Seeing signs from deceased loved ones

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Seeing signs from deceased loved ones

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184 posts since

15 May 2018

Hi everyone. I’m sure that there have already been many forum threads on this topic, but I’m really curious to hear about your experiences.

When you lost someone close to you, did you see signs? I’ve heard of feathers, electronic disturbances etc. but I’ve never had a conversation in the real world with anyone about it.

I’m not exactly an atheist – my boyfriend says I’m an agnostic atheist or something…in other words, I don’t subscribe to any organized religion, but can accept that we just don’t have very many answers to a lot of things, so I’m open.

I just find this all very interesting! I’m really not the kind of person to believe in any of this kind of stuff, but I will share the things that I have experienced (and a few things my sister has mentioned)

The last day my mother was alive, my sister went to say good bye with her children. She said that when she left the hospital, across the street there was loud jazz music playing from someones house. It startled her, because jazz was my mothers favourite. Throughout her illness I would play her jazz music on my phone. In her last couple of days I asked her for special requests and she said “Charlie Bird” (a jazz musician).

The day after she passed my sister noticed a white feather in her jacket. I had heard about the feather phenomenon, but didn’t say anything to her. She wasn’t aware of any kind of meaning. It was just funny to me, she offhandedly said “where did this feather come from?” or something like that…I just shrugged. But I never forgot it.

At my mothers funeral and visitation, I played music by Charlie Bird on my bluetooth speaker. A week later I popped into a second hand store, and right above the cash was a Charlie Bird record. 

I have witnessed some weird bird activity outside my condo townhouse. There aren’t many birds in the area, a few crows, robins and various small birds here and there. But mostly squirrels. A few times since she has passed I have heard a loud gathering of birds right by my house. Hundreds of them in a tree, or on the ground right by my deck, making quite the racket. One time my boyfriend noticed and he said “wow, that’s weird…we don’t normally see birds here”. I teared up and said “it’s my mother”. 

I’ve had weird experiences suddenly smelling things that aren’t there, one time it was peaches and another time strawberries. The best way I can describe it is like a halucination only with smelling not visual. I’ve never had that before she passed. She used to make peach pies when they were in season, and she was obsessed with buying strawberries every week.

Sorry if this is a bit long. I hope some of you will share some of your experiences.


2746 posts since

7 Oct 2013

Hi Serapine,

Sorry, I can’t relate to any of the supernatural stuff but Charlie “Bird” Parker is one of my all time musical heroes. Your Mum obviously had good taste Happy

Check out

Zoot off the Muppet’s Electric Mayhem Band was a big fan (I guess Frank Oz was too) and may have pointed many of us born in the 50s and 60s in the right direction 🙂  



1187 posts since

3 May 2018

Hi dave i thought it was all a load of rubbish till it happend to me . Your a clever guy where does the energy go when we die the scientist say energy cannot be destroyed or made so were does it go ??  I know we use religion as a crutch but to me i dont beleive it was coincidence that man the universe just came into being .i dont beleive in god either i think we are all part of something we dont have the mental capasityto work out .paul

114 posts since

24 May 2018

Hi Serapine, 

Im happy to say I have had lots of experiences with this kind of thing, we have lost quite a few people in our family but I am constantly reminded of them by little things that seem to happen in life at strange times. I think I probably sense my grandma the most, I am a firm believer in spiritual awareness and that sometimes we just sense and seem to know things. For example, where we live we used to see the odd robin but not all the time, after my grandma passed I would always see a robin, they would perch down a few feet away from me and stay put while I was around. A little after she died I took a walk to our local park and sat on the swing and this robin flew and sat on the fence by me and didnt fly away for ages and I just knew as soon as I saw her it was my grandma. This would seem to happen all the time like she was always checking in. I also smell her cooking at weird times, she used to bake all the time, and I would be able to smell her cheese biscuits and apple pie fresh from the oven in places where I couldn’t possibly have smelt it elsewhere for real. This is going to sound like a really strange one but we used to cook together all the time, she taught me to bake and I swear she is with me when im baking, reminding me to do one thing or another to make it better. We also have a chair from her home in ours and a friend of mine who is really strongly connected to the spirit world said that she often comes to visit and sits in her chair Happy One last thing that seemed strange to me that I felt meant something is a song that came on the radio and at the second that song came on I had the stromgest thought and feeling that my grandma was around and wanted me to remember her with that song, now every time I hear that song she is the one I think of without fail. I love all these things, they bring me great comfort to know that she still visits and is around sometimes. She was the most amazing woman, never had a bad thing to say about anyone and would offer her hand to anyone who needed it and even those that didnt. I miss her very much but these little moments mean the world and always bring a great smile to my face and sometimes a tear to my eye Happy I love stuff like this too so am very happy to share some experiences, if I remember anymore I shall add them on 🙂 


