Short-term Sanitation Solutions 

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Short-term Sanitation Solutions 

Normal People Preparing for TEOTWAWKI - Oh Crap!! - Sanitation Systems

On New Year’s Day of 2018, however, we (father-in-law included) woke up to no water.  I mean none.  Not a drop.  We left the faucet dripping overnight to avoid this specific problem, but it was absolutely frigid overnight. The property manager told us to make sure that we left the water going because this house was known for the pipes under the garage freezing.  Even with water trickling through the pipes, they froze, but no one is going to come out New Years Day to unfreeze pipes.

No water means no showers which stinks (pun so intended), but it also, more worryingly, means no toilets and no way to wash our hands.  We also couldn’t wash laundry or dishes. So what were we to do?  While I’ll finish this true story later in the post, let me just say this—before January 1 of 2018, my husband viewed my preparedness efforts with a bit of eye-rolling.  After January 1, 2018, he was finally on board.  He finally understood what preparedness is all about.

So we’re back to talking about TEOTWAWKI or The End of the World as We Know It.  So far we’ve spent two days talking about the difference between bugging out and TEOTWAWKI here and here.  We’ve also talked about what systems we should put in place in case the world as we know it ends, and then we have discussed how to deal with water and food during those times.

So let’s say that TEOTWAWKI hits tomorrow.

Let’s start by talking about short-term sanitation concerns.  How do we handle dealing with our bodily functions when the initial act that brings about TEOTWAWKI happens?  To begin, it’s quite easy. And here I’m going to continue my story.  When we discovered we had no water, I headed down to the basement and grabbed our empty five-gallon bucket, heavy-duty trash bags, snap-on toilet seat lid, kitty litter, and 5-gallon water jug with spigot and set up a make shift-privy in our main floor half-bathroom.

I took TWO heavy-duty trash can liners.  After opening each of them, I put them into the five-gallon bucket and over the outside edge of it one at a time.  Then I snapped the plastic toilet seat with a lid over the trash can liners and onto the bucket.  This is the basic construct of setting up a short-term privy.

We put a large bowl in the bathroom sink and dumped a container of kitty litter into it.  Then we placed a 1/2 C measuring cup as a scoop into the kitty litter.  Any time that someone had to use the facilities, they were to scoop the kitty litter into the make-shift toilet.  This does two things.  First off, if you get the right kind of kitty littler it helps control the moisture.  Then kitty litter also helps (though not really well) to control the odor.

Then I took a five-gallon water storage container with a spigot and placed it at our kitchen sink.  Our bathroom sink was taken up by the kitty litter container and this large container wouldn’t have fit on it anyway.  We kept a bottle of soap out by that sink.  So when you finished doing your business in the bathroom, you would scoop a 1/2 C of kitty litter into the toilet and close the lid.  Then we would head out to our kitchen sink and get our hands slightly wet, then lather them up with soap and turn on the spigot carefully to rinse our hands.

This was our “sanitation routine” for three days until we finally got water back again.

And while we could just take the trash bags that we used and put them into the trash, that’s not something you’re going to be able to do if your trash collection stops.  When that happens, your only recourse is to either compost it (think I’m kidding?) or bury it.  I, frankly wouldn’t want to dig that many or that big of holes in my backyard!!

Now while you can use a bucket like I linked to above, you can also get buckets for FREE at your local grocery store bakery. If you head to the bakery in the grocery store, ask them if they have any empty five-gallon frosting buckets that they would be willing to give you.  In my experience, you’ll probably walk away with at least one – if not more for FREE.  All you’ll need to do is to come home and using hot water and dish soap clean it out really well.

So if something drastic were to happen and your usual “indoor sanitation facilities” aren’t working, start by setting this up, but then we have to talk long-term.

The indoor privy solution will only work for us short-term.  Eventually, you’re going to run out of trash bags or kitty litter.  And sooner or later, you’re not going to want to dig holes in your yard to bury your waste.  What are your other options?  I spent quite a bit of time researching this one.

You really have two types of options when it comes to dealing with bodily fluid sanitation concerns.  You can build and maintain an outhouse or purchase and install a composting toilet NOW.

Never thought you’d read an article on those did ya?  In my research, I discovered that there are two types of outhouses, a pit privy and a vault privy.  Since most of us are familiar with pit privies, I’ll start with a vault privy.  A vault privy is a building installed over a large capture receptacle. The problem is that these have to be pumped out (somewhat like a septic system) every now and again.  So that doesn’t make this the best long-term choice for TEOTWAWKI.

A pit privy is where you dig a deep pit making sure that you keep it away from water sources and gardens.  You then build a small room with a door and a bench with a toilet seat over the pit.  You’ll also need to make sure that you run a 3-4″ plastic pipe from under the bench to 2 feet above the roof to let out the gases.  While it will take time for the pit to fill up because there will be seepage and come minimal decomposition, eventually, you will need to fill in the hole and dig a new pit.

As I was researching this, I learned a couple of things.  Just like when I scooped the kitty litter into the make-shift toilet in the bathroom, after you use the outhouse, you should either scoop some calcium hydroxide (which can be found at feed stores) or wood ash (like from a wood-burning stove or fireplace).  The calcium hydroxide does better at controlling odor but slows any decomposition – which you really do want.  Wood ash is free and helps with decomposition, but it doesn’t do AS WELL dealing with the odor.

