How communities will drive the future of innovation, not governments or corporations

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How To Develop Your Skill For Great Success And Happiness Including Become CPA? | Additional special tips From Admin

Skill level Expansion is normally the number 1 crucial and essential point of reaching true accomplishment in all of the jobs as most people noticed in this society and even in Around the world. Therefore fortuitous to discuss together with you in the right after in relation to what successful Talent Improvement is; how or what procedures we operate to accomplish desires and ultimately one may job with what the person really loves to conduct each working day to get a entire lifestyle. Is it so very good if you are effective to acquire proficiently and come across achieving success in what you thought, directed for, encouraged and performed really hard every single day time and obviously you come to be a CPA, Attorney, an manager of a huge manufacturer or even a healthcare professional who may well really contribute excellent help and principles to many people, who many, any contemporary society and community without doubt shown admiration for and respected. I can's believe I can guide others to be leading high quality level who will lead considerable methods and aid valuations to society and communities today. How joyful are you if you turn out to be one just like so with your very own name on the label? I get arrived at SUCCESS and conquer virtually all the really hard components which is passing the CPA examinations to be CPA. What's more, we will also handle what are the traps, or other complications that could be on a person's method and exactly how I have privately experienced them and will probably demonstrate you the way to conquer them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

How communities will drive the future of innovation, not governments or corporations

Great things in life happen by accident. So has been my journey to find something that I am truly passionate about and love doing. Six months ago I started working with a group of 40–50 students coming from remote parts of India. Their mission: Build a Machine Learning product to improve solar adoption.

Challenges were huge: Lack of data, inexperienced developers with no prior work experience, building a team with people who never met each other, and a small amount of money for product development. How can one bring such a group of ‘novices’ to build anything, let alone a complicated Machine Learning product?

What happened over the next six months is amazing. Not only they were putting long hours to work on the project, but they started collaborating and helping each other. For example, the more experienced developers started sharing their work and helping the not so experienced developers, and the ones who are new started to generate data. Within 6 months we got results which were beyond my expectations (the article with the results).

I realize this can be a new model of innovation. A model where communities can come together to solve their problems, share their data and build solutions. This is the world towards which I want to work. But is this a new idea?

The idea of collaborative work driven by the community was always there, but few new developments have happened in the meantime.

In the world of Big data and Machine Learning, data is the key. It is not a sophisticated algorithm or better team, but it’s the team with the better (and more) data that wins. The second thing that happened was that due to the flood of online courses, education, especially of emerging technologies like AI and ML, became easily accessible. Now, for anyone in any part of the world, it is very easy to start learning from websites like Udemy, Coursera. Looking back even 10–15 years ago, when I was a student I did not have that access to all this knowledge. Now, one does not have to go to MIT or Stanford or Cambridge, to get top class education. The third thing that has happened is that a lot of people are making their code open source. Thus anyone can take up an open source code, and start adapting to their needs.

So below are the steps to follow for anyone who is interested in the community-driven approach:

Communities are quite difficult to manage and maintain. While building ThinkApps, this is what I primarily focussed on — building products with developers from over 30 countries. The best strategy is to speak in a language with common values and motivations. This is the only way to build a “tribe”[1]: a group of people who have a shared sense of meaning and connection.

Another thing that is important is someone who can glue the community together. In his book, ‘How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big’, Scott Adams talked about building diverse skills, so that whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I am not the smartest guy and neither a top developer, I am not the best AI guy in the world (although have 10 years of experience), neither I am not the best marketer or the sales guy, or the best mentor, speaker or writer but I do have all of them and can bring people from diverse background, speak a language that both developers and business people understand, can mentor and motivate the developers, and can write about the work being done (student appreciate the recognition). The whole of all the above skills is greater than the sum and not many people have it.

Another skill I am trying to improve is my communication skills. The Indian philosopher J. Krishnamurti once said that ‘observing without evaluating is the highest form of human intelligence’. While working with students, observing without evaluating comes in handy.

Solutions built by communities are almost guaranteed to be adopted. They know what problems to solve, how to get the data, and even how to build those solutions. What they need is a support, mentoring and encouragement.

But what happens if the created model generates economic value? How is that distributed especially where a company outsource their project to the community? The data and the code remain with the community while the trained model is being used by the company. So if there is an economic value, it makes more sense for both the community as well the company to benefit from the output.

The company’s interests are for the short term. The community’s interests are for the long term.” — Seth Godin

This approach of using community can be even bigger. While watching a documentary on some oppressive regimes, I realize that the goal of an oppressive regime (or corporation) is to control people. This is a classical top-down approach where some elites tell rest of us what to do when to do.

A community driven approach is just the opposite. It is not about control but about spurring free ideas. This is what drives true innovation and this is the place I believe the world should go and I want to be part of.

When we are in contact with our own feelings and needs, then we humans no longer make good salves and underlings” — Non-Violent Communication: A language of life by Marshall Rosenberg.

Finally, something that I heard from Petr Vitek, co-founder of Impact Hub Praha, “involving communities make things purposeful and joyful”. Can’t agree more!

How communities will drive the future of innovation, not governments or corporations

Research & References of How communities will drive the future of innovation, not governments or corporations|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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Welcome To Knowledge-Easy Management Sound Tips and Thank You Very Much! Have a great day!

From Admin and Read More here. A note for you if you pursue CPA licence, KEEP PRACTICE with the MANY WONDER HELPS I showed you. Make sure to check your works after solving simulations. If a Cashflow statement or your consolidation statement is balanced, you know you pass right after sitting for the exams. I hope my information are great and helpful. Implement them. They worked for me. Hey.... turn gray hair to black also guys. Do not forget HEALTH? Skill level Progression is certainly the number 1 crucial and chief component of gaining authentic good results in all duties as most people witnessed in the society as well as in Globally. Which means that fortunate enough to look at with everyone in the subsequent pertaining to what successful Skill Expansion is;. the way or what techniques we get the job done to accomplish wishes and subsequently one should job with what the person really loves to implement just about every single time of day meant for a 100 % lifestyle. Is it so great if you are confident enough to improve proficiently and see financial success in exactly what you believed, targeted for, encouraged and worked well really hard all afternoon and clearly you turned out to be a CPA, Attorney, an holder of a considerable manufacturer or quite possibly a health care professional who can easily really contribute terrific help and principles to many others, who many, any contemporary culture and community most certainly admired and respected. I can's believe I can support others to be major specialized level exactly who will add critical alternatives and relief valuations to society and communities in these days. How joyful are you if you turned out to be one just like so with your own personal name on the label? I have arrived on the scene at SUCCESS and prevail over all of the difficult areas which is passing the CPA examinations to be CPA. Additionally, we will also include what are the hurdles, or many other problems that could be on ones own strategy and the best way I have professionally experienced all of them and will demonstrate you the way to conquer them.



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