Why Should You be Prepared for a Hurricane?

by | Aug 20, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Why Should You be Prepared for a Hurricane?

While we should be prepared for when SHTF, we rarely are. As I write this, hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas at a category 5 before scaling the Florida coast and causing quite a mess there.

Many people were not prepared for a hurricane, let alone a category 5 hurricane. When it comes to a hurricane, you need to make sure you are stocked to bunker down, as well as stocked to get out of town.

You never know when a category 1 could turn into a life-threatening category 5 hurricane. Below, you will find things to stock up on before a hurricane that will get you through the mild or severe! 

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Hurricanes and tropical storms pose three different hazards: wind, rain, and storm surge. Depending on the category of the hurricane, you could have minimal damage to catastrophic damage.

When in the threat of a hurricane, you should have enough of everything to last you for 7-10 days at the least. Here is why you should be prepared for a hurricane based on each hurricane category:

A category 1 hurricane is minimal; however, it can affect you for several days. It can cause some damage to houses, especially mobile homes, trees branches can be thrown, and powerlines can be damaged. Although these damages are minimal, here’s what could happen:

During a category 2 hurricane, you will have stronger winds which can cause a little more damage than the category 1 hurricane. Here are some things that could happen:

Once a hurricane gets to a category 3, you are looking at substantial damage to trees and houses. Here are some reasons why you would want to be prepared for a category 3 hurricane:

A category 4 hurricane is catastrophic to those who are in it. You will be looking at more damage than with any of the other hurricanes. Here is why anyone should be prepared for this type of hurricane:

A category 5 hurricane will need to be prepared for in a whole new way. Most people can not bunker down during a category 5 hurricane. In fact, you will want to be prepared to get out of Dodge. Recovery from this can take months. 

Because hurricanes can be so destructive, it is important to be prepared. Below, you will find things you need to stock up on before a hurricane strikes. 

Because hurricanes can go from category 1 to higher categories, it is important to be prepared. You can be prepared by stocking up on the right things in your home. Here are some things to stock up on in case of a hurricane:

Even in a category 1 hurricane, machines at local grocery stores may be down. Buying food may be a challenge for a few days. I would recommend having at least 2-weeks worth of food, but at the very least, you need 3 days per person. If you aren’t sure what food to stock up on, here are some good options:

Even though a hurricane is sure to shoot a bunch of water everywhere, it is not drinkable. Water pipes and lines may be broken. This means you will not have running water. The CDC recommends storing 1 gallon of water per day per person for a 3-day supply.

However, I would recommend storing 4-gallons per person per day instead. Don’t forget to include water for your pets. You will want to store enough water for at least 3-7 days. 

Related: How to Store Water for Drinking and Cooking

Whether there is category 1 or a category 3 hurricane, you will want to always have your First Aid kit stocked. This could quite literally save your life in any situation, not just a hurricane. If you don’t have a First Aid kit, you can learn how to fully stock one in my First Aid for Kit for Survival post

Usually, you know a hurricane is coming at least a week before it gets here. So, it may be easier to get your medications filled before it hits. However, there are other health supplies you will want to make sure you have such as:

Most people think about stocking up on toilet paper and baby wipes, but there are a few other things you really need to keep stocked up as well. These include:

When SHTF, you want to make sure you stocked your important documents where you can easily access them. You will need copies of the following important documents:

Use my Important Documents Emergency Grab and Go Binder to make sure you have everything you need in one place. 

Additionally, you will want to make sure you are stocked up on some life-saving supplies. Here are some other items you should have stocked in your home:

Just as hurricane Dorian started at category 1 and reached a category 5 by the time it hit the Bahamas, you never know what could happen. Just in case, you should have your car stocked for a hurricane as well. This will help you if you need to get out of Dodge. Here is a list of items you will want to have in your car:

When it comes to a natural disaster, a hurricane gives you quite a bit of time to prepare. However, when it comes to getting things stocked, hurricane proofing your home, or taking off, you will want to be prepared before you even know a hurricane is coming. Not only are these things to stock up on before a hurricane, but they can be useful anytime SHTF.

Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda

As I read this, I have been through more than my share of hurricanes and tropical storms. And, right now, my daughter and her husband are in the middle of the remnants of Tropical Storm Imelda. And, there are two more tropical things dancing around farther out in the Atlantic. From my own experience, I can’t stress to folks enough that, if they are in hurricane prone areas, they need to strongly heed your list and don’t wait until the last minute to TRY to stock up. Good job on your part as usual. We are sitting here in the extremely dry Texas Hill Country wishing we could get some rain from the remnants of Imelda, but it looks like it is heading north and missing our area.

Hi Harry, you are so right, do not wait until the last minute to stock up! I sure hope your daughter and husband will be okay after that storm settles out. It’s been a couple of years of crazy weather. I don’t see it changing anytime soon. It was great to hear from you. Praying for some rain in your area! Linda

Linda ~ I know that this sounds harsh and unsympathetic to those who live in hurricane areas: but, they have advance notifications that the storm is headed their way and if they don’t start preparing as soon as they hear about it, they are fools. This is especially for those who have been experiencing those kinds of storms periodically over the years.