887 posts since

13 Mar 2018

Loads of things happened after I lost my husband; toys going off by themselves, laptop keys making tapping noise, piano sounds but the one that shocked me most is when I felt a presence, my 6 month old son was sittting next to me and he put his arms out towards the presence. He saw something/someone and wanted it to lift him. I believe it was his father. 

When we moved into my present house I could smell sweet peas, I made a passing remark to a neighbour and she informed me that the deceased women who owned the house before me would receive sweet peas every week from her daughter, a couple of years later I saw a man on my staircase, I could see right through him. Next time I saw my neighbour I told her what I saw and described the man, she told me it was the previous owners son who had died a couple of weeks prior to me seeing him – he was born and raised in the house but had moved to Australia 15 yrs prior. 



14 posts since

23 Feb 2019

 Hi just thought I would drop you a message regarding my encounter with feathers and birds to feathers appear when angels are near I believe these are loved ones sending messages in fact I totally believe as have had so many over the last few years in different times of my life the last few years have been quite hard for me to as I get over one thing on to another my last baby I had two years ago I had placenta abrubtion which caused me And him to be in real danger about two weeks before the abrubtion a brown sparrow pecked at  my window to get my attention for about five mins he did get my attention I was quite worried then as never had expercied before  but put it to the back of my mind like you do until the day of the birth which was horrendous to say the least then after everything hadn’t calmed down awe both ok thankfully only just I then remembered the bird was warning me ever since then he’s been in my garden in the tree think hes my guardian angel hope that helps he flies into my door step sometimes sits on my sons bike I am not mad lol gives me direct eye contact 

11 posts since

24 Feb 2019

Hi Sarah

i hadn’t heard of the feather thing til last week and then oddly enough, the very next day, I came out of my parents house and spotted a feather on the driveway, right behind my mums car. I mentioned it to my husband that night and he said a feather had caught his eye the weekend after my mum died when he was doing some work on her car, and a feather went past him and landed beside the car!

The feather I found is now safely in my purse ❤️ Xx

4363 posts since

18 Aug 2017

Hi there …

Just to add a little story that happened to me … l was with a good buddy one day, standing outside her back door … just watching her son on their trampoline and we were chatting and remembering different stories and funny things that our mums did .. then this beautiful feather came floating down between us .. well after we finished chatting l picked the feather up to keep .. weeks later l told her I kept the feather .. she said I couldn’t have as she’d picked it up .. but there was only one feather …

So so much has happened .. so when you get a sign , just look up and say hi … my son who she adored had a really bad motor bike accident. . At the hospital, they took his helmet off. . There on his forhead was a perfect kiss in the same colour my mum always wore .. nothing could have done that dent in his helmet. . That’s were she used to kiss him when he was small ..

