We all want perfect credit and the benefits that go along with it. But for so many a good credit score escapes them for one reason or another. There are however simple tricks you can use to increase your credit score.
Tricks To Raise Credit Your Credit Scores
The first trick is quite simple and can be accomplished with a phone call to the credit company. This trick is increasing the credit limit on your revolving accounts. By increasing the credit line you will lower your balance to limit ratio and effectively boost your score slightly. The magic number to shoot for is the area of 45% of the limit be used. So if you had a credit card with a $10,000 limit you would want no more then $4500 on the card at anytime.
The next trick is to have yourself added as an authorized user on a relatives or friends credit account. The important thing to keep in mind here is that you want to be added to an account that has no late payments and has a balance that is at most 45% of the credit limit. Try and keep the credit lines you are added to at $5000 or above.
Smaller accounts the are in the $500-$2000 range ill not do much for your credit score. Be sure that who ever you use to do this trick always pays there bills or your credit will suffer as well. The are now services that offer to put people with bad credit to get added as an authorized user on accounts of people with good credit. These services are quite expensive however and can range from $500 to $2000.
Another simple method to increase your credit scores is to go through your credit report and dispute any false information or in formation that is very old. Often times creditors will not challenge disputes on accounts that are over 3 years old. Online disputes can be done at the credit bureaus websites directly.
These 3 simple steps have helped many of my clients raise their credit scores significantly to help them qualify for mortgage financing. Although not an overnight fix when applied these tricks will help but in the end timely bill payment and financial responsibility will almost guarantee a high credit rating!
To learn more about Self Credit Repair log onto http://www.diycredithelper.com and see how to increase your credit score over 100 points in 30 days!
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