Why SEO is Essential to Your Fitness Marketing Strategy

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Why SEO is Essential to Your Fitness Marketing Strategy

January 15, 2018 Comments


It’s never been easier to start a fitness related business… but it’s never been harder to run a successful one. So what separates the overnight success from the fly-by-night flops? The fitness marketing tactics you use.

The demand is certainly there. Fitness is a massive part of most people’s lives. Proximity to the gym can actually be a deciding factor on whether or not somebody pulls the trigger on a new job or even a new house.

Want to know how to tap into that type of loyalty? Keep reading.

Local search engine optimization is the biggest driver of fitness and marketing success, whether you’re trying to succeed as a new gym, personal trainer, or dietitian. Period.

You’re competing against local businesses. And simply put, when somebody Googles your specialty in your area, you want them to find your business.

That’s such a simple concept, but we could write plenty of blogs about the art and science behind local SEO for fitness marketing.

But, if you want to immediately put yourself ahead of half of the businesses out there, make sure your Google My Business listing is up to date. This is massively important for your local SEO ranking.

Incredibly, half of the businesses out there today ignore this very simple step… This simple step that takes five minutes, is completely free and can make or break your success.

So put yourself in the right half, and make sure Google has your most up-to-date information. This includes your address (or addresses if you have multiple locations) business hours, a complete list of services, and photos.

This is probably the second most important fitness marketing trend.

Not too long ago, global mobile traffic exceeded global desktop traffic on the Internet.

In response, Google announced that they are now looking at your mobile site first before they look at your desktop site when indexing and assessing your SEO value.

This means you are absolutely required to have a mobile site, or a responsive website, to meet this demand. Otherwise, you are a gift wrapping web traffic to your competitors who are mobile optimized.

And it’s not enough to simply have a good mobile site, you need to have a seamless one. Over 60 percent of people surveyed said they will leave a mobile site if they encounter any problems.

And 40 percent of those people said they will immediately go to the competitors’ site.

You might see your blog as an opportunity to tell people how amazing you are, or to promote your incredible services. You’re right, but the salesmanship has to be far more passive.

People hate to be sold things in blogs. If somebody clicks on your link and makes it all the way to your blog, they want to be enlightened, entertained, or educated. Not sold.

Find ways to raise awareness of your great offerings, without a “hard sell.”

For example, let’s say you want to raise awareness of a great new bike that you’re selling. The first instinct may be to run a headline like “Five Reasons You Need to Buy the XYZ Exercise Bicycle.”

That’s a bit too much of the hard-sell. You might try something a little bit more impartial, such as “10 Best Spin Bikes – Our Spinning Bike Reviews for 2017.”

Use the same mentality that we just covered in blogging. People don’t want to be sold anything when they’re on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. That doesn’t mean your posts cannot lead to a sale. But it’s rarely going to come from a hard sell.

The lone exception may be fitness apparel. Lots of vibrant pictures of people exercising in your awesome apparel will be the best way to sell it.

But let’s say you’re selling expertise instead of a tangible good. When you use social media, your expertise is going to be in high demand. People will have lots of questions for you about their diet and their workout regiment.

Sell this expertise by having real conversations with real people. Forget the sales pitch. If you actually help people, they will want to hire you. They will also want to recommend you to their friends and family.

Your link building strategy is the final missing piece of your fitness marketing.

In the old days, you could’ve just purchased a bunch of outbound links with an exact match keyword anchor text, and your website just might have seen some traction because of it. But the Google Penguin update changed all of that.

Now, Google wants you to have organic links to relevant sites. So you can’t just get a blank on an unrelated site, with the exact anchor text “best gym Springfield.”

These little link farms are seen as spam, and Google will actually punish your side if you have these links out there.

But the good news is, this algorithm works in real time. If you take down these spammy links, you’ll be rewarded almost immediately.

Focus on getting legit and quality links from real sources. Your best bets are online reviews, news coverage, and guest posts.

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