permaculture articles
While most people think they are mending the world’s problems by contemplating light bulbs or buying “organic”, there are thousands of people making a more significant difference.Read More »
After years and years of scraping/shoveling/scrubbing chicken poop I now have a system where I don’t scrape/shovel/scrub any chicken poop. After years and years of selling meat/eggs for just a hair more than I paid for the feed, I’ve almost eliminated feed costs.Read More »
This could be the cleanest and most sustainable way to heat a conventional home. Some people have reported that they heat their home with nothing more than the dead branches that fall off the trees in their yard. And they burn so clean, that a lot of sneaky people are using them illegally, in cities, without detection. Read More »
Sepp Holzer was doing permaculture before he ever heard the word. To my knowledge, his farm is, by far, the best example of permaculture…
Diatomaceous Earth (often referred to as “DE”) is an off white talc-like powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. When sprinkled on a bug that has an exoskeleton…
Cooking with cast iron is one of those things where I failed utterly and repeatedly until I finally reached out to people for help. While the mighty internet had lots of advice…
This could be the cleanest and most sustainable way to heat a conventional home. Some people have reported that they heat their home with nothing more than the dead…
After years and years of scraping/shoveling/scrubbing chicken poop I now have a system where I don’t scrape/shovel/scrub any chicken poop. After years and years of selling meat/eggs…
A little knowledge makes it so damn near anything can qualify for the “cheap and lazy” label. Including lawn care. Organic is just a bonus. The key to the lawn care game is competition…
don’t panic! Fleas are nothing more than a minor nuisance. Panic can lead to poisons for you and profits for the panic mongers…
It’s a german word and some people can say it all german-ish. I’m an american doofus, so I say “hoogle culture”. I had to spend some time with google to find the right spelling. Hugal, hoogal, huegal, hugel …
When it comes to eco building, there appears to be a lot of enthusiasm for straw bale homes and for cob homes. In either case, this is usually nothing more than replacing the exterior walls…
I used to like fluorescent lights and then I changed my mind. As the years passed, I found more and more folks like me, and more and more reasons to be uncomfortable with fluorescent lights…
In June of 2010 I moved to a place in Montana with only electric heat. By myself. In the past few winters I had conducted experiments in cutting the amount of energy I needed to stay warm…
Paul sits down with Davin Hoyt who has listened to every single one of the podcasts. He mentions how if anyone listens to all the podcasts, they can make a…
Paul sits down with Morgan Bowen. Morgan (the man who peed on a mountain lion) has listened to all of the podcasts Paul has produced, mainly while soaking in the…
Paul sits down with Evan, the first Ant in Ant Village. Paul asks Evan some introductory questions about how things have been going on his plot. They start to go over the film, “Alone in the Wilderness, the story of…
Paul and Jocelyn continue from part 1 on explaining Ant Village. Paul shares his initial excitement about the concept, and how his previous community project involving gappers ended…
It’s official, at wheaton laboratories there’s going to be a free PDC for ants, their gappers and deep roots people. So if someone wants to come an attend…
When Paul was young he tried to be someone who everyone got along with but he realized that this made him very unhappy. Paul likens himself to a…
Want to harness the sun to dry food? Here are plans for two solar dehydrator: the Missoula1 model and WheatonATC1 model. Authored by Davin Hoyt.
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This PDC brings together some of the best minds in the permaculture community. With a variety of backgrounds and areas of expertise, these instructors convey their knowledge during the 2017 Homesteaders permaculture design course
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4 documentary videos featuring how to build a cob style rocket mass heater and a pebble style one, how to make a shippable core, and many innovative rmh technologies.
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Documentary featuring Hugelkultur, Earthworks and the Bad Boy of Permaculture. With a pond, a swale and a hugelkultur bed on a terrace.
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