Giving “Special” Credit To Adoptive Grandparents

by | Jul 1, 2017 | Best Business Helps | 0 comments

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Competence Expansion is actually the number 1 important and key element of acquiring authentic achieving success in most of procedures as everyone spotted in each of our the community plus in Throughout the world. Consequently happy to talk about with everyone in the right after in relation to everything that prosperous Proficiency Development is; ways or what techniques we do the job to get objectives and subsequently one definitely will get the job done with what anybody likes to do any time of day with regard to a extensive lifetime. Is it so very good if you are in a position to acquire proficiently and see achieving success in just what exactly you thought, in-line for, regimented and previously worked hard every last afternoon and unquestionably you grow to be a CPA, Attorney, an holder of a good sized manufacturer or perhaps even a doctor who are able to hugely chip in good assistance and principles to people, who many, any society and town certainly admired and respected. I can's imagine I can allow others to be top notch specialized level just who will bring vital products and alleviation valuations to society and communities at this time. How happy are you if you end up one similar to so with your own name on the label? I get landed at SUCCESS and prevail over all of the difficult sections which is passing the CPA qualifications to be CPA. What is more, we will also include what are the disadvantages, or various challenges that could be on ones own strategy and ways I have professionally experienced all of them and might reveal you the right way to beat them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

Several weeks ago I had the honor of speaking at a meeting of RAPP, Relatives as Parents Program.  RAPP is a support group for the growing number of grandparents who are raising their grandchildren.  According to AARP, more than 2.5 million U.S. children are currently being raised by their grandparents.

What is behind this trend?  Unfortunately, an increasing number of grandparents are raising their grandchildren because the parental rights of their own children have been severed by the state, largely due to abuse and/or neglect.  Many have legally adopted their grandchildren, some many years ago, and are not aware of the fact that these children have been certified as children with “special needs” (a phrase which has nothing to do with any form of physical, emotional or learning disability). 

This is why I was visiting the RAPP meeting – to share some major changes made to the Adoption Tax Credit for 2010 and 2011, changes that have resulted in tax refunds of well over $10,000 per adopted child and an unexpected financial windfall for those adopting children with “special needs.”

In today’s column I will discuss the Adoption Tax Credit and children that meet the IRS definition of “special needs.” I will also discuss the unexpected financial windfall adopting these children created for these grandparents and, finally, why time is running out on claiming the credit. 

The Adoption Credit reimburses adoptive parents of eligible children for qualified adoption expenses up to specified limits.  For those adopting “special needs” children, however, the full credit amount is available for each child regardless of any expenses paid by the adoptive parents.

Prior to 2010, the Adoption Credit was “nonrefundable” – meaning it would reduce tax liability but would not generate a refund.  Although any unused credit could be carried forward, it was lost if not used within five years.  Because the credit was not refundable, many adoptive parents saw little benefit and did not claim the credit or carry it forward. 

The Changes:  For 2010 and 2011 ONLY, the Adoption Tax Credit was made refundable – adoptive parents can receive the credit even if they owe no income tax.  This refund-ability also applies to any credit carried over to 2010 from a previous tax year.  The amount of the credit was $10,630 per adoptive child in 2005, an amount that increased each year to reach $13,360 for 2011. 

The Adoption Credit and “Special Needs” Children: To qualify for the credit/exclusion, the adoptive child must be an “Eligible Child” or a “Special Needs Child.”  An “eligible child” is either under the age of 18 or a person physically or mentally unable to take care of his or herself.  A “special needs child,” is defined as an eligible child who meets three additional criteria: (1) The Child is a citizen or a resident of the United States or U.S. possession. (2) A state agency must determine that the child should not or cannot be returned to their parent’s home.  (3) The state must also determine that a specific factor (such as the child’s age, ethnic background, medical condition or handicap) makes adoption unlikely without assistance.  If your child qualifies as special needs child it should be clearly stated in the “Adoption Agreement” received from the state.

Window closing to claim credit:  If you overlooked the Adoption Credit on your original return the only way to claim it now is to amend the adoption-year’s return and all years required to carry the credit forward to 2010.  Since the adoption credit can be carried forward five years, adoptions of special needs children from 2005 and forward can still qualify for refunds in 2010. 

Unfortunately, however, the window of time is closing to claim the Adoption Credit.  Taxpayers only have three years from a return’s due date to claim a refund.  This means that the ability for most to carry forward and claim the Adoption Credit on 2010’s income tax return will only be available until April 15, 2014. 

In today’s column, I have discussed a potential financial windfall for those adopting “special needs” children from 2005 to 2011.  I have not discussed many of the credit’s complexities that may impact your return.  As always, do not rely on this information as a basis to make any financial decisions.  Feel free to contact our office to consult with a tax professional.

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