Worried sick

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How To Develop Your Skill For Great Success And Happiness Including Become CPA? | Additional special tips From Admin

Skill level Progression will be the number 1 critical and main consideration of getting true achieving success in most of professions as everyone found in our own community and even in Throughout the world. Hence fortuitous to talk over with everyone in the following with regards to just what flourishing Ability Improvement is; the simplest way or what approaches we get the job done to get wishes and in the end one will operate with what someone is in love with to achieve each individual daytime to get a entire lifespan. Is it so good if you are able to build effectively and come across achievements in exactly what you believed, designed for, picky and functioned hard each and every daytime and clearly you turn out to be a CPA, Attorney, an person of a significant manufacturer or possibly even a health care provider who will be able to highly play a role great support and valuations to some others, who many, any contemporary culture and network definitely shown admiration for and respected. I can's think I can guide others to be major specialized level who seem to will add sizeable answers and elimination valuations to society and communities right now. How pleased are you if you turn into one just like so with your private name on the headline? I have got there at SUCCESS and prevail over many the very hard components which is passing the CPA qualifications to be CPA. Additionally, we will also deal with what are the downfalls, or other sorts of complications that is perhaps on your approach and the best way I have personally experienced them and could demonstrate to you methods to cure them. | From Admin and Read More at Cont'.

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68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

Hi there 

I’m new to this site. I found a lump in my right breast and rang my doctor last Thursday morning. I can’t fault them and I was seen as an emergency within an hour. He checked my breasts said he “thinks” the lump is a cyst and has referred me to the breast clinic to be on the safe side. 

I’m absolutely worried sick! They have confirmed that they have my referral and will write to me with my appointment. 

Can someone tell me what happens in the breast clinic please. I know I’m having a mammogram but not sure what else. 

410 posts since

4 Jan 2019

Hope you don’t mind a man replying my wife has been in 4 times each time took scan lucky cist and they drained it there and then it Herts & bruses but not for long. Good luck best wishes.


1 posts since

18 Mar 2019

Hi. I am in a similar boat  I found a lump in my armpit and have been on the 2 week wait list for the breast clinic. I go next Monday and the worrying is intolerable so I feel your pain. I’ve read lots and made the worrying worse so if you’re reading stuff, don’t. I’ll promise not to if you will! The only thing you could do is look at the web page for your local clinic and read what’s on there about the appointment as mine had lots of info about the appointment and what happens. 

68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

The waiting is awful isn’t it?!

ive also been busy googling as well and it’s definately made me worse lol. Let’s do a deal and not look any more!

I did speak to the nurse in the breast clinic over the phone earlier.She was very re assuring however I thought I was having a mammogram but she said I’m having that,an ultrasound,biopsy and maybe they’ll aspirate the lump as well! Now my mind is overdrive. Hopefully I’ll hear from shortly. 

Please keep me updated with how it goes for you xxx


68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

No I don’t mind at all

I’m just very worried at the minute while waiting for this appointment. 

I’m glad to hear your wife is ok xx

30 posts since

22 Mar 2019

Hi there, I’ve just joined the forum and I’m in a similar situation to you. Found a lump in my right breast, and had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy yesterday, I wouldn’t say any of it was enjoyable (!!!) but it was nowhere near as bad as I’d imagined and the staff were so wonderful. I won’t get the biopsy result until next Friday but it’s looking highly likely that it’s cancer (although lymph nodes are clear, which is a good sign). I’ve handled things much better than I expected to, had a couple of crying fits last night and this evening but managed to go to work and get through the day. 

It’s really promosing that your lump looks like a cyst so fingers crossed that’s what it is. Always safer to get it checked out, and honestly the breast clinic isn’t as scary as you’d think it would be. Best of luck xxx

68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

Hello there 

Thank you for replying to my post. I’m sorry to hear that have been diagnosed with bc. This group has been a godsend to me over the past week and a bit and you’ve definatelt done the right thing in joining,everyone here is so lovely and helpful.

ive had my appointment through for next Thursday. I keep telling myself only 6 days to go. 

What i’ve learnt is to take things one day a time and it does help although I’ve had a few wobbly days as well! Today being one of those wobbly days.

I do wish you all the best with your treatment. Xxx

30 posts since

22 Mar 2019

Thank you xxx

You’re right, take every day as it comes and allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling – there will always be wobbly moments! So glad you’ve found the group helpful. I feel quite helpless at times, but I’m hoping that connecting with others in similar situations will make things easier – it feels like a practical and positive thing to do, as there’s so little else I can do but wait!

Roll on next Thursday, I hope it goes well xxx

68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

@Jolamine ‍ 

@Marlyn ‍ 

@petrgn ‍ 

you have all been so amazing  and helpful to me this week. Do you have any advice for this lovely lady who has just joined the group please xxx


410 posts since

4 Jan 2019

Bit of advice take something to eat and drink or read sometimes it’s a long wait, good luck. Don’t forget you will not be the only one there.


61 posts since

2 Mar 2019


The waiting is unbearable.  So much easier when you know your treatment plan. Spoil yourself with little luxuries….scented candles any time if the day, sweet treats.  Don’t let this condition rob you of one day. Look good and ask yourself  if you’re still going to be here, next week, next month, next year. Of course you are!  So don’t let this rob you of an hour let alone a day.  Just hand your body over to the experts who can heal us.  I was told by somebody….one day breast cancer walked into your life and one day it will walk out.  Wise words. 

Ok it’s a journey and not one we would have chosen but we’ll reach the end of it and BE SO PROUD we are breast cancer survivors .


842 posts since

14 Dec 2018

Hello there lovely,


i think its all been said really…this forum has been my god send, it saved my sanity, we are all here for one another ……virtually holding each other’s hands…..you will get through this week, your mind will be all over the place but you will get through it….then Friday will come and you will be on the right path whatever the results maybe…..let us know what happens? Xx

68 posts since

17 Mar 2019

Thank you so much ladies for replying! @hoshireika ‍ I hope this helps you xxx

30 posts since

22 Mar 2019

Thank you @petrgn ‍ and  @Marlyn ‍ (and @MarieR77 ‍ !!!)

Your support and advice means so much, and is also very inspiring! I’m handling the wait better than I expected, but I have moments where I feel everything’s falling apart and that this isn’t really happening! Had a lovely day with friends and family yesterday and was able to forget about everything for a while, which was wonderful. Will be glad once Friday is out of the way and I know what the next step is.

All the best to all of you, we’ll all get through it eventually, as hard as it may be xxxx

61 posts since

2 Mar 2019

You have a wonderful attitude.  

We all get those scary days even when we are accepting of this horrible diagnosis.  The support here has let me accept things.  So very many people are going through this and having a better quality of life.  I have spent so many close and quality days with friend and family.  I worked a bit too much (of course on down days even blame that!).

I am going to need the wonderful support from you all after my op as I know I’ll go to pieces. Another two week wait to see how many lymph nodes have cancer.  I’ll need you all then….please .




Worried sick

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