Natural Remedies You Can Use To Help with Workouts

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Natural Remedies You Can Use To Help with Workouts

There is no “quick fix” for your physical conditioning, but proper diet, exercise, and recovery will give you the start on the path toward wellness.

Chances are, you believe many things about weight loss that simply aren’t true.

A bite of sweet cantaloupe is a summer treat!  The delicious melon is full of vitamin A and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. That means it can help with protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. So why not try growing some of this delicious and popular melon in your garden?

There is no “quick fix” for your physical conditioning, but proper diet, exercise, and recovery will give you the start on the path toward wellness.

Chances are, you believe many things about weight loss that simply aren’t true.

A bite of sweet cantaloupe is a summer treat!  The delicious melon is full of vitamin A and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. That means it can help with protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. So why not try growing some of this delicious and popular melon in your garden?

Made from all natural ingredients, slippery elm cough elixir is easy to make, tastes good, and gets to the heart of a sore throat or cough. 

Music has a physiological effect that you need to know about. When you listen to music that is pleasing to your ears, it stimulates the production of Dopamine, and “synchronizes” the brain within the rhythm, and helps you to perform repetitive motions (such as push-ups, or sets of bench presses) with more fluidity, increased smoothness.

There is an ancient philosophy that can help you find the strength and stamina to gracefully handle the challenges of everyday life, improve your health, and experience true happiness.

Hulless oats are whole oats grown without the exterior hull, which means they require less processing after harvest and can be rolled or ground into flour.  They also provide a quick and healthy breakfast.  In our ongoing quest to become more self-sustaining, why we’ve put together this “seed to table” growing guide so you can try to grow your own hulless oats.

Walking provides many health benefits. Here’s why walking is so important, and how to fit more steps into your day.

A good bench for a gym you set up at home can really be the cornerstone of your workout program.

This water filtration system is Ready Nutrition’s Prep of the Week. It’s simple to use, user-friendly, inexpensive, has an instruction booklet that covers all the variables – and can fit into your pocket.

Solar ovens are a great addition to any prepper’s gear. Not only can they be used to cook food, but there are several other ways you could use a solar oven in an emergency situation when you don’t have access to modern power sources. When you only have the sun to rely on, a solar oven can be incredibly efficient at many very important tasks.

Let’s take a look at four types of stoves: Sterno, heat-tablet, propane, and liquid fuel.

Yarrow isn’t as well-known as other medicinal herbs such as echinacea or peppermint, but it’s nonetheless a useful tool for a more natural approach to health and wellness. Yarrow’s uses range from aiding in clearing blood clots to menstrual issues. It can also be used cosmetically!

Not everyone is on board with the flu shot once winter rolls around. If you are one of those who doesn’t want to get the shot, this guide is for you! It is possible to boost your immune system naturally and give your body the extra edge this cold and flu season without getting the controversial shot.

Here are 10 oils from a list of thousands you can utilize for their detoxing and health-supporting benefits.

Aromatherapy has its place within the overall discipline of naturopathic medicine. Let’s cover some basics, then, to start you on your path to researching what works for you and your family.

Echinacea is perhaps most widely used as an herbal remedy to help fight off colds or the flu once ill.  It’s often used in a tea or as a supplement to boost the body’s natural immune system, yet it has even more incredible health benefits even if you aren’t sick with a cold!

So, many of you may be asking my I want to go to all the trouble and grow herbs and roots for natural healing. In short, it’s so I can have options at my disposal. These 20 herbs made the cut and I couldn’t be more pleased with my choices.

Learning ways to practice the art of conserving water now, will help you lower your energy bills and make the most of your water sources during times of emergencies.

Apart from raising awareness about some of the important issues and challenges we face, Yardfarmers is about converting unsustainable suburban developments, urban food deserts, or other neglected land into sustainable, more resilient opportunities for people while building community.