Make sure that everyone knows that nothing goes into the privy except urine, poop, and toilet paper.  If you run out of toilet paper, and you use leaves to “wipe” even those shouldn’t go into the privy.  So you shouldn’t toss backside wipes, veggie leftovers, gray water from the kitchen sink or anything else into the privy.

Depending on what TEOTWAWKI looks like, having a battery operated motion sensor light inside the outhouse might be incredibly helpful.  It could also get you killed depending on the situation.  You’ll also want a sufficient quantity of hand sanitizer out there in the outhouse.  You’ll also need a sealed bucket filled either with wood ash or calcium hydroxide (lime), and a container for keeping toilet paper dry and spider-free.

But an outhouse isn’t your only options – it’s just your cheapest and lowest maintenance option.  You have another (and indoor at that) option.

The thought of not having to go outside on a freezing night if I can stay inside and use the facilities is a wonderful prospect!  It’s also pricier and more complex with a greater chance of having issues than an outhouse though.  This option is a composting toilet, but I was concerned about needing electricity to use a composting toilet.

While I was researching these toilets, I found out that there are two specific types of composting toilets which do NOT require electricity.  One is called Nature’s Head Dry Composting Toilet.  This type of toilet separates the urine from the excrement.  The urine bottle will need to be emptied every 2-4 days depending on how many people use this toilet.  The composting bin will need to be turned after each use that’s more than just urine, but it doesn’t have to be emptied nearly as often as the urine bottle.

Depending on how many people use it (we would probably have 10 people in our house if something happened), the bin could need to be emptied as often as once a week.  It does have a vent hose and fan.  Yes, I know I told you that it doesn’t require electricity.  There are people who use this toilet with a solar panel.  The vent hose and fan just keep you from stinking up your house.

The other type of composting toilet which doesn’t require electricity is called Separett Villa 9200.  The biggest difference between the two types of toilets is that you don’t have to empty a urine bottle for the Separett because it pipes the urine outside.  The problem is that if freezing is a consideration, then you can’t use the Separett.  It too has a composting bin which will need to be changed regularly.

Is your head spinning yet?  Short-term toilet sanitation solutions, long term toilet sanitation solutions, outhouses or composting toilets.  The choices can be overwhelming.  No matter which direction you choose though, choose NOW.  Get the things that you need to do these things NOW.  You never know, even if it’s not TEOTWAWKI, when your pipes are going to freeze, and you’re going to need a short-term sanitation solution.

Do you already have a short-term toilet?  Or are you incredibly ‘lucky’ and you already own a composting toilet, making sanitation a breeze?  Have you ever even used an outhouse?  I’d love to hear your stories or hear about your preparedness efforts in this part of dealing with TEOTWAWKI sanitation.

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Wow, what a year and a summer it’s been!  Are you apprehensive about…

So last week, I wrote an article about what you need to do NOW to…

yes I do have shtf toilets, 1. we have a well so water is available just pour it down the tank on the toilet and flush normally. 2. I have a luggable loo toilet seat that snaps onto a 5 gallon bucket and can be dumped into the septic tank. 3. I have a porta potty with chemicals to reduce the smell and it too can be dumped into the septic system.

I learned it is very important to keep urine separate from solid waste. The 2 together become toxic. We have a flushing camping toilet for urine only & would make our toilet into a “dry toilet” & use that for solid waste & use the scented kitty litter each time we do our business. With urine you can safely dispose of that outside. Bathroom issues was one of my biggest concerns when I first learned about power outages or power grids going down. We have an all home Generac back up generator that runs on natural gas & an EMP Shield that protects power in case of EMP attack or solar flares. I have done all I can to keep our toilets flushing!!

Maureen, you are so much better prepared than most when it comes to sanitation! Great job!

Do consider what you would do long term, if natural gas stopped flowing though.

We have another, never mentioned, solution and it saves me money month by month. We have septic. About 5-7 years I pay $200 to have it emptied. The drain field keeps grass/trees well when there is drought. If I had sewer, $30+ every month and many require a pump since we are in hilly area, there elect adds ~$5 every month. The pumps usually need replacing 5-7 years at hundreds in labor and parts. Bottom line, septic, where applicable/allowable is a GREAT system.

That is a wonderful point Mark! Thanks for mentioning it.

My only question would be What do you plan to do if we have something like an EMP? If you need to have your septic pumped that year it the next year, how do you plan to handle it? In a situation like that, you don’t want to take the risk of the septic backing up into your house. I’m seriously curious. I’ve never had a septic system before, and where we live that’s not currently an option.

Excellent reply! I had tank emptied in the spring, at was 5 years since it was last emptied. It was 1/2 full so I figure we have 5+ years before it needs doing again AND I can remove a solids block and let it empty low in the drain field, if needed. We do not use disposal but vegetable waste is composted, I have very little garbage since paper, glass, cans are all recycled. There is a plan when “services” don’t take away what we have. Biggest issue is glass. cans will be compressed to min size.

[…] and Storing Water During TEOTWAWKI followed by Food Systems to Put Into Place for TEOTWAWKI.  Our discussion turned to Sanitation Systems, Survival Medical Systems.  We then asked the question, “Are TEOTWAWKI and Comfort […]

[…] 3. Sanitation […]

[…] In order to stay clean and healthy during such dire situations, you need to have an efficient and reliable sanitation system in place. Here are some of the best short- and long-term sanitation solutions you should consider in case disaster strikes. (h/t to […]

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Short-term Sanitation Solutions 

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