We just have to believe … Chrissie ❤

14 posts since

23 Feb 2019

Defiantly believe the sighs are there I have had two feathers this week already just out of nowhere one to make the decision to move house and another in my car window when feathers appear angles are near 

14 posts since

23 Feb 2019

They sell a Angels box on Amazon I keep mine in there and they appear when there’s no birds about or flying above so no it’s real 

11 posts since

24 Feb 2019

Wow! I LOVE this idea!! Didn’t even know they existed. Thank you for telling us about Angels Boxes! Next stop… amazon lol xx

63 posts since

2 Dec 2018

Since losing my beloved wife to TNBC at the end of November, I and my son and daughter have experienced several things to suggest that her spirit is near.  Maybe it’s me just over thinking things, but there have been white feathers, both of the songs we played at her funeral have been heard in the strangest of places, one of them being played by a busker in town as my daughter walked past him, and it is a seldom heard song!  We also have a Robin which frequently visits her grave when we’re there, and every time I walk away from her grave I say  to her “come and see me in my dreams”, so Im sure she will at some point, we were an extremely close and loving couple!

The strangest thing of all is in recent weeks, both me and my son have seen something  moving in the house through our peripheral vision, usually when we have been in the lounge watching TV at night.  My son has seen this twice now, and me just once out the corner of my eye I saw something move across the room, it totally spooked me!  I kept quiet about what I’d seen through fear of frightening the kids, but when my son came to me to say what he’d seen in the room on a separate occasion, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up because straight away I knew we’d seen the same thing!!!

I’m no believer in God or ***** and I have no time for it, especially after what has happened to my wife!  I do believe however that the soul of a person lives on, because how can a person’s personality and the aura that surrounds them suddenly be no more,  how can it stop when they’re still living in our hearts and minds?  

She’s out there, I’m sure of it!


James x

1187 posts since

3 May 2018

Hi james yes why not beleive it there have been many discussions on here about this i for one have had things but our skeptical minds tend to try and dispute it i for one beleive it now and ime a very logical thinker but if you felt it have seen it why disbeleive it. its given me great comfort and taken most of that horrid loneliness away i dont beleive in god but theres more in this world that we will ever understand or be explaind know matter what these cynics say .regards paul

1 posts since

18 Apr 2019

Hi Sarah,

I have just come across your post as I’m also curious about people’s experiences of “signs” after losing a loved one.

I lost my Gran in February, she was more of a second Mum. During her last few days I asked her to send me a sign that she was ok and still with me in some way. For 4 nights afterwards I had horrible dreams about her ending and didn’t feel that she was “close” in any way as many people seem to report when they have lost a loved one.

On night 5, I had a picture of her framed which I placed next to her cardigan on the drawers in my bedroom and I suddenly felt that “closeness” others have described. That night I had a very vivid dream I was in her kitchen and saw her stood at the top of her street with her friend who had died many years before (I have never thought of this friend since). She left her friend, walked into her kitchen and told me she was ok. She looked how she had looked pre-illness and was wearing the cardigan I had in my room. It then flashed to my Gran no longer being there and me finding out I was pregnant.

When I woke up I couldn’t yet bring myself to look over at her picture so I went straight into the bathroom, had a shower and decided I was now ready to go and say Morning to her picture. As I entered the doorway of my bedroom I looked over at the drawers and her picture frame had moved completely and was lay flat, face up. There was no possible explanation for it having moved in any way (I thought of everything possible!) It stopped me in my tracks.

A week later, I discovered that I’m pregnant. I later discovered my due date is 15/11 – My Grans birthday. 

I haven’t had any “signs” since and I also haven’t felt that closeness since however I would like to think that the above was the “sign” that I asked for and it gives me comfort reading other peoples experiences.


4363 posts since

18 Aug 2017

Hi there Jenna. .

How lovely … and I know they are not there always … at first I’d ask mum to move something … it never happened .. but I know through the years too much has happened that can’t be explained .. I think they know when to give a sign, or help in some way … l feel now at piece with the thought she’s looking down, not only with me but my two lads … they know when they are really needed .. not just wanted or Wed have them all the time ..

How lovely to have a new little life to look forward to .. and l bet your nan will be there looking at the baby too … I’m really close to my granddaughter. . In pic .. and know nothing will stop me watching over her .. 

This is a wonderfull thread … yes we don’t know if they are here .. but then we can’t see the air we breath, but we know it’s there … Chrissie x


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