Heat Safety & Heat Wave Dangers in America
When the human body is taxed beyond more than it can handle, excessive heat can lead to death. During the summer, heat kills around 175 Americans every
year. Of all the natural hazards, nothing takes a greater toll on people other than winter colds. From 1936 to 1975, almost 20,000 individuals in America
lost their lives due to solar radiation and heat. There were over 1,250 people who died in the 1980 heat wave. Summers in North America are hot and, although
the heat may be different depending on the region, it can be very, very dangerous. Fortunately by knowing the symptoms and signs of heat-related illnesses
and understand how to properly treat heat disorders, we can help prevent more heat-related fatalities.
The Heat Index and Heat Alerts
Taking the death toll into consideration, the efforts for more effective alerts to the public and authorities has been taken a step further. The
National Weather Service has implemented a system which will warn people about heat wave hazards. The Heat Index accurately measures how hot if feels
when humidity is added to the air temperature. If the heat is expected to be severe and can pose a threat to the public, warnings and/or advisories
are issued. Typically alerts are issued when the heat index will be 105 degrees or higher and the nighttime heat index will be at least 80 degrees
or more for at least two consecutive days. The alerts for excessive heat will vary from the general guidelines as certain areas are more prone to
these dangers than others. The procedures for these alerts are as followed:
Heat Disorders and Illness
In general, heat disorders happen when the body has difficulty or cannot reduce heat through sweating or
circulatory changes. It may also be caused from chemical imbalances which can be caused from sweating too much. When there is more heat gained than
can be removed by the body or when salt and fluids lost through sweating are not compensated for, there is a rise in the inner core and a related illness
could possibly develop. There are various disorders certain groups of individuals may develop due to excessive heat:
Excessive Heat and the Body
The human body can dispel heat with the depth and rate of its blood circulation when water is released through sweat glands and skin. When the
bloods temperature is more than 98.6 degrees and all extremities have been reached, heat can be dissipated through panting. Sweating alone will not
help the body cool down unless water is evaporated. When the humidity is high, it hinders the evaporation process. When the humidity is high and the
temperature is high, the body fights to maintain a 98.6 degree temperature. When the body’s normal temperature cannot be maintained, it will overheat
which leads to heat related illnesses.
Heat Disorder Symptoms and First Aid
When you know the symptoms of heat disorders, you can prepare yourself with the knowledge of how to treat it. The following is a basic list of heat
disorder symptoms and first aid:
Heat Wave Safety Tips and Preventing Heat-Related Illness
Those who are more prone to developing a heat-related illness include people with alcohol and weight issues, small children, the elderly, chronic
invalids, and those taking certain drugs or medications such as anticholinergics and tranquilizers. Precautions can be taken in order for everyone to
stay safe. These precautions include:
Heat Safety for Kids
The following links will help child and teenage athletes understand heat-related illness and how to stay safe during activities:
Heat Safety & Heat Wave Dangers in America
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