1- Veggies in the snow –  What can you plant in the winter?

by | Feb 28, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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1- Veggies in the snow –  What can you plant in the winter?

Winer Gardening with a greenhouse

Would you even consider gardening in the winter time after an artic event like this?  I raise my hand because I love the challenge.

Winter gardening is certainly possible with a few garden hacks & applied techniques.

You don’t have to be en expert or experienced gardener to grow plants in the winter.  However, you might want to start off with just a few plants and some simple techniques first to get more comfortable growing in the winter.

The following tips below will serve to give you an idea of the basics of growing vegetables during the winter.

Gardening in the winter can be as simple as having a container of lettuce that you harvest slowly over the course of the winter.  It could also morph into constructing a cold frame for an entire garden bed.

You will also discover a fantastic resource from a delightful winter gardening expert.  Niki Jabbour is one of the premier gardeners on the topic of gardening in the winter.

You will learn about her best selling book,  “The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener” which you can check out here.

Winter gardening tips

There are certainly many different plants that you can grow during the winter.  You may think that you can try to grow just about anything, but it best to stick with vegetables that can take a plunge of the thermometer.

Here is a list of some of the vegetables that grow in the snow:

This list is not complete, but hopefully, you get the picture that you have a wide variety of plants that you can choose from for your winter garden.  It is best to start with a vegetable that you may be familiar with growing year round.

This will give you the confidence to extend your garden harvest into the winter.

My favorite vegetable to grow during the winter is lettuce.  It is so easy to start a container full of them towards the end of the fall season and continue harvesting for most of the winter.

Check out the next tip below for more information about when to start a winter garden.

winter gardening tips

The frozen winter village image filled my head.  There must have been a big towering clock that has snow and ice on it.  I’ll have to ask my kids for sure even if it means watching it again.

Getting your timing right for planting vegetable for a winter garden is crucial.   More importantly, is understanding why it is important.  The winter time is all about hibernation and nature tends to conserve its energy for growth in the spring.

Planting a garden during the winter has this caveat that plays into the rhythms of the mother earth.  Plant growth slows down at this time of year as the days shorten, temperatures fluctuate and darkness increases.

This is important to understand because your vegetable plants may not grow as fast as they would in other seasons.

Here in zone 7B, our winter garden starts in September/October.  You may need to start earlier or later depending on if you live in more extreme zones.

Here are 3 tips to help you decide when to start a winter garden:

You can refer to the list above for some of the vegetables that you can grow in the winter.  You probably want to start with some of the basics if you have no familiarity with growing a winter vegetable garden.  Our Green Thumb Gardener recommendation is to start with either lettuce or carrots.

When you first embark on a new adventure, you need a guide and a reference.  My choice for a guide and a reference was Niki Jabbour‘s book called “The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener“.  Seeing the picture on the book cover of Niki pulling out a bounty full of vegetables in the snow stirred my curiosity enough to flip through its pages.

Her book breaks it down into 2 different sections:

Following these simple tips and learning from the experts of winter gardening should hopefully give you a boost to try it out.  Start off with 1 simple vegetable and you might be ringing in the new year with fresh lettuce packed in your winter garden.

Green Thumb Gardener

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Beets Companion Plants
You just moved into the neighboorhood. You are a big red bulb with tasty greens and like to chill out in the cooler temps. So what is the most ideal beets companion plant to keep things cool and chill in the hood? …


About This Site

Hello Gardeners!

We feature tips, tutorials and reviews for your gardening needs. We love to grow an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

We are very passionate about gardening and helping others tend their gardens.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to be of service to your gardening needs!


Location: Central North Carolina Zone 7B


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1- Veggies in the snow –  What can you plant in the winter?

Research & References of 1- Veggies in the snow –  What can you plant in the winter?|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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1- Veggies in the snow –  What can you plant in the winter?

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