The mainstream media is generally DEAD LAST in telling controversial truths, if they ever even report on them at all

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How To Develop Your Skill For Great Success And Happiness Including Become CPA? | Additional special tips From Admin

Competency Advancement might be the number 1 essential and important matter of obtaining a fact being successful in all of careers as anyone found in your culture and also in Around the globe. Consequently fortunate to focus on with everyone in the soon after concerning precisely what prosperous Skill level Expansion is; the way or what options we job to get hopes and dreams and subsequently one might job with what anybody delights in to complete each and every daytime intended for a total daily life. Is it so good if you are in a position to produce competently and come across achievements in exactly what you thought, aimed for, self-displined and previously worked very hard just about every day and unquestionably you turned into a CPA, Attorney, an holder of a large manufacturer or quite possibly a physician who can certainly remarkably bring about awesome assistance and valuations to others, who many, any population and neighborhood absolutely admired and respected. I can's imagine I can benefit others to be finest skilled level who will bring about critical choices and elimination valuations to society and communities currently. How delighted are you if you grow to be one just like so with your unique name on the headline? I get landed at SUCCESS and prevail over most of the hard segments which is passing the CPA qualifications to be CPA. Furthermore, we will also handle what are the stumbling blocks, or various matters that may just be on your way and exactly how I have personally experienced all of them and is going to indicate you tips on how to cure them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

The mainstream media is generally DEAD LAST in telling controversial truths, if they ever even report on them at all

In case you haven’t noticed, so much of what we have predicted over the years is not only now coming true, but is also now being reported by the mainstream media. This proves, once again, that many of the so-called “conspiracy theories” that the independent media is often accused of spreading are actually just cutting-edge truth bombs being dropped long before the establishment chooses to take notice of them.

Take the “smart” revolution, for instance. For years, Natural News has been warning that so-called “smart” devices are really just spy devices that spook entities like the National Security Agency (NSA) are using to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans – and we’ve taken plenty of flack for suggesting such. But it’s since been shown that “smart” televisions, for instance, are, in fact, watching and listening to people as they stare into these giant screens.

The same is true for all of the “smartphones” that people stare into all day long, which we warned last fall are being used by tech giants like Facebook to not only listen in on people’s private conversations without their knowledge or consent, but also track their every move – again, without permission.

It wasn’t too long ago that using words like “globalists” or “deep state” to describe the backroom entities that control our planet was considered to be a “mental illness.” But now, once again, such terms have gone mainstream because, contrary to what the establishment would have us all believe, there really is a shadow government working behind the scenes to destroy America from within, and strip its people of all the rights and liberties that were bravely fought for by our Founding Fathers.

Or how about the corruption of the Democratic Party, which tried to steal the 2016 election in favor of Hillary Clinton? This one is still being denied by the establishment as a “conspiracy theory,” even though copious evidence continues to surface, showing that the Clintons, the Obamas, and many other deep state groups had plotted a treasonous coup to prevent Donald Trump from gaining access to the Oval Office.

“Deep state traitors such as Robert Mueller and Barack Obama can arguably be designated enemy combatants by the President,” Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, wrote last fall in response to the many information “dumps” that implicated many prominent Democrats and Republicans for colluding to overthrow a lawfully-elected president. “There is more than enough evidence to be declassified that clearly supports this designation,” he added.

For more news about how the independent media is almost always first when it comes to telling the truth, be sure to check out

Another topic long denied by the establishment that’s since gone mainstream is the rampant problem of child trafficking and pedophilia within the upper echelons of power, both in the United States and around the world. Jeffrey Epstein, who’s perhaps the most prominent example of this, was recently reported dead from suicide after he was arrested on charges relating to his infamous “Pedo Island.”

But remember just a few years back when all the talk about “Pizzagate” was dubbed a “wild conspiracy theory” by the establishment press? As it turns out, the independent media was on the right track with this one as well, and the mainstream media is only just now catching up with the fact that those occupying the highest levels of government and business are often just a bunch of child-molesting perverts.

And let’s not forget Big Tech, which thanks to the brave work of Project Veritas and others is now being exposed for skewing the news; meddling in elections; and targeting conservatives, among other crimes. This, too, was dubbed a “conspiracy theory” only just a few years ago, though it’s now undeniable that it was actually a conspiracy fact.

These and many other bombshell truths were first brought to light by the independent media, it’s important to note, which sustained an endless barrage of attacks simply for suggesting it. But eventually, like with so many other “controversial” topics and issues, the mainstream media picked it up and suddenly it became regular news, now that they’re the ones saying it.

We’re starting to see the same thing happen with topics like “global warming” and “climate change,” as well. Those who rejected the official narrative that the earth is warming due to fossil fuel use have long been dubbed “climate deniers,” though it’s now coming to light, just like we long warned, that the alleged “science” behind the official climate narrative is flawed, at best.

“Climate change scientists know full well that the dishonest media will gladly report fake science as factual and true as long as it promotes their climate change disinformation agenda,” warns Adams about how it all works. “They don’t care if the facts check out.”

“All they care about is whether President Trump can somehow be blamed (and Al Gore can be celebrated as a god, even though he knows nothing about real atmospheric science) … Scientific facts are of zero interest to the media, which is almost entirely run by ‘journalists’ who are scientifically illiterate and wouldn’t know what a ‘least squares linear trend’ is if their life depended on it.”

For more stories like this one, be sure to visit

Sources for this article include:

[…] Research & References of The mainstream media is generally DEAD LAST in telling controversial truths, if they ever even report on them at all|A&C Accounting And Tax Services Source […]

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The mainstream media is generally DEAD LAST in telling controversial truths, if they ever even report on them at all

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