Utilize these five easy ways to collect compostable materials to add to the garden. The end result is a full spectrum soil conditioner that will keep your garden thriving.

Are you ready for the first 72 hours of an emergency or natural disaster? If an unforeseen event should happen, sustainable and reusable supplies are great tools for you and your family. Here are several eco-friendly and health conscious ways to prepare for the possibility of an emergency.

A passionate composter and urban farmer, this author knows compost. What comes as a surprise to you on this list?

Even though the days are still cool, there are some seeds you can start today. Here are some cool-season vegetables and growing tricks for a great harvest.

A bite of sweet cantaloupe is a summer treat!  The delicious melon is full of vitamin A and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. That means it can help with protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. So why not try growing some of this delicious and popular melon in your garden?

Made from all natural ingredients, slippery elm cough elixir is easy to make, tastes good, and gets to the heart of a sore throat or cough. 

Music has a physiological effect that you need to know about. When you listen to music that is pleasing to your ears, it stimulates the production of Dopamine, and “synchronizes” the brain within the rhythm, and helps you to perform repetitive motions (such as push-ups, or sets of bench presses) with more fluidity, increased smoothness.

There is an ancient philosophy that can help you find the strength and stamina to gracefully handle the challenges of everyday life, improve your health, and experience true happiness.

Hulless oats are whole oats grown without the exterior hull, which means they require less processing after harvest and can be rolled or ground into flour.  They also provide a quick and healthy breakfast.  In our ongoing quest to become more self-sustaining, why we’ve put together this “seed to table” growing guide so you can try to grow your own hulless oats.

Apple cider vinegar has a fairly lengthy history when it comes to natural home remedies. It has been touted as a cure-all for almost everything; from helping blood pressure issues, fungal infections, to sore throats and even weight loss. 

Emergency responders claim two women’s lives were saved in a recent mountain rescue because they knew this basic winter survival skill.

During winter, it is entirely possible to see your hen’s egg production slow down, but there are things you can do to ensure a steady supply of eggs.

Sourdough bread is often known as the healthiest bread, and there’s a science behind that moniker. Here are all the ways sourdough bread is good for you and some recipes to get you started!

Recent surveys and studies have found that anxiety is a common challenge for many – and Millennials, in particular, are struggling. Could CBD be the answer?

Preppers may be known for their beans, bullets, and band-aids, but in a survival situation, they may also want to be known for their vast knowledge of zip-tie uses to get them out of hairy situations.

Here are a few drink recipes to help keep you warm during this crisp, cool season.

Nothing beats the taste of homemade noodles, and the Amish have perfected this homestead favorite.

This no-knead ciabatta bread is a whiz to whip up and heavenly to eat!

Who doesn’t like chicken tortilla soup? The seasonings are intense and the soup is incredibly filling. Even the kids will enjoy this!

All the stored food in the world will do no good if you have no way to heat your food. Learn more about these alternative cooking sources to use during an emergency.

Potato flakes are one of those pantry items you can make from home and save money doing so. Here is an easy recipe to make potato flakes from scratch.

Vintage kitchenware that are off-grid capable and built to the last are becoming all the rage. Homesteader, extraordinaire, Ruby Burks talks about her favorite utensils and heirloom books to keep an eye out for.

Freeze-dried foods are a survival food must-have! Not only do they last 25+ years, but they will add versatility and needed vitamins to your preparedness diet. Discover ways of adding this important survival staple to your pantry.

Sugar is an essential food staple that should be in every emergency pantry. Learn about different sugar alternatives there are for your long-term needs.

Smoke some, and get some good quality protein and practice for when you’re next in the woods and land that trout.

With a little “outside of the box” thinking, you can acquire prepper items like food, tools, shelter, first aid and weaponry for pennies on the dollar.

The humble safety pin has more prepper uses than you would think.

The following products are the basic items a prepper can use that will help prepare to live and thrive in the aftermath of a disaster. These products encompass your very basic needs and will provide you with the beginnings of a solid collection of prepping tools.

