Tumor in colon

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Tumor in colon

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4 posts since

12 Jan 2020


My husband has just been told on wednesday that he has a tumor in his colon. Its flat and 9cm by 14cm. 

They have taken biopsy and we have been told 4 weeks for the results. 

Just wanted some advice so worried. 

47 posts since

26 Oct 2019

So Sorry to hear this. There is every chance it is a benign tumor so try not to worry, but I can understand why you will be feeling that way. Can I ask what has his symptoms been? I think trying to stay as positive and supportive as you possibly can around your husband will help you both get through this. How is your hubby dealing with it? 

4 posts since

12 Jan 2020

He been getting tummy pains for years and just before christmas he had blood in his stool. He just feels really tired. 

He really worried but we have a 8 year old son so he is keeping us busy.

It’s with the tumor being so big that were just concerned. 

99 posts since

11 Jul 2019

Hi Emily,

Im an experienced Endoscopy Nurse and just wanted to offer some information that might help put your mind at rest.

Whenever we look at someone’s bowel, one thing we keep an eye out for is polyps. They are growths that occur inside the bowel (no one really knows why) and we are aware that certain types of these polyps can turn in to cancers if left for a long time (years).

With the information you’ve been given, I wouldn’t have thought the team were suspicious of it being cancerous – this is generally something they would tell you on the day of the test.

The biopsies that have been taken will confirm what type of polyp this is, but without wanting to speculate too much, it’s likely that it will have to be removed.

47 posts since

26 Oct 2019

Thank you so much. That is really helpful and massively reassuring. Unfortunately things have take downward turn tonight Sad  Please would you mind reading my other post I’ve just put up titled ‘Huge Rectal Mass’ and tell me what you think? Xx 

4 posts since

12 Jan 2020

Sadly my husband has recieved a letter from the hospital today between the Drs to say he has Rectal cancer and that the scans next week will confirm the staging! 

We are so gutted that he has recieved a letter and not been told face to face 

25 posts since

13 Jan 2020

@EmilyA2020 – that is appalling, a letter?! I am so sorry he’s had that experience. You need to rattle the consultants’ cage about that, how upsetting.

When is his scans next week?  Will you move your discussion onto the “newly diagnosed” board now?  Just hoping the scans show it can be dealt with quickly.

99 posts since

11 Jul 2019

I’m so very sorry to hear about your Husband’s diagnosis and I’m really sorry to hear that you found out by letter, that certainly isn’t the way anyone should find out about a cancer diagnosis.

Generally, a referral will be sent to the Lower GI Specialist Nurses and they will normally get in touch, but there’s no harm in contacting them to check. I’m sure both you and your Husband have a lot of questions. It’s worthwhile writing them down so you don’t forget them.

Tumor in colon

Research & References of Tumor in colon|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

From Admin and Read More here. A note for you if you pursue CPA licence, KEEP PRACTICE with the MANY WONDER HELPS I showed you. Make sure to check your works after solving simulations. If a Cashflow statement or your consolidation statement is balanced, you know you pass right after sitting for the exams. I hope my information are great and helpful. Implement them. They worked for me. Hey.... turn gray hair to black also guys. Do not forget HEALTH? Proficiency Development can be the number 1 necessary and main issue of obtaining a fact success in virtually all professionals as you actually spotted in each of our modern culture not to mention in Around the globe. Consequently happy to examine with you in the right after related to exactly what productive Ability Development is;. just how or what options we deliver the results to gain aspirations and eventually one might work with what individual takes pleasure in to conduct every time of day intended for a entire lifetime. Is it so fantastic if you are have the ability to build resourcefully and find achievements in just what you thought, aimed for, follower of rules and been effective really hard each and every day time and undoubtedly you turned into a CPA, Attorney, an manager of a good sized manufacturer or perhaps even a physician who can certainly extremely bring about good help and values to others, who many, any modern culture and town surely shown admiration for and respected. I can's think I can enable others to be major skilled level who will add vital answers and assistance valuations to society and communities nowadays. How cheerful are you if you turn out to be one similar to so with your individual name on the title? I have got there at SUCCESS and beat virtually all the difficult segments which is passing the CPA examinations to be CPA. Furthermore, we will also cover what are the pitfalls, or various other difficulties that may very well be on the means and the way I have personally experienced all of them and might demonstrate you tips on how to get over them.

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