Oisin Curran
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Contributing Writer
Oisin Curran is a freelance writer, editor and researcher, as well as regular contributor to HowStuffWorks. He writes on subjects ranging from the Antikythera Mechanism and the Fermi Paradox to Tardigrades and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Oisin also is the author of two novels, including his debut novel, Mopus.
When we think of big cats in the wild, we most likely think of lions and tigers. But there are so many more amazing wild cats you’ve probably never even heard of. Here are five.
The first-ever deep-sea exploration of West Java seas netted more than 12,000 marine creatures, including some new species of crabs, prawns and lobsters.
Seed banks like the Svalbard Vault in Norway are saving seeds for our future. But a new study found not all seeds can be banked.
We flush a shocking amount of perfectly good water down the toilet every day. An environmental engineer has a better idea.
The blog Retraction Watch released an online database of more than 18,000 papers and conference materials that have been retracted since the 1970s.
The van driven by the recent pipe bombing suspect was literally covered from top to bottom with right-wing
stickers. But, for the average law-abiding citizen, how many bumper stickers is too many?
Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi masterpiece ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ premiered 50 years ago, and it got a lot of things right. But what about HAL? How close are we to those kinds of capabilities?
This classic is celebrating its 150th anniversary of publication this year. With new adaptations coming out, we look at how other movie versions of “Little Women” were tweaked to fit the times.
The mob genre is one of the most popular of all film genres on the big screen. But not all are make-believe. Some of the best mob movies come straight out of real life, including the new ‘White Boy Rick.’
Guitar gods like Les Paul are known for playing the same instrument throughout their career. Here we feature 10 famous guitars and the musicians who loved them.
In the United States, attorney-client privilege works to keep communications between an attorney and his or her client secret. But there are always exceptions to the rule.
The late American marine biologist and conservationist Rachel Carson is perhaps one of the finest nature writers of our time. And her groundbreaking book ‘Silent Spring’ is credited with launching the environmental movement.
Trophy hunting is extremely polarizing. On one hand, proponents argue it’s important for the survival of big game species and conservation of their lands. Opponents say that argument holds no merit. We explore both sides of this divisive issue.
Title IX opened up access to collegiate sports for American girls and women when it was signed into law in 1972. But what has changed since then and what does the future hold for Title IX?
Crayons are steeped in the artwork of our childhoods. So how did these incredibly popular little sticks of wax and color actually come about? And who decides the color names?
The Church of Scientology has a short but strange history. What is it all about, and what path are Scientologists following?
The United States has impeached just two presidents, though other federal officers have had the dishonor. Find out how this constitutional mandate works in the U.S. and other countries.
The origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls have baffled scholars since their discovery in 1947. Who wrote these ancient texts and what do they mean about the history of Judaism?
Stuttering is linked to a disconnection between language processing and motor function, but its true cause is still unknown.
No, a tardigrade’s not a type of time-traveling police box on “Doctor Who.” It’s an ancient water bear, of course!
A ‘Tree That Owns Itself’ Grows in Athens, Georgia
The Science Behind Your Cat’s Catnip Craze
Why the U.S. Yield Curve Inversion Has Recession Watchers Worried
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