourself busy and your mind on other things as this can help. Do get back if you need to or of you would like to talk things through on the telephone with one of the nurses our number is 0808 800 4040 we are here Mon-Fri 9am till 5pm.

Wishing you all the best


12 posts since

1 Aug 2020

hi naomi thank you for the reply yes my doctor yesterday said he will refer me to the breast clinic as an urgent priority so it’s that waiting game again


kind regards 


found a lump

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