I am fortunate in that here in the PNW we don’t have such severe weather. That being said, when we do have issues such as snow storms that cut us off during the winter or heavy windstorms from the Pacific Ocean that could cut out our power, we have advance notice and I don’t feel sorry for those here who do not prepare!

I am, in general, a pretty sympathetic person but…my sympathy bone is broken when people don’t heed the warnings! And, even people who are on limited budgets can prepare – it just might take them longer and should start yesterday!


Hi Leanne, you took the words right out of my mouth! I totally agree. We are all aware of the weather our city and state will experience. It may be today or next week. We must be prepared for the worst EVERY DAY! Linda

I have a question. Do you store your food and everything in another location? I see to many places totally destroyed after a hurricane or tornado. It appears nothing is left. How do you prepare for that?

Hi Donna, no I store everything that is food-related inside my home. All my emergency preps are stored outside in the garage. My propane is stored outside of the garage. Here’s the deal, I do not live where tornadoes or hurricanes are common. I would try to dig an airtight bunker in the ground or hopefully would have a basement in those locations. My area is subject to fires and flooding. I would have to say, we can only plan for the worst when looking for a home or apartment to reside in. But even with that being said, stuff happens, I could lose everything. I am prepared to rebuild if I need to do that. But until then, I am totally prepared for anything. Linda

Thank you Linda, I have been working on prepping and using your list. When I saw the devistation in the Bahamas I became overwhelmed. I live in a tornado area. You know I could story non food related items in the storm shelter. Dah. Then grab food items when we are under a tornado warning. Again thank you Linda

Hi Donna, oh my gosh, you have a storm shelter!!! You are rocking with preparedness! We are preparing for the worst and hope for the best. You are on the right track, trust me so many are not prepared at all. We can do this, I promise. Linda

in regard to those propane tanks – you should prep with the possibility of them being stolen as well as the safety aspect >> be able to hide them adequately if not stored in some small yard building – and chain/cable them together and then anchored down

I Have mentioned before that I work at a convenience store. Last week we had a
power outage. I wasn’t working that day. I called to see if things were fine, unable to get
through ALL phones are powered through electric power plugged into the wall. ALL gas pumps
were down, I’m sure the store had to close. When I finally got through after the power came
back on I could hear my boss telling customers…….CASH only. So I hope people can learn from
all this. I live in the middle of the U.S. so we don’t get hit my hurricanes but we do get tornadoes,
snow storms and ice storms so need to be prepared for everything!!!!!!

Hi June, thank you so much for sharing this experience. We all need to have our gas tanks at 3/4 full and have small bills at our home stored in a safe place. It’s amazing how many things we take for granted when we have electricity! Thank you so much, Linda

As a child, I can vividly remember watching the water come across an open stretch of land covered in salt grass. We were located about 3 miles from the Intercoastal Canal along the Texas coast, and the water rolled in just like waves at the beach. We opened the front door and let the water roll on in. Luckily we were built up off of the ground and it leveled out at about 18 inches. In those days, there were only limited warning systems, and many of the “old timers” usually chose to ride out the storm. I also remember my brother standing on the front porch, shooting the huge rattlesnakes as they floated by after being flushed out of the salt grass. All exciting for me, but very scary for my older and wiser family members. Everything turned out fine for us, but many others were not so lucky. My family does not stay today if the storm may possibly come this way. However, we have many friends and family who have run into problems in the area they evacuated to. Sometimes there is just no way of estimating it’s exact path.
We did not go far for Harvey, and the effects were really felt afterwards. Most of the flooding in the Houston area was over and clean up had begun while we were still waiting for the water to travel down the river, and eventually into our home. All’s well now, but you just never know.
But all the suggestions you gave are great and necessary even if you leave. Have supplies to take with you, and have supplies you can leave at home.
The reason I commented, was to try to get help figuring out how to store the food supplies I have. I have invested in freeze dried foods I have tried and liked, plus a regular food storage plan. A basement or root cellar will not work here, too close to the water table. I need a place that will keep the stored food in a cool, dry area. Did I mention the humidity? What do other people do who live in this type of situation? I would love to live in the hill country, but sorry, not leaving the kids and grandkids. I’ve thought about building a cinder block room, but don’t know if that would help.
I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. Keep up the wonderful articles. Luvya

Hi Billie, I’m so glad you posted this question today. I am going to post it in my Food Storage Moms Facebook tomorrow. I live in a desert and the air is extremely dry. We need to ask others what they are doing. This is what I know right now. Because of your humidity, I have been you must store food in airtight containers. Let’s see what others post tomorrow. Here is the link to my private Food Storage Moms group for my readers I just started. https://www.facebook.com/groups/293154608161380/ We will find answers for you. Linda

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I’m Linda Loosli. I’m the owner and editor of Food Storage Moms. I’m so happy you’ve found us. Our goal at Food Storage Moms is to help “one family at a time.”

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