Natural Diabetes Treatments

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Natural Diabetes Treatments

10 Medical Home Emergencies and How to Manage Them

Many emergencies can be controlled at home if you know how to handle them. Preparing ahead for the most common medical emergencies allows you to be ready to treat them effectively and allows you to relax knowing you have it under control.

Let me first tell you that I am not a doctor and I do not have any medical training. I am a researcher and writer.  My family members and I suffer from many of these conditions, so I have taken the time to find out which treatments work best.

However, not every case is the same and every person is different, so you should do your own research and choose the treatments that are best for you and your family.

Type II Diabetes can be controlled very well with a combination of diet, exercise, and herbal remedies.  You should never stop taking medication without consulting your doctor and keeping in mind the fact that every patient is different.

If you would like to try reducing your medication now or must go without during a SHTF disaster, a combination of a low carbohydrate diet (ketogenic) and these herbs can be effectively used to bring blood sugars down into a manageable range. It takes a while for the diet and herbs to be fully effective, possibly weeks, but blood sugar will begin to drift down quickly.

For high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), exercise will help bring down your blood sugar levels, when used with a low carbohydrate diet. These herbs that stimulate insulin production and reduce blood glucose levels should also be added: Bitter gourd, Fenugreek seeds (increase insulin production), Indian gooseberry (Amla), Curry leaves, Aloe Vera gel, Gymnema Sylvestre, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Garlic, Ginger.

If your blood sugar falls dangerously low (hypoglycemia), drinking a small amount of juice or eating a small piece of fruit will bring it up quickly. If this happens to you, use stabilizing herbs regularly and keep an eye on your blood sugar levels. Use these herbs to stabilize blood sugar levels: Cinnamon, Holy Basil, Aloe Vera gel, Cloves, Rosemary, Oregano, Sage, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Cayenne, Ginseng, Ashwagandha.

For best results, it is necessary to use these herbs regularly. Fortunately, there is also a healthy way to add a little spice and flavor to your food. Use them in healthy recipes and in teas regularly to see prompt and lasting improvement.

Related: Preparedness for People with Diabetes (part. 1: How to Make Insulin)

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) include frequent urination, including getting up frequently to urinate at night, difficulty in voiding, urinary leakage, and urinary tract infections.

A combination of herbs, vitamins, and minerals is effective in treating BPH for many men. The most effective herbs are:

10 Medical Home Emergencies and How to Manage ThemMigraines can be debilitating and often begin with no warning. There are many natural remedies for migraines that people swear by.

The problem is that not every remedy works for everyone. If you suffer from migraines, your first line of defense is to prevent them.

Keep a food diary to help uncover any trigger foods and add leafy green vegetables to your eating plan. Many migraine sufferers find that a green smoothie every morning greatly reduces the number of migraines they have.

Insomnia is quite common, especially in times of crisis. But when insomnia goes on, night after night, it can become a medical emergency. If you are having trouble falling asleep, try this mix of lifestyle and herbal remedies.

For pain relief, I recommend a variety of remedies, because getting relief often depends on the type of pain experienced. These are the top herbs I recommend keeping on hand for pain relief:

Anti-inflammatory Herbs

They treat and relieve pain caused by inflammation in the muscles, joints, or tendons. This includes pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve pains, and back pain. Such herbs are:  ginger, turmeric, curry, Boswellia, capsaicin (found in peppers and applied topically),  clove oil (applied topically, great for toothache), Bromelain, and devil’s claw.

Willow Bark

This is another anti-inflammatory that is a good general pain killer. It can be used for headaches, muscle aches, back pain, arthritis and osteoarthritis, and other pains caused by infection, inflammation, or other causes. Willow bark contains natural aspirin.


Turmeric can be used for stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, cancer pain, and skin conditions. It relieves the pain and inflammation.

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Also known as lettuce opium because of its ability to treat pain, wild lettuce can be used topically and orally as a substitute for narcotics. It is a mild sedative and hypnotic.

Related: Black Seed: The Remedy For Everything But Death

High cholesterol is often associated with inflammation and heart disease. It is worth the effort to keep your cholesterol numbers in the normal range.

The herbs listed above for treating blood sugar problems are also effective in treating high cholesterol and inflammation. Additionally, these herbs are especially beneficial in controlling cholesterol and heart disease: Astragalus, Hawthorn, Flaxseed, Garlic.

10 Medical Home Emergencies and How to Manage ThemWhen constipation goes on for too long or becomes chronic, it can become very painful and may be a medical emergency.

Natural laxatives work by drawing fluid into the bowel and causing muscle contractions, which move the bowel.

The first treatment tried should be eating more high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Don’t overdo it all at once, however. Too many high-fiber foods can cause GI pain.

If eating increased fiber foods does not do the job, these herbs are effective for relieving severe or chronic constipation:

Heart problems usually involve a group of health problems, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sometimes arrythmias or even heart failure. They are also often associated with high blood sugar and other health problems. Treating these symptoms is also necessary to help the heart become healthy, so also refer to the individual conditions above.

