Waiting for breast biopsy results – scared

by | Aug 1, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Skill Improvement is definitely the number 1 significant and chief issue of attaining valid financial success in all of vocations as you actually discovered in much of our culture plus in Global. Which means that fortuitous to discuss with you in the next relating to everything that flourishing Talent Development is; just how or what means we function to enjoy wishes and sooner or later one can deliver the results with what anybody delights in to achieve just about every single daytime pertaining to a whole lifespan. Is it so amazing if you are competent to cultivate efficiently and come across success in what you dreamed, geared for, encouraged and worked well hard each individual day time and without doubt you come to be a CPA, Attorney, an entrepreneur of a massive manufacturer or possibly even a medical professional who can certainly exceptionally bring about terrific assistance and principles to other people, who many, any modern culture and network surely shown admiration for and respected. I can's believe that I can guide others to be main high quality level who will add significant treatments and help valuations to society and communities today. How delighted are you if you come to be one just like so with your individual name on the headline? I have arrived at SUCCESS and defeat all of the very hard sections which is passing the CPA tests to be CPA. Besides, we will also include what are the disadvantages, or different issues that may just be on the manner and precisely how I have privately experienced them and will present you the right way to overcome them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

Waiting for breast biopsy results – scared

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33 posts since

25 Feb 2020


I’m a newbie here and am just looking for someone to talk to. I had a mammogram recall last week, and had another mammogram, ultrasounds and two core biopsies. A 9mm “very suspicious” mass was found in my left breast and a tiny hard lump (most likely nothing to worry about) in my right. I’m getting my biopsy results this Thursday and I am terrified 


33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

I should also say that I have had a small clip inserted in case I need surgery, and my lymph nodes all look normal. 

9 posts since

11 Jan 2020

Hi, that is exactly what happened to me last November, I didn’t find a lump but they recalled me because of a suspicious mass in my right breast. It is a roller-coaster but you will get through it. I have had surgery, started tamoxifen and had my first Radiotherapy session today. The care you will receive is excellent and treatment is really quick. I won’t say try not to worry because I know you will be. Make sure you have a good support system around you too. Good luck for the coming months xxx


33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

Hi LLB123 

Thank you so much for replying. I just want to know the results now because the waiting is just horrible. Can I ask, did you have a lumpectomy or mastectomy? I live on my own but have great family support and a few close friends who all know what’s happening. 


9 posts since

11 Jan 2020

The Radiographer told me she thought it was cancer when she took the biopsy, I waited like you for it to be confirmed. I had a lumpectomy because of where my Tumour was (high up nearer my armpit). If it is confirmed they will give you another appointment to see your breast surgeon so write down any questions you have so you don’t forget them. They also removed a couple of Lymph Nodes during the lumpectomy and these came back as clear. I was told not to look online because you really do read some horror stories too! My Tumour was 9mm. My scar is healing lovely, my breast looks a bit different but nothing too drastic. You will feel a bit better once you know what you are dealing with xxx


33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

Yes the radiographer said to me that she thought it would turn out to be cancerous too. My lunp is in the same sort of area so hopefully a lumpectomy will be all I’ll need. I have no idea what questions I need to ask to be honest – any suggestions for me? Thank you so much for talking to me. I hope you’re feeling ok and that the your radiotherapy treatment will be ok xx

9 posts since

11 Jan 2020

They pretty much covered all of my questions when I saw the surgeon (they will know by the biposy what sort it is). Mine was stimulated by Oestrogen and the nurse told me that when she rang to confirm it was cancer. So I asked if I had hormone treatment would I go onto the menopause, should my sisters be concerned about their breasts and practical things like how long would I need off work, when could I drive etc. Then how my breast would look after the surgery. Just note everything down, no matter how daft you think it sounds. Hope this helps and you will get through this and please lean on your friends and family because they will want to help you. Please let me know how your results go xxx


33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

I will definitely let you know how my results go. Talking to you has really helped me so thank you xxx

9 posts since

11 Jan 2020

You are welcome, take care and will speak soon xx


66 posts since

19 Apr 2019

Hi, sorry to hear you have found yourself in this position, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last April, I had a mammogram then biopsies and a clip put in, when the cancer was diagnosed I had a lumpectomy, my lymph nodes were clear, I then had 15 rounds of radiotherapy. If it is cancer you will get through it, we seem to find an inner strength, this forum is amazing too so don’t be a stranger and ask us whatever you need to, I’m always here to help xx

33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

Hi GeorgieS

Thank you ever so much for replying. It’s so reassuring to speak to people who have been where I am and who have also got through it. I am dreading Thursday so much, but also can’t wait to get it over with xxx

66 posts since

19 Apr 2019


I’ll be thinking about you on Thursday, keep me posted, sending love and positive thoughts xx

33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

Thank you ever so much. I will post back with my results when I can xxx

13 posts since

3 Mar 2020

Hi I hope all goes well, I’m new here as well (first post), and I’m in the same position, my results aren’t till next Wednesday so know exactly how you feel. Best of luck xxxx

33 posts since

25 Feb 2020

Hi Cags 

It’s lovely to hear from you, and I’m sorry that we’re both in the same horrible situation. Not knowing what to expect is just the worst isn’t it. It’s fear of the unknown. If you need to chat more please just drop me a line xxx

Waiting for breast biopsy results – scared

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Welcome To Knowledge-Easy Management Sound Tips and Thank You Very Much! Have a great day!

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