Side effects from Anastrazole

by | Jul 28, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Side effects from Anastrazole

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138 posts since

29 Jun 2019

Hi there, I was started on Anastrazole in September and had radiotherapy which finished towards the end of November. Have had some vague aches, pains stiffness and hot flushes.
However a few days ago went to get my Anastrazole prescription which I noted was a different brand. Have had 3 days of feeling awful, very bad aches everywhere, feeling drained and not myself at all. Also not sleeping well as my legs ache in bed and I can’t get comfortable. 

Wondering if this might possibly be due to the different brand of tablets or just a coincidence. Has anyone else experienced anything like this.

i have my follow up with the oncologist next week following my radiotherapy so will definitely mention it to him.

Thanks in advance and happy weekend everyone

Love Mary xx

4982 posts since

15 Jul 2010


HI Mary,

I am so sorry to hear about the adverse effects that you are having. Mention this to the oncologist next week. We are often advised to stick to the original patented drug, rather than taking generic drugs when we experience symptoms like yours. Taking your tablets at night rather than in the morning can sometimes help too.

If you have had no problems with the previous brand, ask to go back to only getting them from the pharmacy.

Do please let us know how you get on. I hope that all returns to normal for you soon.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

138 posts since

29 Jun 2019

Hi Jolamine thanks for your reply and also the helpful advice. Have been taking the Anastrazole since September and have had at least three different brands of it but this recent one has given me the worst side effects. I expect they just order it in and get whatever they can that is cheapest? 

 It isn’t long until I see the oncologist this Thursday so will see what he says but think I will make appointment to see GP to see if he can mark on prescription which brand for them to dispense if possible. 
Sounds a good idea to maybe to try taking it at night.

I hope that you are keeping well and hope that 2020 is a good year for us both

Love Mary xx

4982 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Mary,

We are mostly given generic drugs, because, as you rightly say, they are cheaper to supply, but the cost is to you with increased side-effects. I hope that your oncologist can help you with this on Thursday.

Once you have a make that you are happy with, ask your GP to insist on this brand on your repeat prescription.

I am currently waiting for the results of a brain scan I had last Saturday. I have been taking rigors for a while and, this was to see if there is any untoward brain activity or whether my symptoms are due to medication – here’s hoping that it is the latter!

Let’s hope that 2020 is a Healthy and Happy New Year for us both.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

138 posts since

29 Jun 2019

Hi Jolamine

Will let you know how I get on this week. 

How long will you have to wait for the results of your brain scan? I hope it isn’t too long to wait and that the results will be good for you. Thinking of you and sending all positive thoughts and best wishes your way.

Speak soon.

Love from Mary xx

17 posts since

25 Jul 2019

Hi Mary when I first started taking anastrozole I was given the brand Accord and then a few months  later I noticed the brand changed to Teva.   With.both brands I suffer with aching leg joints and in my hands and fingers though less so with Teva so I’ve stuck with it, I currently take it in the morning but may well change to.the evening.  My oncologist did say I could try an alternative but I think I will  stick with it.  I’ve currently been taking it for 7 months so early days yet I suppose.   I do get very tired as I do t sleep very well but as I am still having herceptin injections I’m not sure what’s causing what just  Not sure if this helps but good luck ☺xxx


4982 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Mary,

Many thanks for your good wishes.

I don’t have any return appointment with the neurologist, because we weren’t sure when I would get my scan. It took 12 weeks to get it in the end, so if I haven’t heard anything by the end of this week, I’ll probably phone the neurologist’s secretary.

Keeping my fingers crossed!


Jolamine xx

Side effects from Anastrazole

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