Goldenseal is beneficial in the treatment of congestive heart failure. It acts as a natural diuretic to remove excess fluid from the body and improves the dilation of blood vessels and blood circulation.

Omega-3 Oils, like fish oil, help reduce the risk of irregular heart rhythms, palpitations, and A-Fib. It also helps reduce high blood pressure.

Hawthorn helps strengthen the heart, helps lower blood pressure, reduces chest pain, and arteriosclerosis.  It improves its ability to pump and keep a regular rhythm.

A lack of Vitamin D increases the risk of heart disease and heart failure. Avoid this risk by getting plenty of vitamin D naturally in foods, taken in the form of D3, or naturally, by spending time in the sunshine.

Allergies can make you miserable, especially during pollen season. However, some allergies persist year-round and can be quite crippling for affected people. For some people, allergy medications can create a rebound effect and make the problem worse.

Here are some natural ways to treat allergies:

#1. Avoid the allergen. This is more practical for food allergies, but many people apply it to air borne allergens also. They stay inside and use an air filter when allergens are high.

#2. Rinse the nasal passages with salt water before symptoms strike. By washing away pollen and other allergens you can reduce allergy symptoms.

#3. Exercise outdoors in the evening, when pollen counts are lower.

#4. Drink bone broth from chicken, beef, or lamb. Not only is it healthy for you, but it also helps reduce mucus in the nasal passages and reduces inflammation.

#5. Boost your immune system with apple cider vinegar. It breaks up mucus and supports the immune system.

#6. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a powerful antihistamine. It counteracts the inflammation and allergic response.

#7. Ginger, garlic, onion, and horseradish help break down and remove toxins from the body.

#8. Cassia Cinnamon taken with Spanish needles (Bidens Pilosa) work well together to reduce allergic rhinitis and inflammation. For best results, begin taking cinnamon and Spanish needles a week or two before allergy season begins and continue taking it throughout the season.

#9. For mild allergy symptoms take cinnamon and honey to relieve itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion.

10 Medical Home Emergencies and How to Manage ThemAutoimmune conditions can be difficult to control, even with powerful medications. However, there is much that can be done naturally to relieve some of the symptoms and effects of these diseases.

Your first line of defense against autoimmune diseases is the right diet. A good diet can help ease the pain and inflammation and begin the healing process. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, and dairy. Include more fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and fish. Eat foods that are anti-inflammatory.

Avoid gluten and hidden food allergies. An elimination diet can help you discover hidden food sensitivities and allergies.

Take supplements like Omega-3 or fish oil, Vitamins C and D, probiotics and the anti-inflammatory nutrients mentioned above. These herbs are also worth trying:

Treating autoimmune conditions can be difficult. Each condition is different and often patients have more than one autoimmune condition. Reducing inflammation is key to taming autoimmune conditions.

By stocking up now on herbs needed for these conditions, you will be ready, should one of these conditions affect a family member. An even better alternative is to plant the herbs in your medicinal garden, ready for use as needed. Don’t wait until you need these herbs, however. Most are extremely healthy for everyday use. Do your research and get ready for healthy alternatives to modern pharmaceuticals.

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23 Medicinal Plants the Native Americans Used on a Daily Basis

Mexico has a severe problem with diabetes. But, they eat a lot of beans (American native), some mesquite, and a lot of lemon. A major factor seems to be gluten. When one of us leaves eating anything with gluten in it, signs of diabetes disappear. Americans always ate quite a bit of sweets, enjoyed homebrew made of corn, even brandy, like Tequila and fruit, and drank sourtmash. Diabetes did not become a problem in the US until wheat became common.

Migraines are a common symptom of gluten intolerance. What I do is called a hair pull. It loosens tight muscles, the cause of migraines, and relieves the pain. One stepdaughter would get one after another. She tried this, it worked for her, but the would come back (storm headaches). She finally stopped eating anything with gluten in it.

For pain and an itchy spot, wild lettuce.

LDL cholesterol is dangerous. All the old-timers suffered on my mother’s side of the family. Too many expert bakers. Too many by-passes and open heart due to stress. When gluten was cut out, LDL retuned to normal. One of my hobbies is making doctors tear out their hair. They all compliment me on how good the LDL is, and ask how I do it. “If it ain’t deep-fried is it food?” I prefer tallow to lard, and will not use vegetable oils as they evaporate too fast. Deep-fried fat is a family favorite. Ham fat sandwiches (corn tortillas) is, as well. In lost places in the world, including Europe, wheat was only for the wealthy. This is why cholesterol and diabetes were called rich man’s diseases.

Most of my allergies, as well, are gone because I’m gluten free. niio

also a horrible emergency is a stubbed tow. very important.


I will neverbuy anything from yens again yens over cgarged me and i didnt evrn get the book yet . ,i will let everyone know that this is a rip off and a scam .

The title for your article is VERY misleading. It should be more like “treating medical conditions naturally”

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Natural Diabetes Treatments

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