In our 1952 house, keeping the basement warm (where our entertainment center is located) is a tall task. Utilizing the tips below will not only save money, but will make sure you’re warm and comfortable all winter long.

Having the right gear when exposed to harsh elements is vital to your survival. Get your go-bags prepped for winter with this winter gear guide.

This teaching strategy is what’s missing in your family preparedness planning.

Every family should have a 72 hour bag ready, not because we should all run for the hills, but because there may be an unforeseen disaster where your family will have to make a swift evacuation. Here is a list of items to gather while preparing your 72-hour kit.

Even though we are usually given fair warning of winter storms, there are unpredictable circumstances and you should be prepared to face them. Use this checklist to fortify your home for winter to help you have a better chance at thriving in these circumstances.

During times of disaster, our pets need a little extra TLC to help them cope with the stressful situation at hand. Having some first aid supplies set aside for your pets may help ensure they are as safe as the other members of the family.

Leaving home means venturing away from the safety of your home where necessary items are waiting to be used. If an emergency occurs while in the vehicle, having the necessary items in place can save essential time, money and provide relief.

Create your family emergency plan with this free emergency family checklist.

Having a guideline on hand of which foods last longer than others will ensure that your food supply stays within it’s expiration.

With winter storms becoming more unpredictable, it is important to prepare accordingly. Read more on how to better prepare for winter storms and what to expect when they occur in your location.

With the unusual winter weather that many parts of the country are experiencing, driving conditions will be harsh and potentially dangerous. Moreover, getting stranded in your vehicle could become a very real threat, especially if you are traveling in isolated parts of the country. If this happens, you have a potentially dangerous survival situation on your hands.

Every year, people die from falling through ice they thought was safe to cross. In near-frozen water, you have exactly 10 minutes to get out of the ice water before your muscles become too cold to function. Know these preventative measures and how to survive if you find yourself in this type of emergency.

Surviving the harsh elements of nature is a hard thing to do.  Surviving the harsh elements of nature without a good pair of shoes is next to impossible.   Waterproof boots will protect your feet from the natural elements (water, heat, cold, snow, etc).  Hiking boots…

Winter brings about erratic weather patterns and chances are that we may be caught in them while we are driving. Having an emergency kit in our vehicles will help to ensure our basic needs are met.

It’s been 100 years since the Spanish Flu caused a global pandemic. While you can rest easy right now knowing a global pandemic is not currently a threat, it is just a matter of time before the next one arrives. Will you be ready?

You are going to love how easy this soap recipe is! Anyone can do it. All you need is a crockpot and a few soap making ingredients!

It’s time we take an active stance against chemical-laden products. Knowing how easy it is to make your own will help you positively impact your health and save money at the same time. There is no reason to spend endless amounts of money on a lotions, creams and salves that you can make yourself – without the added chemicals. These recipes are loved by my family. Try them today and notice the difference!

Both of these methods are pretty useful for making your firewood chopping session a little shorter, and a lot less tedious.

Home brewing your own sodas are cheaper, more nutritious and a great project to do with the family. Learn how easy this skill is and use the recipes provided to make your own homemade soda.

Using bath blocks infused with essential oils is an easy way to sooth symptoms of upper respiratory infections.

There’s nothing like homemade extracts to really bring out the flavor in your baked goods and beverages. Here are 8 delicious, homemade aromatic extracts that can be made in 5 minutes!

Making your own natural, homemade laundry detergent is one of the easiest parts of a transition to a homesteaders lifestyle and a more natural way of living. Check out these 3 simple laundry detergent recipes you can make from around the web!

This warming muscle salve made with cinnamon, cayenne and ginger is so soothing on sore muscle and achy joints. Plus, it’s a snap to make!

Here are five creative ways to make candles using household items to help keep the lights on when the lights go out.


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Natural Remedies You Can Use To Help with Workouts

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